"Herd immunity" does exist: against common sense.

Of course, the muzzle is a humiliation, torture, poisoning, and compliance-training agent:


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They can stick my mask up where the sun don’t shine.

Every study I’ve read states the masks don’t stop transmission or infection of a virus and only harm the person wearing the mask

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Quick Question:

Do The Blue Masks

Come With The Red Gag Ball

Or Only The Leather Ones ?


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Can it get any more vicious than this?

The CDC is nobody to tell people what to do.

The muzzles have been poisonous compliance devices:


I revealed the fallacy in the ingeniously-evil "saving lives" scam a year ago:


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I concur.... I think the CDC should be forced to wear face masks at minimum 6 months a year, every year, until they are removed from the face of the earth!!! Is that too harsh?🧐

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“Is it legal to wear a mask with a gun in one’s pocket?” Or “ can I check your liability policy to make sure you’re covered for any damages I may incur related to you masking policy” I miss seeing their faces upon be asked these questions.

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Perhaps this facial covering may assist the “many” forcing their way in to calm communities… Face-coverings make things easy to overpower innocents.

Difficult to identify an assailant thus easier for Gov’t to implement “Martial Law”?

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Pittsburgh VA hospital is probably jumping for joy on the latest masking fear porn from the CDC.

It states right on the box that the masks do not prevent covid.

Last week I had an appt. and masking was required....or entry and medical care was denied.

How is this humane?

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I questioned the use of masks after the "two weeks to flatten the curve" was over and people weren't dropping like flies. Knowing, as a healthcare professional, it was a useless and dangerous measure, I started giving thought to other reasons for the mask mandate. It occurred to me the climate change enthusiasts in their determination to lower CO2 levels found the masks on humans to be beneficial. Notice how they are now going after the poor cows and have designed and invested in bovine masks. I truly believe this is the whole reason behind pushing masks on an uneducated, ill-informed public.

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This article is very sensitive to me in the regards of understanding our own health as individuals and a group.

Individuals should have the right to not mask, I use myself as an example. I already have a lung dis-ease, pestilence if you will, of fungus. Aspergillus fungmatius, one of the killer fungi. I have had a stroke, due to so much in my system I could not breathe. This happened in 2016. When 2019, rolled around, suddenly, we had to be masked, I panicked. I have trouble with healthcare, as they hold it back for people with fungi,(not enough research) I don’t know why, as fungi carrys the toxins that eventually kill all of us, no one is immune. Aflatoxins, and others, kill everything. Plus, it does live in us.

We have a balance of pathogens, which truly are a balance between...bacteria, fungi, and parasites. Now we need to add in industrial waste and mycotoxins (look it up). Who ever they are, that think this is going to stop illness? No, it won’t. It will cause more illness we can not treat. Brain fog, sinusitis, tinnitus, pneumonia can also be fungal. The respirators used for COVID patients, some had complications due to fungal disease. They passed from fungus in the lungs and it deemed as COVID. They funny thing is this pestilence has the same attributes as COVID, how do I know? I live it everyday, I saw it in others, in kids, in teens, in adults. All of the functional medicine doctors that charge 25,000$ a visit, promising the golden bull, is all a sham. It’s all fake. Nothing cures a pestilence, especially when bombarded by it all. I SAY NO TO MASKS. I NEED TO BREATHE. THANK YOU FOR ALLOWING SUCH A LONG COMMENT. People need to understand and research how toxic it all is, especially breathing in your own breath, which means you are complying to slowly killing yourself and others. Fungal, bacterial and a whole host of pathogens...you are breathing it all back in. Did anyone think of it that way?

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Wear a mask? That is a HELL NO from me. Time to abolish CDC and dozens of other psychopath govt agencies. Marines testing "Science" of masks - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17FaG7mLEvo

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I will never put on a mask again.

Thanks but I prefer to supplement with Vit D, Quercetin and Zinc.

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Castro Jr and the Lefty wokists promise to mandate the poison shots if re-elected...


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If anyone listens to and believes the CDC......YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!!

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So now they just make up even more stupid rules to test how strong the influence of the cult is. That is the only explanation I can think of.

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I bet they have stock in mask/ppe companies… 🤑🤑🤑

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