That's old news, it is 150 doctors dead in Canada.....

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You are commenting under the post from Aug 2022.

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According to reports it is now up to 80 multi jabbed Drs who have died.

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It is 150....

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Apparently it’s now up to 30 Drs dead in Canada. 😭😫

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Up to 90 Dr.’s dead in Canada as of 2/2023

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Another one in March of this year according to this article Ontario and young and sudden


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Can we get Castreau a few more jabs please?

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It does make one wonder, are they really getting their jabs?

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It' not normal that most of the doctor's deaths are from Ontario. And none in Quebec? This confirms that my socialist/communist Province is shutting down all means of reporting the sudden deaths of medical professionnals, silencing down to fellow workers up to media) . Who will ever know? Or worse, maybe they just got bad batches of the shots in Ontario???

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I also heard that there was a particularly bad batch. May have only been sent to that province

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Lioness Thought of u today … thought u may like this !

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Beautiful, thank you!

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I used to think doctors were intelligent. I was wrong.

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Prepare for your world without the health care practitioners or hospitals. As there will be no one to man the HC. Fifth jab the charm, this fall:


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I worry about my mechanic. He is unfortunately double vaxed. I will have to buy a scan tool for my car, Lucky the car I have is good and simple design under the bonnet, hence easy to work on. Got the other tools required. I suggest learning how to do a service, change oil, oil filter, air filter and fuel filter, check brakes and brake fluid also radiator. In later model cars the fuel filter isn’t under the bonnet, it is in tank, have to buy a tool for this. Safe motoring!

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Live by the sword, die by the sword...

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If they injected themselves with the clot shot, they were no doctors.

Get rid of your Stockholms people, you have no friends left in the medical industry.

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Hello, Lioness. Thank you for your work.

Have you researched how many doctors in Canada die every year in this time frame? Is 13 dying really a measurably huge jump from previous years? As well as the age of them? I anticipate that the age and number are a huge jump, although I reserve jumping to that conclusion. The other numbers would make this either very strong, or not significantly meaningful.

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The proximity to the jab in some., the requirements for work at the hospitals, the conformity in lining up behind trust the science, after all they are the science?, the while exercising anomaly, the while sleeping anomaly. Consider too death rates in younger people are more likely in the poor, drug abusers (well ok, no comment on the jab) , not this strata. Not meth and opioid users. Not in bar fights, driving recklessly while drunk. If life expectancy is 82, then when you go young it's not usually struck by lighting events such as these.

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Thank you Lisa. I agree. That is why adding the standard death rates would make this anomaly stronger. The half asleep will find it more difficult to dismiss with the added strength. (The fully asleep won't hear or see the meaning of the events.)

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The crime is the psychotic lack of interest in determing the causes of those deaths, and the insane prohibitions against learning them. Correction of this disaster can only happen when we restore integrity to science, and punish those who undermined it.

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Oh, I think there is corruption, too. Blackmail to keep their jobs and also monetary gain as the hospital won't get paid if they report it is the jabs killing. The dr's coule be the poor dupes, the higher ups are the corrupt.

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This needs reporting to the blind masses by the corrupt media! This is 2022 not the dark ages. What the F have they done!!!???!!! Between these doctors dying and getting rid of doctors who wouldn’t jab there will be an even greater shortage than there already is. I won’t be flying anytime soon either. There has to be recourse somewhere. The government and the manufacturer need to be held accountable.

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