Go buy Reid Sheftall's book "Heroes and Villans" ...he is currently revising it...there is exactly the list of names and the crimes committed.

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It's odd...All those suffering loss of their DNA know it's only about their human bodies...That God KNOWS what's happening to them and that their SOULS WILL ALWAYS BELONG TO GOD even if they are controlled by machines forced into their bodies. GOD KNOWS AND HE WILL FORGIVE THOSE SUFFERING THE HORRORS FORCED ONTO THEM BY THE DEMONS WEARING HUMAN BEING SUITS.

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Of course 'they' knew - it's part of the agenda. No one will ever and I mean NEVER have access to my Soul. Our Creator lives in the Truth & the light of TRUTH will come to pass. Grateful to be on our Lord's side. Thank you Lioness of Judah, you are one of my favorite TRUTH Warriors ...

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Thank you, Susan ❤️

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Yes. They vg told our tegulators..who DID NOT INFORM US BUT WENT AHEAD ANYWAY

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Jun 13, 2023·edited Jun 13, 2023

Yes, but were the regulators actually in charge of anything, or were they following orders from DoD? Also worth remembering that a requirement for clinical trials was outside the scope of the DoD's "vaccine" contract with Pfizer/BioNTech/Fosun and that no clinical trials had taken place before Emergency Use Authorization was granted!

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True...I had forgotten that...clinical trials outside the scope...leaving no one responsible for anything.

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Surely somebody is responsible and they must not be allowed to escape the consequences. Justice must be done for a change, and it must be seen by all to be done. I'm sure we can all think of a list of names of "people" who should go on trial for crimes against humanity.

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