Maybe now that Dr. Jill has Covid, someone will have 2nd thoughts about the mRNA jabs.

Just joking.

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Some, I hope, but I suspect most will be of the *grateful for the jabs! Would've been much worse without them!* state of denial.

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Every time they get Covid they are more and more grateful. It is becoming clearer by the day that Covid is actively seeking out those who are addicted to the jabs. I can't wait to see the first tombstone with the quote, "It would have been worse if I'd not gotten those shots".

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Do you think she took the jab or laying low after some facial plastic medical procedure?

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I suspect she is off to Tablecloths R Us to buy a new wardrobe.

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It's not just the Biden regime that knew. Trump started the whole thing when he handed our country over to FEMA on 03/13/2020. And it was planned long before Trump. According to research the DoD was in charge of the whole democide from the beginning. And they were working under the WEF and UN and WHO. All of these government lackeys and institutions are corrupt to the core. WE have to do the cleanup ourselves. I don't see how this can be accomplished when everyone is fighting each other rather than the true culprits in this travesty. Their mass psychosis plan is working perfectly.

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They are ALL in it together. Presidents are nothing but puppets...ALL of them

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Lots of evidence piling up that shows that Obama is running the show out of his home in DC. Notice how the media isn’t covering him traveling anywhere in the last year or so. Michelle is on vacation by herself while Barack is stuck in Washington. I can’t wait till this news gets out.

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That’s right and he did it at 3:30 on the 13th which was a Friday so we’ve got 33 freemason number and we’ve got a satanic holiday of Friday the 13th. Trump has never backtracked on anything he still recommending it because he’s a paid puppet for the illuminati

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Wow. I didn’t realize what time it was. I remember watching it on the computers at work in the hospital that day. Pure evil. May God help us all 🙏 I resigned immediately when the mandates came down.

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Huge respect for your resignation 🙌🏻

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Yes, but it's so much worse than mere "corruption." Their acts are treason, crimes against humanity, war crimes. They are at war with us.

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Thanks for the further confirmation. But the intentions of those behind the vaccines and Covid was never other than one of control and population reduction. Everybody Knows.

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we’re definitely in a warfare. a spiritual one.

before it manifests in the physical, it already happened in the spiritual. praying & fasting people, let’s lock this nonsense down in the spiritual. by the power in the BLOOD of Jesus.

arise, o LORD.

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No doubt we are in a spiritual war but it's obviously also a biowar. They're attacking and killing us physically with their bioweapons and countermeasures.

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yes, true. but how can they even go abt making these killer bio weapons if we locked them down spiritually???

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Why is he still allowed to be free? To be allowed to be in the most powerful seat of the land! Why isn’t he being dragged out and prosecuted?!! And trump is. 😡😡😡😡

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So so infuriating

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So what’s the over/under on MSM outlets reporting on this? I’m setting it at 1 and taking the under.

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Leave them; they are blind guides. If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”

Matthew 15:14 NIV

Lies, cover-ups,

and more lies and cover-ups. This Government of ours has lost its way. Their complete cold disregard for the people of this Country is shameful. It is truly the blind leading the blind, and the saddest thing is people are following them like everything is just fine.

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Any V will caused ppl to have low immune systems (HIV) so it's easier to catch a cold bc your immune system have been weakened

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What can be done for people with lifelong disabilities from the shot? What can be done for the bereaved families whose loved ones died because of the shot? I am saddened by the evil that is trying to take over. My prayer is for everyone to stand strong and not comply. Preserving humanity is cause that eveveryone can get behind.

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Meh, not everyone it seems!

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Top work, as usual

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And they still push the Bioweapon on pregnant women. 🤬

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Injecting foreign substances into the body & bloodstream, especially anything specifically designed to alter immunity can cause respiratory illness with symptoms identical to Covid, but can also cause a pseudo positive effect by altering and distracting the qimmune system from its normal functions. The affect is akin to flicking a stable spinning top with your finger. The top will wobble and move around, but eventually stability will return.

Controls to compare the effects of the Vax do exist in placebo shots and in the unvaccinated. But they're not being considered by government agencies or the Pharma companies that manufacture the shots. Pfizer ever unblinded the controls in their study, effectively destroying any chance of referring back to it for any purpose after the vax was distributed.

In addition, the ingredients of all Covid vials shots have not been disclosed. The status of the 30% of people who received placebo shots is identical to that of the the unvaxed.

Covid (if it exists) is but one of a myriad of causes of respiratory related illnesses with an identical set of symptoms. And the PCR test can't tell the difference between any of them.

Therefore, any claims regarding the effectiveness of Covid shots are complete nonsense.

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The sooner humanity recognizes and addresses that "they" - our predators - are at war with us the better.

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The headline should read; THEY KNOW

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