There's no doubt that these people are evil. They certainly have the money to pay a mobster to execute a nemesis. We should all be careful.

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It takes a few seconds for them to give the order, it's like pushing a button ...

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I'm surprised the mobsters aren't taking out the elitists killing off the population? Who will be left to extort trash services, hire their callgirls, buy their drugs. The cartels need to wake up and handle all these clowns or they won't have any customers. I bet ms-13 could handle this problem easy. If wef members startrd disappearing I bet they'd change their minds.

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Tools are replaced all the time.

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Sure are but I think once they' would make it down to the jr members they'd start wondering if they were next. Gang members don't care if they're next.

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The life of other beings means nothing to such beings (elites, gangs, everyday thugs). Most think they’re smarter than everyone else.

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Right, but the elite want to stay alive forever, continue to build massive wealth, control and MS13 could care less about life, including theirs, and while US adm8ns use thrm to invade our country they do not work for the cia. Other than that it's up to the little people

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I’ve found it quite difficult to determine just whom is on the c 👁️ a payroll (not to mention it’s controllers). The current elite may not even originate from this rock; once the resources are gone (or any efforts at hybrids end) they infest another planet and begin the process all over. again.

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I think they feel they are safe in Switzerland etc. How is the illegal immigration population in Switzerland? Non existent practically. Needs to be high level mob hits on their planes, helicopters and compounds. Heck, the cook's preparation of food and drink has been done before in movies.

The Italian mob may strike back for the MPs husband. That was disgusting. The WEF mobsters need to put in their place. They do have nervous tics ( Bourla ) and perpetual scared looks in their eyes ( Zuckerbucks).

Is it worth it to practice their psychoses...

They are getting bolder.

Where is the French Resistance ?

The French must be pissed at Macron for trying to get them into a WW3 in the last few days. I would hope so. Anyone have an ear to the ground in Fr ?

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Look up scripture about the antixhrist making one big ay of q0 nations, like he's trying to do and look up a gwmatria hebrew tranlsation pave and put emanuel in thr. Ox for translatiom

It says 666 is the number of a man....

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The mafia is the government is the mafia. It's all one entity. The CIA used the Corsican and Italian mafias to kill JFK. The Corsican and Italian mafias are all up in the CIA, and they always have been.

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Then its ms13 or the little people of the country.

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Why be careful?…we only have one life to live…we need to spend it…telling the truth! The truth…that there is terrible judgment ahead… for murders…and those who… plan participate… and co-operate with those who want to eliminate vast swaths of the population… called eugenics!!😪

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Just incredible what is happening. We are careening toward disaster such as we have never seen on this planet. This is a spiritual war, but people don't understand this, nor do they want to admit that sicu things are possible,even though it is completely obvious. They prefer delusion to truth.

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And the great dragon was cast out, the ancient serpent called Adversary and Satan, who is deceiving the whole inhabited earth. It was cast into the earth, and its messengers were cast with it. - Rev. 12:9

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Maybe read the Bible so you can make a decent comment.

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good one. and then pay attention to what the satanic ghouls have said, are saying and what they are doing.

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I hope no yawning at the scripture! Its prophecies are coming to pass… faster than greased lightening! Won’t be long now and the Lord God Almighty..will break the through the clouds… to judge the wicked..and clean up the mess man has made of the earth! Payday is coming!

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You aren't alone in your yawning. Most people are half asleep.

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I just think we need to take the fucking monsters out ourselves, instead of hoping a fictional entity will come to our rescue.

And we will, they have gone too far, too fast.

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Good to work both angles.

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Then go take them out. No one is stopping you. Except you. Hmmm.....

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Believe me…God.. is no fictional entity! Nuff said!

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Since boredom advances and boredom is the root of all evil, no wonder, then, that the world goes backwards, that evil spreads.

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Not for long.

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It gives me chills. I don't know if you are familiar with my dad's writing and his sermons. He really foretold all of this. Preached about it and now, when I look back at his warnings it gives me chills. I'm thankful for the teaching that I had from a young age. Most people, even those who call themselves Christians, don't understand how this all relates to the Bible and prophecies. Especially what is happening in Israel. You might want to watch this: Dave Hunt - The End is Near https://youtu.be/0l7d_1YqLPE?si=EdzgP7pyerEqo0B7

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Yes it is extremely troubling even in most churches, they do not teach eschatology. Society is quite blind to Gods Plan . Praying for Israel 🇮🇱

Looking for the Blessed Hope 🙏

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Thank you KH for the video link to your father’s preaching. He & you are correct about the lack of prophetic teaching which could help so many to understand where we are at even now and where we are headed both here in this crazy world and beyond into the everlasting arms of our Creator God.

His teaching is akin to Dr. Les Aron Gosling at:

www.biblicalresearchinstitute.com.au (soon to be just .com). Enjoy!

I don’t agree with a couple of things, as a Jewish Messianic believer for over 40 years, and originally raised in that apostate religion he refers to (God my Father called me “out of her”), but he has most things absolutely correct imho and a jolly good sense humour.


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Thank you! I will check it out.

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I certainly do! My mother didn’t write but she knew the Bible inside out and told me at the age of 14 this was coming.

That was exactly 50 years ago. She saved my life through the Holy Spirit.

She also told me the earth was 20 years off it’s axis. That was chilling in 2020 to me because I remember everyone stocked up in 2000…they thought the world was coming to an end!

And here we are!

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I have copies of the Berean Call going back 10 years. I also have several of his books. I still get a Berean Call posting every day.

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That's wonderful to hear!

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Spot on and that delusion is created and handed out to them hourly in the form of Comfort, Convenience and entertainment - all things that have nothing to do with their societies and countries surviving.

We are standing on the deck of the Titanic listening to the 8 musicians playing, all the while ignoring the water rising, as our ship slips beneath the waves.

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Unless the favor is returned our world is going to plunge into a horrid tyranny.

Dark times indeed.

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Yes indeed…It’s called “The Great Tribulation!” Matthew 24.

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The Ninth Gate movie (starring Johnny Depp) is taking on a whole new reality

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The modern stone age medical mafia murders hundreds of thousands every year just pretending to give a damn.

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All for money and power.

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Could it be the pirates are throwing their associates to the sharks?? They all carry the seeds of their own destruction.

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We wish but the dead good are outweighing the dead bad right now are my thoughts and observations. Hopefully that ratio will be turning the corner soon as what you say ramps up. Someone needs to keep a dead billionaire count with specific circumstances and back story. I have a mental one but hopefully the numbers and info will be too much to store soon and the beneficiaries will squander the inheritances as usual.

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Great comment. Yes the actions of the globalist cabal who believes they run this planet - have been "population reduction" - a polite term for mass genocide.

The people who make up this globalist tyranny need to be forcefully reigned in.

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Was Hillary Clinton in the neighborhood?

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These people are Gangstaaaa! It's stuff that comes straight out of the movie the Godfather!! All I can say to these people is, You Live by the Sword, You die by the Sword!!

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Must disagree. The Italian Mafia, in its own twisted way, had a form of honor. For example, they did NOT kill wives and children. As they said, it was always "just business". The cabal who constitute the current global "elite" have no such limits, no honor whatsoever. We can see from the long pedigree of genocidal communism, genocidal history of jihadism, the contemporary moral depravity of the purveyors of the Plandemic (including the fear porn, the deathly hospital protocols, the deathly eldercare protocols in NY, CA & UK, the dangerous liability-free Jab, the Jab mandates, and the overall overwhelming cruelty inflicted on millions) that these various globalist coalition interests have no honor. They make the Italian Mafia look like CHOIR BOYS by comparison.

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Very good point!

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Another notch in their psycho multi-million notch belt

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Ivana died of accidental blunt force trauma in 2022. Perfectly healthy 73 YO falls down and dies. Ok.

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Caught part of The Bourne Legacy and the scene where Renner and Rachel Weisz were riding in the car (after rescuing her at her home and heading to Manilla) when she described the tactics of con-vid! The virus, the altering of dna, and how to get it into the host. The movie was dated 2012...

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Thank you for that tid bit. Did not draw the connection since I saw it so long ago.

Thanks Hollywood you POS for all the predictive programing. May every one involved there OD on their latest drug of choice.

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I have no doubts about it..not just anti Nato..anti globalists and great reset. ...these murderers need to be found and brought to justice...if any justice is possible in any Western government now,

They did indeed infiltrate all the cabinets...and the justice system....and the food supplies and processors..and are waging a full out every front assault..you'd have to be blind not to see it....so now they are ensuring that th3y el8minate anyone who could possibly pose a problem or a rallying point. God help us all....

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They are largely more bark then bite ie convid " virus " and convid " test".

It is like the unscrambled " delta omicron " = media control

It is all code for the psych ops to scare people to death. They do have some serious psychology experts on their staff. Then they set an example or two ...

The new push for Middle class corruption by the WEFers ( as opposed to just the upper class ) is disturbing. I am afraid the assinine, lazy middle class will fall for it. We need to exert pressure and punishment in the opposite direction. Religion and conscious will help.

And being Educated on what is going on with the Devils temptations. ( Universal income to do the devils biddings).

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Zee 4th reich

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Operation Gladio.

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Few have even heard of it.

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It reminds me of how Phil Schneider was killed. Strangulated by rubber tubing around his neck. His hands were tied behind his back with rubber tubing, and the coroner found it to be a suicide. That was 1996.

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https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-02-09-the-mysterious-death-of-phil-schneider.html He was the son of a German engineer who died in the Philadelphia experiments after being paperclipped into the USA. Phil worked as an engineer for a secret government contractor. He got off the government seizure medicine (phenobarbitol and dialantin) that was preventing him from remembering his former life. He was at the Dolce incident where he was badly injured in a fire fight against large grey aliens. You don't have to buy it wholesale, it's worth looking into. His pedigree is for real.

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Also reminds me of a great Christian guy… Phil Haney….who worked in Homeland Security under Bush…and Obama…wrote a great book “See Something Say Nothing!” who was murdered in CA…and called a suicide! Knew too much!

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This is nothing new, though I feel for the man's loved ones and the senseless loss of life.

JFK, RFK, MLK Those should be enough of a reminder though the list could go on for many, many pages and no justice was ever served in those cases either.

What part of WE LIVE IN AN EVIL FALLEN WORLD is flying over people's heads?


RIP Onorato. God Bless.

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