‘Families not complying face hefty fines, loss of social aids like ‘Bolsa Família’, or worse, having their children taken away,’ said Dr. Simon Goddek.
Welp, they were able to cheat bolsanaros out of a landslide election, and PDT as well. So yeah,the deep state is busy. This is gonna require some real dirty bloody work to solve. I’m surprised Brazilians backed down so easily when they could have toppled this part of the ds had they stayed in the streets.
It'll be interesting to see how long it takes before the US follows suit. Never say never. We may be one of the last hold outs, but I do believe this will ultimately happen here also. Those on any type of social assistance programs will either get the jab or lose benefits. We're not done with this, any of this, by a long shot.
I am in the UK so we don't have guns but I agree - Trump scares the hell out of them and I can imagine the 2024 presidential election having to be 'postponed' due to one manufactured emergency or another and if you look at how they have treated conservatives (as terrorists) you can definitely conclude they are pushing for CW2
Unfortunately, there is already such high acceptance of jabs by seniors so the poison pushers are satisfied that the indoctrinated docs can continue cajoling most of their patients. The docs are happy too because of their bonuses for jabs in arms.
The shot was added to the recommended immunisation schedule for USA on September 9th, 2023.😐😐
Its done, 6mths-18yrs. The only thing missing is the connection to welfare payments...But you have a few bills, sitting in your Senate awaiting, that will quickly fix that🤨 Cali's Senator Pan, will make sure that gets corrected next year.
Likewise in Australia. It's been added, just not enforced fiscally. Same old coheresion tactics, different countries. Fyi, they laid all the legislative groundwork in 2021/22😐
But people keep letting their distraction techniques, like Ukraine, aliens, Hawaii, climate change, Gaza, ad nauseam, distract them from what's actually, quietly still moving forward on schedule.
Good reason to stop having children. The entire world is on the same path at different speed in different countries, the psychopaths in control customize it to fit the culture.
To think that by refusing to do certain things we could have a upper hand….unfortunately the collective hive mind always works for the queen not for the wealfare of the collective.
I did that a long time ago. Never had such desire.
But the truth is that psychopaths need followers to feel in power. So the entire narrative that they do not want you to procreate is absolutely false. Created to counter oppose the other narrative because the spell does not work if you do not have a negative and a positive side.
But that’s what they want no more children. That’s why the trans push and gay marriages etc. No children basically means no more civilization. They get their way.
But that is a decoy to divide us on this front. It uses fear pressured on conservatives and traditional people who lack of historical knowledge and fail to connect other dots. It is an hidden agenda. Take the “trans” agenda for example. Where and when we had in history a similar situation? In the ancient Greek women had no power and could not even dine in presence of men. Men took up every single role, including dressing up as women in theatre plays. The Greeks made a name for themselves in this area. During these dark time men were allowed to play women roles. Even 1000 years later women could not be in men roles and only post renaissance we begin to see women actors in plays. We are talking about 1500 years of men power totally patriarcal. Whoever is pushing this gay agenda is faking it. This is the good old patriarchal agenda packed in the 21st century.
Lets talk to the depopulation agenda and no children. This is another lie. First of all without data we cannot really even talk about depopulation agenda. Depopulation agenda it is selective and only for certain population slots that keep been reshuffled as needed.
Psychopaths needs followers to be in control so this is another lie pushed by controlled opposition.
The population explosion occurred in our known history post industrial revolution. From then on has been unstoppable. Also many countries have suffered population decline, but this is not because of gay marriages but because of economy of the country (Italy, Japan, and severa other EU countries).
In regard to the shot delivering population control juice, well this is to be established. I thought that too, yet after the coof shot spree of 2021, every single person I knew who got the shot, and the booster, became prego, and delivered and apparently healthy baby….with my surprise.
Not saying the shot was a good thing, (hell I am against any vaccination including tetanus) but the numbers are not there yet as we were told they will be. If you tell me that the shot was selective population control, YES ABSOLUTELY. Just like all other shots before this one. It is a different type of control. If they wanted to do population control they would have zoned it in enclosed areas in certain key places. It is easier and nobody really does anything about it, case in point was the mask and vax regime we got during COVID19. Most people abided too…..
So we are still 8 billion people or around that, insurance companies are saying that more people are passing away now than any other time. I would like to see global data on this country by country. Also not all countries embalm their dead so the reports we get from the US count only for the US.
Again not saying that this depopulation agenda is not in process. It is in process but not the way we think.
Let's take a look at health care, specifically in the US. It is horrible and neglects many people who also never took part to the magic juice injection. The new rules and part of the agenda seem to use other form of depopulation. Denying people health care is one of them.
Let's’s go back to the gay rights (we should say privileged) trans agenda. It is not organic at alll but like the coronavirus pandemic was created to make people beilive that there is a growing group of people who wants to OWN YOU.
LIES. and……more LIES that serve only to mix the truth furthermore until you cannot distinguish it any longer from the lies.
I am happy I had kids (best decision I ever made). I have concerns that Canada is going to try this stuff too, especially the Trudeau fans. But hey let’s just stop them. I mean it is wrong, we all know it, we just need to get the apathetic and distracted to care for 5 mins and it will be too unpopular for them to push it.
Every country will use what works for that culture to take it to where the psychopaths want to take it. At the end the digitalization and tokenization of the surveillance state has begun over 30 years ago but we had no clue, of course. The depopulation agenda became feasible 220 years ago when Dr. [Imposter] Jenner created the first vaccine.
The new religion is the vaccine.
Never mind modern engineering and sanitation have curbed down most bacterial infections and diseases.
They never found a cure for anything of the original "demonic diseases” (if you prefer the demon narrative to the god created narrative).
Add to that all the layers after layers of other bullshit decoy political-economical games that have contributed to make our society fractured within and we all of us against each others. With people convinced that there is actually a difference between communism, fascism and capitalism. Sure whatever rock your delusional boat.
We are under military siege. White coats are military (see CDC), educators of academia are military too, and our laws follow military codes.
My dad was a military, he specialized in morse code, back in the 50’s and 60’s. He hated the military structure and thinking. He eventually got out of it and pursued a clerical career in school administration. He told me that military can do anything. If there was an airline traffic controllers strike they can take over to bring order back. Every country allows their military this type of control.
" Ordo Ab Chao” …..ORDER OUT OF CHAOS. Do you see it??
I do.
During the fake plandemic we saw….worldwide…the CDC dictated law and your beloved (masonic created) constitution was useless. It is useless.
The UN, CDC, USA Department of Agriculture, Federal Reserve, WEF is the world military in disguise…different names same objective.
And they are not here to PROTECT YOU.
Again it all starts with the education of the masses, with books that cleverly narrate history from, and always, the winner side. All history is manipulated and changed over and over to fit the narrative. We people of the world believe whatever makes us feel comfortable.
It is easy because people tend to forget after short time. So within 50 years changes happen in a still living generation.
We have science based on secular religious doctrine. Disguised in science was the religious thinking of the scientific process. Have you ever heard people saying I BELIEVE IN SCIENCE??? That scientific process was created during the inquisition a time of terror for individual thinkers. They used it to persecute million of women accused of witchcraft for 300 years. Later transported it to the scientific method. You must prove it this way and this way.
Nothing as changed.
There is no escape from this hellish reality except for kill or be killed or adapt and be assimilated to survive.
Ladies I hope ya’ll have a wonderful fall weekend.
It looks like children, whose parents are on welfare in Brazil, automatically qualify as "useless eaters." Considering that the number of mandatory childhood "vaccines" is now approaching in the US and sick-care butchers are collecting blood money after every little arm jabbed with toxins, the Brazilian approach seems quite lenient... Those, who can pay, are given a chance. Of course, good luck enforcing that in the favelas.
It was about THIS all along. Normalising of these tech shots regularly, exempt from oversight and all the murderers indemnified while the trans humanist agenda marches into its biggest phase. It isn't going to work. The gig is up and the monster oligarch eugenics system fully exposed. May we all be educating as fast as possible on the history of this horror group hiding behind philanthropy and caring about humanity.
No doubt they'll be attempting this crap all over the world soon & are just war gaming it there to see what opposition arises
I hate to say it, but if I was that poor that I'd be losing all my benfits for not complying, I'd pack a rucksack & get up to the Texas & 'rush the boarder' a la Biden & claim a nice heap of 'Refugee' benefits from the US Tax Payer that dont require any foul death jabs & I bet a load of them are already on their way
They are our replacements, not just in the US but in the UK & Europe - they've practically taken over in many European cities & are starting to out number the residents.
Be very careful of Govt initiatives to 'rent a room out' to these 'unfortunates' for a nice govt subsidy - that's meant to get ppl to drop their guard & let these 'refugees' into their homes, where, when they get the signal on their George Soros UN phone, they will slit your throat & take everything you have.
If you doubt this, look for ex Special Forces reporter Michael Yon, who has travelled extensively around the Middle East, Europe (he took Jordan Peterson to Netherlands to see what was being done to the farmers for Tri-State City) Panama & Darien Gap.
These so called 'Refugees' have destroyed huge chunks of Rainforest, thrown litter & junk everywhere & totally upset the Tribes ppl who are horrified at the devastation to the wild animals & land.
Hoards of military aged male Syrians, Middle Eastern & Chinese are flooding in too.
Yon has said that the bulk of American homes have been viewed by members of the Chinese Communist party on Google Earth & have been sold off so that when America falls, Chinese can turn up & take those homes & whoever is living in them will either be killed or taken to a extermination camp.
He says the Chinese consider the Native Americans to be descended from Chinese -ergo America originally belonged to China & they are coming for it.
They wanted everyone here Vaxxed with the death jab so no one is able to fight them off due to Vaxx damage.
I just linked to his substack before I got to your more-detailed comment. Yes, Yon is portraying a side of this mass invasion we hear nothing about in the media. Thanks for posting this info.
He was on Infowars with Anne Vandersteele very recently from Panama.
Alex Jones has been having really OTT meltdowns (all part of the show) so he took off for a few days & got some ppl in to cover his show for him, which one day were Michael & Anne but Yon has been on Infowars & Health Ranger exposing all this loads.
I'm not in US but watching what's being done to that once great nation is utterly heartbreaking & quite frankly Americans of all persuasions should be uniting & fighting this horrific takedown with all their might.
Once they get your guns off you, it's over & they're throwing all these MK Ultra mind control victims out as mass shooters to make owning guns bad, there have been loads just this year & as Robert Kennedy jnr notes, most were on anti depressants & had weird psychiatric issues where they could easily have been programmed to kill
"...quite frankly Americans of all persuasions should be uniting & fighting this horrific takedown with all their might."
Things have changed here so much there are days I barely recognize this country. People are stupid, esp millennials and gen z's .....self focused to a pathological degree, dont care about anything except what the cool kids are doing and their own narcissistic pursuits. There's a sense of mania on the highways too, a huge sense of entitlement on the roads, and anger everywhere.
I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to get fighting-age males (or females) to take a stand to defend this country ....most of them hate it with a red hot passion (as they've been taught in our public indoctrination camps known as schools). Divide and conquer has worked very well here in the last 10-15 years ....kids hate their parents, races all hate each other, illegals vs legal citizens, old versus young. From my vantage point of age I have watched it all deteriorate and crumble ...such a very very sad thing to see what's happened to this country.
As for guns, that's the only thing holding the <what I think of as> inevitable at bay. For now. But I believe they have a plan that will bring everyone, not just Americans, to their knees in the near future, guns or no guns.
Yon is doing yeomen's work in trying to sound the klaxon call, but not very many are interested even if they do hear it. I've followed and admired him since the early 2000's, he is one of the truth tellers, a good guy.
How terrible to read your incredible account, I didn't realise it was that bad, I though there would still be a good amount of ppl who wanted to live good lives & uphold their country, but I totally understand your description of Gen Zers & Millennials, they are a dreadful lot, mindless, nasty, weak & useless, they did a good job creating those vapid ppl.
Maybe you should think about leaving for somewhere else if you can, I'm just suggesting you get away from the worst - if they all want to go down then let them, but try & save yourself if you can.
I've had a lot of family issues to sort out but now it's all nearly over, I'll be looking for a place off the beaten track, away from smart cities, hoards of migrants, 5G & vaxx zombies. I don't care how rough it is, I'd rather be out in the wilds than cooked to death in their 5G kill grid cities.
I never thought the world would go down the pan this fast - it's incredible - you have an unregistered foreign agent as your president who was the biggest crook but now is just a rambling, evil joke & it's not much better where I am.
Michael Yon is ace, I've been watching him for about a year & what he's uncovered is staggering - a new whole illigal immigrant city in Texas nevermind all the migrant camps en route to Texas, busing & flying them in as fast as they can, drugging children to pass them around to fake parents - horrible footage of drugged out kids, faces like maskes, completely out of it. Some will just disappear never to be seen or heard from again - hundreds of thousands & no one cares. So called families abandoning 'their' kids in NY hotel rooms & running away - these ppl are the worst.
I got the info from Michael Yon - he's been to these 'migration' camps & seen it all with his own eyes & has filmed it & so have many others like Boarder Hawk.
I can't imagine what's going to happen to the US when all this kicks off
Everyone is ill prepared - I thought ppl would reach a point where they'd take no more but if you go back & exam history, you'll see times when other countries were deliberately destroyed & the ppl did nothing to stop it at all, which is scary beyond words, so I'd get packing & get the hell out of dodge
Here in NZ, I heard a lot of the people coming over the boarder are being given money, paid up housing, weapons, 🔫, a phone. Told to wait for a message as where to travel to, somewhere within America. I reckon they have them all ready, when given the word, to attack and kill the American citizens.
Michael Yon has been reporting on the highly organized caravans heading to the border every single day. Very organized and well-funded operation. We are told nothing about this by the news media but what he is reporting on, the numbers and $'s, is astounding.
War on the Poor disgustingly continues ad infinitum. Of course, extinction of the middle class is also transpiring , pushing greater numbers into the poor classification. . .
Hungering for something positive to happen for the greater good. . X
Welp, they were able to cheat bolsanaros out of a landslide election, and PDT as well. So yeah,the deep state is busy. This is gonna require some real dirty bloody work to solve. I’m surprised Brazilians backed down so easily when they could have toppled this part of the ds had they stayed in the streets.
Bribed with Bolsa Familia, as we're Americans with stimulus checks. Example: Amazon employees were paid $50 to get the jabs.
Is that all. Wow, what some people will do for money, eh. No good if your dead.
The poison pushers had to go hardcore after seeing these numbers:
"in Brazil, where overall vaccination coverage has fallen from 95 percent in 2015 to just 68 percent last year, according to official figures.
For polio, the figure fell from 85 percent to 68 percent"
It'll be interesting to see how long it takes before the US follows suit. Never say never. We may be one of the last hold outs, but I do believe this will ultimately happen here also. Those on any type of social assistance programs will either get the jab or lose benefits. We're not done with this, any of this, by a long shot.
That is what scares me and it won't stop with those on social assistance if that is the plan. Start prepping.
They will also try to make SSA payments for the retired people tied to the vaccines of the month requirement and "up to date" on vaccine compliance.
This will be CW2 triggers.
But this is what they want.
A way to use Marshall Law as a way to "get the guns".
I am in the UK so we don't have guns but I agree - Trump scares the hell out of them and I can imagine the 2024 presidential election having to be 'postponed' due to one manufactured emergency or another and if you look at how they have treated conservatives (as terrorists) you can definitely conclude they are pushing for CW2
Unfortunately, there is already such high acceptance of jabs by seniors so the poison pushers are satisfied that the indoctrinated docs can continue cajoling most of their patients. The docs are happy too because of their bonuses for jabs in arms.
They can keep it, snd thry can take all of mine, money and shots.
And get the kids out of the indoctrination camps of government schools.
The shot was added to the recommended immunisation schedule for USA on September 9th, 2023.😐😐
Its done, 6mths-18yrs. The only thing missing is the connection to welfare payments...But you have a few bills, sitting in your Senate awaiting, that will quickly fix that🤨 Cali's Senator Pan, will make sure that gets corrected next year.
Likewise in Australia. It's been added, just not enforced fiscally. Same old coheresion tactics, different countries. Fyi, they laid all the legislative groundwork in 2021/22😐
But people keep letting their distraction techniques, like Ukraine, aliens, Hawaii, climate change, Gaza, ad nauseam, distract them from what's actually, quietly still moving forward on schedule.
That will cause the next revolution. I’m in.
Sad that Brazil goes the way of Venezuela.
Very evil.
Good reason to stop having children. The entire world is on the same path at different speed in different countries, the psychopaths in control customize it to fit the culture.
To think that by refusing to do certain things we could have a upper hand….unfortunately the collective hive mind always works for the queen not for the wealfare of the collective.
I did that a long time ago. Never had such desire.
But the truth is that psychopaths need followers to feel in power. So the entire narrative that they do not want you to procreate is absolutely false. Created to counter oppose the other narrative because the spell does not work if you do not have a negative and a positive side.
But that’s what they want no more children. That’s why the trans push and gay marriages etc. No children basically means no more civilization. They get their way.
Their agenda is depopulation. So, yes, "they want no more children".
Plus the death jab makes everyone infertile
Well that is what I thought as well….
But that is a decoy to divide us on this front. It uses fear pressured on conservatives and traditional people who lack of historical knowledge and fail to connect other dots. It is an hidden agenda. Take the “trans” agenda for example. Where and when we had in history a similar situation? In the ancient Greek women had no power and could not even dine in presence of men. Men took up every single role, including dressing up as women in theatre plays. The Greeks made a name for themselves in this area. During these dark time men were allowed to play women roles. Even 1000 years later women could not be in men roles and only post renaissance we begin to see women actors in plays. We are talking about 1500 years of men power totally patriarcal. Whoever is pushing this gay agenda is faking it. This is the good old patriarchal agenda packed in the 21st century.
Lets talk to the depopulation agenda and no children. This is another lie. First of all without data we cannot really even talk about depopulation agenda. Depopulation agenda it is selective and only for certain population slots that keep been reshuffled as needed.
Psychopaths needs followers to be in control so this is another lie pushed by controlled opposition.
The population explosion occurred in our known history post industrial revolution. From then on has been unstoppable. Also many countries have suffered population decline, but this is not because of gay marriages but because of economy of the country (Italy, Japan, and severa other EU countries).
In regard to the shot delivering population control juice, well this is to be established. I thought that too, yet after the coof shot spree of 2021, every single person I knew who got the shot, and the booster, became prego, and delivered and apparently healthy baby….with my surprise.
Not saying the shot was a good thing, (hell I am against any vaccination including tetanus) but the numbers are not there yet as we were told they will be. If you tell me that the shot was selective population control, YES ABSOLUTELY. Just like all other shots before this one. It is a different type of control. If they wanted to do population control they would have zoned it in enclosed areas in certain key places. It is easier and nobody really does anything about it, case in point was the mask and vax regime we got during COVID19. Most people abided too…..
So we are still 8 billion people or around that, insurance companies are saying that more people are passing away now than any other time. I would like to see global data on this country by country. Also not all countries embalm their dead so the reports we get from the US count only for the US.
Again not saying that this depopulation agenda is not in process. It is in process but not the way we think.
Let's take a look at health care, specifically in the US. It is horrible and neglects many people who also never took part to the magic juice injection. The new rules and part of the agenda seem to use other form of depopulation. Denying people health care is one of them.
Let's’s go back to the gay rights (we should say privileged) trans agenda. It is not organic at alll but like the coronavirus pandemic was created to make people beilive that there is a growing group of people who wants to OWN YOU.
LIES. and……more LIES that serve only to mix the truth furthermore until you cannot distinguish it any longer from the lies.
I am happy I had kids (best decision I ever made). I have concerns that Canada is going to try this stuff too, especially the Trudeau fans. But hey let’s just stop them. I mean it is wrong, we all know it, we just need to get the apathetic and distracted to care for 5 mins and it will be too unpopular for them to push it.
It will be worldwide
Every country will use what works for that culture to take it to where the psychopaths want to take it. At the end the digitalization and tokenization of the surveillance state has begun over 30 years ago but we had no clue, of course. The depopulation agenda became feasible 220 years ago when Dr. [Imposter] Jenner created the first vaccine.
The new religion is the vaccine.
Never mind modern engineering and sanitation have curbed down most bacterial infections and diseases.
They never found a cure for anything of the original "demonic diseases” (if you prefer the demon narrative to the god created narrative).
Add to that all the layers after layers of other bullshit decoy political-economical games that have contributed to make our society fractured within and we all of us against each others. With people convinced that there is actually a difference between communism, fascism and capitalism. Sure whatever rock your delusional boat.
We are under military siege. White coats are military (see CDC), educators of academia are military too, and our laws follow military codes.
My dad was a military, he specialized in morse code, back in the 50’s and 60’s. He hated the military structure and thinking. He eventually got out of it and pursued a clerical career in school administration. He told me that military can do anything. If there was an airline traffic controllers strike they can take over to bring order back. Every country allows their military this type of control.
" Ordo Ab Chao” …..ORDER OUT OF CHAOS. Do you see it??
I do.
During the fake plandemic we saw….worldwide…the CDC dictated law and your beloved (masonic created) constitution was useless. It is useless.
The UN, CDC, USA Department of Agriculture, Federal Reserve, WEF is the world military in disguise…different names same objective.
And they are not here to PROTECT YOU.
Again it all starts with the education of the masses, with books that cleverly narrate history from, and always, the winner side. All history is manipulated and changed over and over to fit the narrative. We people of the world believe whatever makes us feel comfortable.
It is easy because people tend to forget after short time. So within 50 years changes happen in a still living generation.
We have science based on secular religious doctrine. Disguised in science was the religious thinking of the scientific process. Have you ever heard people saying I BELIEVE IN SCIENCE??? That scientific process was created during the inquisition a time of terror for individual thinkers. They used it to persecute million of women accused of witchcraft for 300 years. Later transported it to the scientific method. You must prove it this way and this way.
Nothing as changed.
There is no escape from this hellish reality except for kill or be killed or adapt and be assimilated to survive.
Ladies I hope ya’ll have a wonderful fall weekend.
It looks like children, whose parents are on welfare in Brazil, automatically qualify as "useless eaters." Considering that the number of mandatory childhood "vaccines" is now approaching in the US and sick-care butchers are collecting blood money after every little arm jabbed with toxins, the Brazilian approach seems quite lenient... Those, who can pay, are given a chance. Of course, good luck enforcing that in the favelas.
The true useless eaters are the parasitic psychopaths who are in power. They need to be removed from power.
It was about THIS all along. Normalising of these tech shots regularly, exempt from oversight and all the murderers indemnified while the trans humanist agenda marches into its biggest phase. It isn't going to work. The gig is up and the monster oligarch eugenics system fully exposed. May we all be educating as fast as possible on the history of this horror group hiding behind philanthropy and caring about humanity.
Get the Flight log.... we will know them by their fruits.
May we all be willing to kill, or be killed. Unfortunately,that’s what it’s come down to. Us, or them.
No doubt they'll be attempting this crap all over the world soon & are just war gaming it there to see what opposition arises
I hate to say it, but if I was that poor that I'd be losing all my benfits for not complying, I'd pack a rucksack & get up to the Texas & 'rush the boarder' a la Biden & claim a nice heap of 'Refugee' benefits from the US Tax Payer that dont require any foul death jabs & I bet a load of them are already on their way
That may be why we have so many coming over the border. They want freedom. Little do they know our freedom here also hangs in the balance.
They are our replacements, not just in the US but in the UK & Europe - they've practically taken over in many European cities & are starting to out number the residents.
Be very careful of Govt initiatives to 'rent a room out' to these 'unfortunates' for a nice govt subsidy - that's meant to get ppl to drop their guard & let these 'refugees' into their homes, where, when they get the signal on their George Soros UN phone, they will slit your throat & take everything you have.
If you doubt this, look for ex Special Forces reporter Michael Yon, who has travelled extensively around the Middle East, Europe (he took Jordan Peterson to Netherlands to see what was being done to the farmers for Tri-State City) Panama & Darien Gap.
These so called 'Refugees' have destroyed huge chunks of Rainforest, thrown litter & junk everywhere & totally upset the Tribes ppl who are horrified at the devastation to the wild animals & land.
Hoards of military aged male Syrians, Middle Eastern & Chinese are flooding in too.
Yon has said that the bulk of American homes have been viewed by members of the Chinese Communist party on Google Earth & have been sold off so that when America falls, Chinese can turn up & take those homes & whoever is living in them will either be killed or taken to a extermination camp.
He says the Chinese consider the Native Americans to be descended from Chinese -ergo America originally belonged to China & they are coming for it.
They wanted everyone here Vaxxed with the death jab so no one is able to fight them off due to Vaxx damage.
I just linked to his substack before I got to your more-detailed comment. Yes, Yon is portraying a side of this mass invasion we hear nothing about in the media. Thanks for posting this info.
Mr Yon is my source,
He was on Infowars with Anne Vandersteele very recently from Panama.
Alex Jones has been having really OTT meltdowns (all part of the show) so he took off for a few days & got some ppl in to cover his show for him, which one day were Michael & Anne but Yon has been on Infowars & Health Ranger exposing all this loads.
I'm not in US but watching what's being done to that once great nation is utterly heartbreaking & quite frankly Americans of all persuasions should be uniting & fighting this horrific takedown with all their might.
Once they get your guns off you, it's over & they're throwing all these MK Ultra mind control victims out as mass shooters to make owning guns bad, there have been loads just this year & as Robert Kennedy jnr notes, most were on anti depressants & had weird psychiatric issues where they could easily have been programmed to kill
"...quite frankly Americans of all persuasions should be uniting & fighting this horrific takedown with all their might."
Things have changed here so much there are days I barely recognize this country. People are stupid, esp millennials and gen z's .....self focused to a pathological degree, dont care about anything except what the cool kids are doing and their own narcissistic pursuits. There's a sense of mania on the highways too, a huge sense of entitlement on the roads, and anger everywhere.
I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to get fighting-age males (or females) to take a stand to defend this country ....most of them hate it with a red hot passion (as they've been taught in our public indoctrination camps known as schools). Divide and conquer has worked very well here in the last 10-15 years ....kids hate their parents, races all hate each other, illegals vs legal citizens, old versus young. From my vantage point of age I have watched it all deteriorate and crumble ...such a very very sad thing to see what's happened to this country.
As for guns, that's the only thing holding the <what I think of as> inevitable at bay. For now. But I believe they have a plan that will bring everyone, not just Americans, to their knees in the near future, guns or no guns.
Yon is doing yeomen's work in trying to sound the klaxon call, but not very many are interested even if they do hear it. I've followed and admired him since the early 2000's, he is one of the truth tellers, a good guy.
How terrible to read your incredible account, I didn't realise it was that bad, I though there would still be a good amount of ppl who wanted to live good lives & uphold their country, but I totally understand your description of Gen Zers & Millennials, they are a dreadful lot, mindless, nasty, weak & useless, they did a good job creating those vapid ppl.
Maybe you should think about leaving for somewhere else if you can, I'm just suggesting you get away from the worst - if they all want to go down then let them, but try & save yourself if you can.
I've had a lot of family issues to sort out but now it's all nearly over, I'll be looking for a place off the beaten track, away from smart cities, hoards of migrants, 5G & vaxx zombies. I don't care how rough it is, I'd rather be out in the wilds than cooked to death in their 5G kill grid cities.
I never thought the world would go down the pan this fast - it's incredible - you have an unregistered foreign agent as your president who was the biggest crook but now is just a rambling, evil joke & it's not much better where I am.
Michael Yon is ace, I've been watching him for about a year & what he's uncovered is staggering - a new whole illigal immigrant city in Texas nevermind all the migrant camps en route to Texas, busing & flying them in as fast as they can, drugging children to pass them around to fake parents - horrible footage of drugged out kids, faces like maskes, completely out of it. Some will just disappear never to be seen or heard from again - hundreds of thousands & no one cares. So called families abandoning 'their' kids in NY hotel rooms & running away - these ppl are the worst.
God help all the good ppl
I forgot to say thank you for including his substack, I didn't know he was on here - shall go & sign up👍
You're welcome. He is not a prolific poster, but what he writes is substantial.
I totally agree with you
I got the info from Michael Yon - he's been to these 'migration' camps & seen it all with his own eyes & has filmed it & so have many others like Boarder Hawk.
I can't imagine what's going to happen to the US when all this kicks off
It won’t be that easy. At least not here in the south.
The American people are ill prepared.
Everyone is ill prepared - I thought ppl would reach a point where they'd take no more but if you go back & exam history, you'll see times when other countries were deliberately destroyed & the ppl did nothing to stop it at all, which is scary beyond words, so I'd get packing & get the hell out of dodge
Here in NZ, I heard a lot of the people coming over the boarder are being given money, paid up housing, weapons, 🔫, a phone. Told to wait for a message as where to travel to, somewhere within America. I reckon they have them all ready, when given the word, to attack and kill the American citizens.
Michael Yon has been reporting on the highly organized caravans heading to the border every single day. Very organized and well-funded operation. We are told nothing about this by the news media but what he is reporting on, the numbers and $'s, is astounding.
Thank you. Time for to get armed.
War on the Poor disgustingly continues ad infinitum. Of course, extinction of the middle class is also transpiring , pushing greater numbers into the poor classification. . .
Hungering for something positive to happen for the greater good. . X
I hate depopulation programs.
The technoFascist puppet is busy with his sterility and depopulation procedure.
Over my dead body!
I’m wondering at this stage if anybody has the balls to put these mofos in the ground?.....when is it going to start?
I hope they send their best. I like a challenge.
CNUT. Sorry dyslexic!
not as messy as death squads with AK47s going through the favela looking for toddlers. brazil has a history of that.