Hahaha 😂 🤜🤡

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tetros and gates are going to get the saddam treatment.....

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They're part of the Big Club* (and you and I ain't in it!) that gets to mete out the "Saddam Treatment" (or "Gaddafi Treatment" 🙄)... Who's going to 𝗴𝗶𝘃𝗲 it to them?


* https://shoqvalue.com/george-carlin-on-the-american-dream-with-transcript/

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People can dream about getting vengeance.

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Alas... 😰

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I like reality and the reality I see is glorious. We’re near the end of the nightmare.

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"This is not The End. This is not even the beginning of The End. This is however, the end of The Beginning."

-- Winston Churchill

May is coming and the signing of The WHO's "Pandemic Treaty"... Not to mention the latest False Flag in Syria...

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If enough people dream it it will manifest...possibly why resistors and non complaints dissenters and thinkers are targeted.

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I’m learning a lot about targeted individuals and how exactly these individuals are being targeted. Now we can focus on the WHY. Individuals who are non-compliant, who dissent, and who are critical analytical thinkers are enemies of the State. The nature of the State? https://winteroak.org.uk/2023/07/25/the-mortal-gods-drops-its-mask/

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Best you wake up from your day dreams. It’s happening

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It's more like wake up from my nightmare. And no, it's not... You should have a stroll with me in Beautiful Victoria British Columbia, take in all the Masked Morons.. still at least 15% of the population..

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Oh gosh Canada seem to be hopeless, most people have bought into the lies, people are so brain washed😞

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"Anyone with a brain had enough time to examine the Scamdemic and see that it was false...If in a year you didn't practice that and you went and ran off to get the jab so that you could go travelling or not get offended or do something like that... You're an idiot. And you're a coward. And you don't live according to the truth."

-- Br. Alexis Bugnolo (https://www.bitchute.com/video/S5BGAlZDD4Rj/)

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Yes, and people like Dix, who is Henry's bitch, seem to get dumber and dumber and dumber every day. Maybe they need another booster.

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On my nature walk the other day, no one around, two people walked by me with N95 masks on. At the ocean???? They’re broken.

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"You can't fix Stupid, no matter how you try."

-- John Wayne

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Then there is the bent over, falling down, immobilized drug addicts that seem to be everywhere in Victoria nowadays. The harm reduction program has been sooooo effective.

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Feb 7, 2024
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What a sad world this has become: "Chronic intravenous use of xylazine in combination with opioids is reported to be associated with physical deterioration, dependence, abscesses, and skin ulceration, sometimes progressing to necrosis with eschar formation, which can be physically debilitating and painful.[4][14][29] Hypertension followed by hypotension, bradycardia, and respiratory depression lower tissue oxygenation in the skin.[9] Thus, chronic use of xylazine can progress the skin oxygenation deficit, leading to severe skin ulceration.[9] Lower skin oxygenation is associated with impaired healing of wounds and a higher chance of infection.[9] The ulcers may ooze pus and have a characteristic odor.[8] In severe cases, amputations must be performed on the affected extremities.["

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Along with all the camper's tents on Pandora and latterlly, Rock Bay Avenue? The last few years have taught me a disagreeable lesson about politicians' compassion...

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This is the end game. They’re finished

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Your complacency is touching, but misplaced. These monsters play for keeps Don...

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Where can I get the shots for whyrus X .I take five shots on the spot ,plus the same number of poosters .Has Burla got enough vats and vessels to mix it in ? He may use his own private swimming pool for mixing the venoms .

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You can run, but you can't hide!! I remember several years ago when the little worm Gates was at a meeting in Germany, and a guy threw a pie in his face. Of course, that was before he had bodyguards, and he was presenting himself as the "good guy". That pie in the face was a warning for Gates to get bodyguards! Every dog has his day!

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I would love to see that! Is there a video of it anywhere?

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Yes, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFa1eHOEvyg I'm sure if he keeps up his antics it won't be a cream pie! I'm sure he has pissed off a lot of people in the world! Especially people who have nothing to lose!

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What a waste of pie .He should have got a lead candy shot .

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Agree, Every dog has his day! Live by the Sword, die by the Sword!

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All people have to do is realize we're part of a much, much, much bigger club, and they ain't in it, and act accordingly. Game, set, match.

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Look at what is happening in Europe. Saying no as a United people we will beat them.

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AweYeah Brotha 💪🏻🙏🏻

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UNITED is key. They also try to divide us with their loads of agendas running concurrently. We all have the same threat.

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It’s very close to over. It’s now our turn to watch them crash and burn. And I will sure enjoy that.

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Something has to happen to these evil wicked demons. Everything they are doing to humanity worldwide is horrendous. I ran across a very sad comment recently-there are so many tragic tales but this just broke me -One of the comments said this "Each tale is more distressing than the last! (The two year old who starved to death, curled up beside his fallen father is beyond comprehending. How much more of this soulless unaccountability are populations willing to abide?!)"

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Totally agree with you. But the truth is now flowing like a river and that is what had to happen before we can go after them. And they are. So many of the players are being removed or resigning

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I believe that however...WHY THE HECK HAS IT TAKEN SO LONG?! As long as we have people who do believe as us still vacationing at Disney, while drinking their Starbucks, loaded up with new clothes and toiletries from Target nothing will change! Those same people believe clot shot is deadly but pcr tests and flu shots are okie dokie! SO many believe it'll just all work out or some politician is coming to save them! Until people get right with God and seek out His desire...nothing will change. Unfortunately. We make little strides, but 2 steps forward and 3 back isn't going to cut the mustard.

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How would VLAD the empaler handle the Davos gang ?

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Yes. It’s happening.

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The Tetros Desperado looks like he has one of his victims for breakfast every day .Idi Amin is said to have eaten the flesh of his victims .

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What an evil sob he is, and to threaten nations like that is so satanic and just like him to do it. I have an answer for him and his satanist thugs, go fuck yourselves, all of you, go straight to hell.

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I gotta laugh. When I read the first part I read slob instead of sob. Eh both fit. I agree 💯

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NO Doubt 🤬

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Yeah right!! Won't happen! Gates will end up with a lead vaccine before that happens!

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You gonna be the one to give it to him?

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Realistically, i think there a lot of people who would, push come to shove. But once the mexican mafia, or italian mafia realize 85% less population equates to a lot less drug users and Johns for their prostitute rings, somebody is gonna.

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Very good point. There aren’t even 1000 globalist predators. They can shove the disease X up their ass.

I am angry old man. A life sentence doesn’t mean much

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Bingo! I'm old and grumpy and don't mind shoving it up their ass and will serve no sentence!

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Just start looking at what is happening. Stop watching msm and enjoy what is going down

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I stopped watching MSM at least 3 decades ago. As for what is "going down" may I draw your attention to the words of Denethor from "The Siege of Gondor":

"For thy hope is but ignorance. Go then and labour in healing! Go forth and fight! Vanity. For a little space you may triumph on the field, for a day. But against the Power that now arises there is no victory."

Don: Just because things seem to be looking up at the moment is no time to let your guard down. "It ain't over till the fat lady sings..." 🤔

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PS: For your delectation and enjoyment:


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I won’t have to. And when you wake up the the fact that Saddam and Gaddafi were the good guys you will start to see how we have been played for 100 years and more. Roosevelt is the biggest clue to the corruption. Lyndon Johnson Just look at what they did.

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I'm aware Saddam and Gaddafi were the good guys... Look what happened to them.

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Many of us know exactly what happened! I believe many leaders were also trying to get their countries off the U.S. Petro Dollar, and have their own currency. Just like JFK...

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I will gladly volunteer to give it to him. A booster too.

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If anyone comes at me with a lead vaccine they will get lead up their ass

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Love it!! I call it "satans syrup"

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I mean to me that is a THREAT NOTHING ELSE. ITS A THINNLY failed threat , saying if you don't do as we say you die. We promise you. They saying so the governments understand but with plausible denyability and doublespeak.

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"Yeah, we'll get it to work this time. 20 TIMES BETTER THAN LAST TIME."

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It seemed to work pretty well last time if you ask anyone with a dead relative or friend. 13-17 million victims seems about like a small world war!!!!


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I think its much more than that! The CDC said vaers numbers generally represent less than 1%. Take the current number "they're admitting to" and multiply that by 100.

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Those people died from already existing diseases, medical malpractice, and unnecessary ventilation! That's already been proven a 100 times over. WHY do you think they wouldn't let family members in?! Nurses/Doctors all over reporting how bad protocols FORCED by our corrupt government! Go to Nurse Erin's website! I saw her video on fascistbook before they started censoring and before we deactivated our accounts that in NY they had the ventilators in the halls with the tubes going from hall to patients! No WAY that was any help plus they weren't even going in to care for patients! How many died with kidney failure that never had kidney problems before?! Guess what...that's EXACTLY what Remdesivir does and litterally failed clinical trials miserably for what it was created for! So NO WAY should it have been used over Hydroxychloroquine, steroids, Ivermectin, etc! Look at how many coroners reported there were zero signs of covid in those deaths! People aren't risking their jobs/livelihood and reputations for kicks and giggles! And let's not forget how many annually die from the flu but flu deaths were non existent! 4 years later not one person should still believe covid killed anyone! 4 years later if people aren't seeing more die since clot shots well I've got some cheap ocean front property in Az to sell! I had an 18 year old over a year ago say to me..."It's sad when you know more people who died from vaccine than did covid!" And idiots are STILL lining up for it and flu shots! Can't fix stupid but you can vaccinate it to death. 🤦‍♀️🥴

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Bingo!! You're a million percent CORRECT! It's sad what these demons have and are doing to innocent people! May they reap 100 fold back on themselves what they pushed on others

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Hell is going to be overcrowded at this point. They'll find out why the Bible said the root of all evil is the love of money! They'll also realize all that money won't buy them ac or water in hell!

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Like when Joe Biden threatened all the unvaccinated that they would suffer a "winter of death."

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Or with F16's. Where the hell is our current military? Playing dress up in tutu's and wearing dog costumes?!!!🤡 if we had any type of military they'd arrest the current administration, politicians and lock them up in gitmo.

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I would give it a "like" but not really. : (

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Oh yes, him. The other satanic Anus.

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When a group such as the WEF threatens it’s usually bc they have already failed with their plan. These psychos are a new Breed on another level. Logically it would take 50 years to destroy 8.5 Billion Humans. The response should be “carry on” we’re not interested and we have planned ways to survive. We’re smarter than the WEF!

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I've got some swampland I'm selling real cheap!

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20 acres and a mule

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I've got 10 without the mule. Although there was a runaway bull here for a bit. (I rather miss him)

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This is simply extortion. They are militarizing the germ theory, the basis for their absurd "Disease X" story - the germ theory that has never been proven true. Are the peoples of the world really going to abandon their freedom for a completely imaginary threat? What a coup that will be for WEF and WHO.

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It's the funniest extortion we've heard in a while. "Go along with us, or you will die at a rate 20x that of Covid."

Or, to quote The Princess Bride: "Stop that incessant rhyming, I mean it!" "Does anybody want a peanut?"

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Once they release it, how do you contain it and who can trust their antidote isn't more poison?

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Everything from them is nothing but poison, slavery, death.

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Ahhh Good Times 🤬

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Star Trek Deep Space 9 had this great weapon, the TR-116 rifle... don't I wish I had one... and a few thousand rounds...

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I know my mother said if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

"Anything at all".

Including a big FUCK YOU to the WHO.

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How about WHO the FUCK? These ass-oles don't know their arse from their elbows and they expect us to listen and believe their nonsense?

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All we have to do is ignore them, including the americam tyrants that will go along with it. And until then, tell everyone you know, drop pamphlets qnd clown them on social media. Tag random posts to help combat their suppression algorithms.

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I think the longer they are left to their devices, the bigger the threat to humanity, people globally. They should of been stopped in their careers long ago. THIS CONSTENT THREATH HAS TO STOP. THEY ARE EXTREMELY DANGEROUS, EVIL AND WICKED. THIS IS UNDISPUTED.

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True. But it would still require societal participation no?

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Yes obviously.

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I’m in America and no one is going along with it except the so called President and his Demoncrats. Citizen’s here are ready and prepared for the worst.

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Thats awesome, where I am too!

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Not going to be long now.

The Demons Wearing Human Being Suits

are going to die terrible deaths.

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Amen to THAT 🙏🏻🙌🏻

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So they’ve resorted to threatening the masses openly now. What absolute reptilian beings they are.

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Unite and say no no.

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Even the compliant fools will die, just like covidfake1

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My thoughts EXACTLY

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Just a thought. Dr Geert van den Bossche has been warning of a multitude of variants that are building right now. He predicts a very serious outcome when these variants come to the surface and start to wreak havoc in the highly vaccinated population. The evil Cabal have their own clever scientists, who may very well be aware of this and also waiting for it to manifest. Perhaps this serious downturn, a consequence of the vaccine, is the mysterious disease that they are now threatening.

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I have an immune system. And BTW, if they haven't poisoned me by now it ain't likely. I will.not live in fear. Nobody's getting outta here alive, so why give in to their evil tyrannization of humanity? Just my 5 chinadian pesos worth.

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Won’t happen.

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All the more reason not to take 'advice' [that is, not submit to coercion] from WHO.

All they have to offer is various flavors of death, disability and slavery.

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This was the plan all along. Everyone who gave in and took the shots gave "them" the go-ahead. I don't care what your excuse was; we ALL should have stood up to "them" but now we're stuck. Without a doubt, our government is going to sign on to this.

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🎯 now stop paying taxes and stop goomg to work. They cant lock up a whole country. Then they have no $ to do it to us with. AND Good God, get as many people as you can to ignore the super bowl. It's fake, it's scripted it's the poster-boy puppet and taylor swift psyop. Next they will get the super bowl and then they'll be supporting biden. It all started when she was boight and paid by soros.



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Swift and the super-bowl yup. Both make me want to barf because they are both pawns.

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Everyone should boycott the super bowl/nfl. For one its fake but super bowl and the olympics are the 2 biggest days for moving children in sex rings.

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Can you elaborate on what you mean? How are children moved and why during those events?

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There is so much travel for these events. Through planes, trains, buses, etc. they can more easily move the children around much more easily, state to state, even country to country. It's like a cartel sending 2,000 cars through the border, some are going to get caught but some will get through. Too hard to police when flooded with such a volume of travelers.

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All but certain? That they're going to release it on schedule, like Wuhan, about now.

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So, if you comply you die or...you die. WOW, great trust building skills.

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Well, one tiny change. We can share this on both “X” and FB! 💪

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