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Oct 6, 2023
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My thoughts exactly. This follows the playbook of creating a crisis to justify and implement a global communist solution.

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Oct 6, 2023
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Yes, they are sad. But they have the ability to take us down with them - if we let them.

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If this is allowed to happen we will all die, including animals, the world will be a dank dark planet that will not be able to sustain life.

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Nope, it will be a green wild planet just for the masonic few:

16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet


If we don’t succeed, prepare for their 6-sword lethal plan fully exposed here:


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Well the masonic few need to eat too

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Net zero literally means nothing that's carbon. Everything that's alive is carbon, therefore it won't lush and green, it'll be a cold, arid wasteland. No carbon=no life.

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It increasingly seriously seems like Schwab et al are frank Satanists (we know Hillary Clinton is!) who won't give up until they have trashed the entire biosphere. Nuclear war, geoengineering, toxins, pathogens . . . who knows what else they will come up with?!

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Exactly what a demon would want.

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You are correct...they are terraforming. For those with eyes to see, it's well past time to put on the whole armor of God and to stand strong in The WORD!!!

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"God helps those who help themselves". He expects US to take a stand and reject/deal with those Evil SOBs!

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We all know that this is bs no way are our livestock going to cause a pandemic, this is lies made up by the greedy Globalists. Another way of controlling us.

I guarantee they will be eating meat, for them not for us. We are seen as the underdogs so plz stand against this. They should never have the power to decide what we can and cannot eat.

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This is complete insanity. World gone insane. Biden & Kerry, two illegitimate, illegal supposed government officials leading this lunacy. In what world does it make any sense that to “save the world, you have to destroy it?” This is obscene, stupid beyond belief, there are not enough adjectives to describe the magnitude of this evil.

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This is already being implemented in many countries. For example, the Government of Argentina received millions of dollars to implement a search&destroy unit for avian flu. They culled thousands of chicks with their fake PCR and threw away tons of eggs.

The money was so generous that they paid the producers for their losses ABOVE market prices.

This strategy will reduce global output of food, increase prices and start starvation of the poorest.

Just as planned to exterminate us:


16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet


If we don’t succeed, prepare for their 6-sword lethal plan fully exposed here:


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Who died and made John Kerry the spokesperson for all of the US? We the People need to remind these people who is in charge of our country. They are the Cloward and Piven mafia. They create the problem, then solve it, but if you do not comply, they destroy you.

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I thought 'water' was suppose to be the next 'pandemic' that they work off of..

others stories I've read was the so call 'climate crisis'...

so which is it?!..lol

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All of the above. Many fronts to overwhelm the people.

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They fully intend to use all of the above. Their aim is to destroy us as quickly as possible. They can only do so if we the people become compliant or greedy. Point is the greedy ones will never get to enjoy their new wealth, they too will become victims once we are dealt with.

Why is it that greed for wealth makes good people go bad.

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Greed for wealth is the toxin that humans were created to resist.

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Their target isn't dairy, meat, diseases, or even CO2, but instead us.

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Yes indeed and by any means possible.

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Fuck them all.

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They think they are Gods. But, the real God will have the last laugh. Unfortunately there will likely be devastating collateral damage, until that last laugh happens.

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If Milei wins in Argentina, he'll pull out.

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World Homicide Organization.

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Now there is a novel idea ,euthanize all the meat producing animals so that Bill can profit from his fake meat industry . Oh and get rid of all the possible sources of CO2 while we are at it ,so that there no longer any oxygen producing plants that grow . That should it . Give us a friggin break !

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If anyone like Dexter from the TV-series reads this. If you want that world, then do not kill them, otherwise, please do! Also, if you have the opportunity, then kill them painfully and slowly. They really deserve that! Thanks in advance!

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Given the numbers of illegals entering Texas and it being a top beef producer AND TB animal safe for now suspect a secret govie TB outbreak here via illegals and soon to shut the beef production down. These sick bastards c-19 inoculated zoo animals and caused too many animals to die - they will come for our pets be warned.

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