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Shocking 😮

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Oh my.. looks like the new Bird Flu Plandemic is faltering..oh no!... God Bless those political leaders with the wavo's to speak Truth to WHO Power like Alcocer..

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Why am I unable to like comments? Anyone know?

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Yes, the patient died by birds that run these health organizations- VULTURES!!

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Every death going forward that was likely caused by the covid jabs, that is now manifesting in people 3 years after being injected, is going to be labeled "bird flu" or "climate change". May he rest in peace 🙏🏻

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Bird Floo Bull Doo Doo from the WHO!

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World Hoax Organization getting rusty ? It's tough to pick the right "patient zero" when you're rushing a new plandemic before a big election.

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I bet there are already long lines of people in California and New York lining up to wait for their turn at “vaccine equity” for some new, as-yet-nonexistent mRNA injection to save them from the birds.

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You could have knocked me over with a feather.

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When it comes to fake viruses causing implied panic, Mexico ain't no China. These clowns should have stuck with the experts in the matter of creating fake pandemics...China. Or, at least Africa.

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The WHO is not above lying, killing, obfuscating, manipulating, manufacturing, and any other nefarious activity that serves the purpose of driving their evil agendas.

This Cabal is simply ramping up the narrative and beginning a fear campaign to drive “vaccines”. It’s Plandemic 2.0.

I believe this has to occur for them because they cannot seem to control the Trump train that is going to barrel through the election to the Presidency. WWIII is also looming. So, if we aren’t at full scale war where the government can delay the election indefinitely, then it will be full scale bird flu Plandemic lockdowns and mandatory death jabs that preempt the election.

I pray I’m wrong but there’s foreshadowing all over the place.

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We’ve had 4 years to learn how to be one step ahead of the Who. They have failed, and the light is shining on the darkness for us to all see how truly evil this small, insignificant group is.

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I stand with Mexico. This is ridiculous.

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This one ain’t gonna fly ( pun intended) as even the comatose sheep are awakening. Keep Fighting

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