If true why doesn't Putin come right out and say "We are taking out Ukraine bio-labs"? I agree your evidence seems convincing but people like Martin Armstrong disagree. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/war/ukraine-biological-weapons/

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Just to clarify, it's not my evidence, sometimes I publish articles by different authors

Here's my opinion about this war. They are ALL in it together, the goal - a one-world government out of the ashes of the current world order:


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I did not listen to the whole thing, he thinks that Putin is not playing it to it. I stopped right there.

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This war is a scam.

Putin is also a graduate of Klaus Schwab's Global Leaders school. We are being played by both sides, just like we are being played by both political parties, Democrats and Republicans. Both sides have already been hijacked and work together to control us. Our best bet is to stop using their currencies, and adopt governmentless money like Pirate Chain and Monero. Governments use money to control us. We can escape their control by using money they don't control.

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Thank you. When I saw Politifact have done a piece saying there were no biolabs in Ukraine, I translated that to - Biolabs exist in Ukraine. Clif High has also mentioned this on his bitchute channel. Helpful info.

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I am cross checking the lab addresses into the MapHub (also using google to verify address locations) and I have tried 4 different locations, so far none have activity on this tracking sight.

I am not saying there hasn't been targeted destruction/bombings of the "labs", but as far as this activity tracking sight which purpose is to verify actual activity (versus false information, I am not seeing proof of the targets being hit. What am I missing???


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Distraction of the labs could be another smockscreen of lies, knowing who is behind both sides of this conflict

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I did check the scrubbing claim, and YES... there are docs that no longer open up on the home page. So that part seems accurate, just not sure about targeted destruction. I found those docs you shared links to on this link as well: https://files.catbox.moe/tdcsp6.pdf. (probably just copied and made file) wonder if that is Gato's file? lolol. (boriquagato@substack.com). Interesting stuff, I will post if I find anything else relevant. Thanks for your post, I had seen this "Bioweapon" info on many TicToks today.

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Thank you for sharing this valuable information!

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Thank you! We need to share this everywhere. 🙏❤️

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