I enjoy reading Dr. Paul and I stopped reading or watching Malone a long time ago. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

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What does the so-called "esteemed" Dr Malone say about this? I wonder, since I don't read his stuff! Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Maybe Alexander changed his tune because just before that substack article, Dr. Malone spent two pages in one of his lawsuit filings ranting about him. Some samples:

"The Breggins and Ruby publish false and defamatory statements about Dr. Malone directly and in concert with one or more persons believed to reside in Virginia, including Paul Elias Alexander (“Alexander”). The Breggins and Ruby sought out Alexander because of Alexander’s employment with the Infectious Diseases Society of America (“IDSA”), in Virginia. "

And later:

"Acting in concert with the Breggins and Ruby between January 2023 and the present, with the joint goal in injuring Dr. Malone’s reputation in the medical community, Alexander repeatedly published (almost daily) false and defamatory statements on his substack and Twitter about Dr. Malone,"

Finally, Malone described what the Breggins, Jane Ruby and Paul Alexander like this:

"It was a thoroughly orchestrated group grope"

Here's the link:


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I'm honestly not sure what to make of all of this. Didn't the rift with Malone start when he criticized the "Watch the Water' documentary done by the Stew Peter's production team? Dr. Ruby has her own show on Red Voice Media and along with Stew Peters, Malone became persona non grata.

Dr. Alexander was also a frequent guest of Stew Peters on his show. Did he become critical of Malone too because of the shock jock actions of Peters? Stew tells a lot of truths but let's face it, he has no filters and on almost every segment (interviews) he goes on rants ripping into the person of the day.

Beyond that, and I admittedly don't have the whole story, I'm not sure what's going on here with Malone and the whole bunch.

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"Recently, someone who told me my analysis was "excellent" also told me that fear of "retaliation" was preventing this person from simply passing my essay along to interested parties!"

This is the problem. Right here. My government is trying to murder me, and has already murdered many thousands, and people are afraid to share articles. People will read something like this and say 'well I'm sure they didn't mean it' or 'people aren't ready to hear it.' https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australian-excess-deaths-2023

Then this and say: 'you're over reacting' https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/the-australian-government-may-legally

We are gatekeeping ourselves into mass slaughter.

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(And what Dr. Ruby said in her tweet)

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Like kids fighting while trying to cook with oil in the kitchen, I focus on the oil and cooking, not the kids.

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I respect this opinion, and used to think this way too. In some ways, I still do.

But the kids are burning the house down, the oil is not acting alone.

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Lol I agree but if people can't see the inconsistency of character here, I can't help them.

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Thanks, it's always good when clear thinking and sanity pipe in.

Couldn't agree more. Alexander's stack on this was perplexing to say the least.

Most disappointing though were the comments which were mostly some form of 'yippee'.

What is really going on here? It's all wrong.

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I stopping watching soap operas a long time ago, and for good reason. People gonna do what they want to do.

But I agree with you, too much inconsistency is a red flag.

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Haaa! 🎯I was thinking the same thing.. a rreal life soap opera with fans tuning in daily for the latest .. 🎻

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The character inconsistencies are so evident. People become so wedded to their "favorite" that they are blind to the inconsistencies. I weigh more on character than whether I think people have got it right all the way.

I think what is lacking is recognizing that this is a real world experiment that has been written into our laws, and scientists if given the opportunity would try a lot things they have been wanting to, particularly dosage. I theorize that a scientist would experiment with dosage and ingredients first before especially opening it up to children. Had J&J had less serious adverse reactions it would have been offered to kids too. If administrators really cared, they would have aspirated the needle first as they have been routinely for decades, but is it not even recommended to. Yet another red flag. They just keep piling up.

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We always aspirated prior giving intramuscular injection over 3 decades ago .. to omit that step was not ever a thought.. couldn't believe when read cdc etc said that no longer is required as needle in arm for aspiration= increased time = more pain


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