Sadly in Michigan they are still occasionally wasting my tax dollars trying to convince the uninformed to get their latest "boosters". At this late date whoever's responsible should be charged with attempted murder.

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And pregnant women

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This is most definitely a new phenomenon and one that the media are trying to deflect.

Starting in 2021, a lot of the stadiums required vx compliance for entry.

It was not just the players that fell down mid-game but the fans, referees and even the coaches..

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Yep, new phenomenon of ambulances for fans on the regular.

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With the bio-weapon death jabs comes a (re) defining moment in sports: Ambulance chasers now means: what you're drinking after yet another athlete "suddenly" drops dead on the field, and you're reaching for your bottle as these lost souls are being removed from the field, (or what I call: a crime scene, which the entire planet has become), and the media, (or what call: co-conspirators to mass murder), comments on: how they "took one for the team", (not God's team), as the ambulance drives off, with heartbreaking frequency, and one needs a drink just to deal with your grief... True story, for too many.

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Excellent description.

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I, like you, and everyone, are having to re-frame the world we now live in, so that we are able to reconcile our understanding of it, because in the last 3-4 years, nothing fits, nothing makes sense, other than: there is a very sick, though a very "privileged class" of people, that have done some very bizarre things,, things that only make sense if 'we the people', everywhere, view them from this lens: they are psychopaths, and then, all this madness makes perfect sense. They not only have the (financial) means to carry out some very dark agendas, think Mr. gates of hell, for instance, they also have the where with all, the will, to do things that the average human being wouldn't even consider, because, though we are imperfect beings, we still have the belief that good will towards others is not only how the world functions best, but also, how we, too, also function best, where we're doing our best to be a blessing to others, and so, create communities that are benevolent, communities that create opportunities in said communities, as this is a bridge to a viable future, and we are wired that way, and it's a beautiful thing....but these others? They lack empathy and compassion, lack the basic fabric of humanity that 99% of us here have, and that makes them dangerous, to all of us...., and so, ambulance chasers, as this whole nightmare continues to get ramped up, (and it is, as it hasn't reached its apex, not even close, when considering how many were duped by the endless propaganda...) so it is almost like a necessity, for these monsters are trying to destroy our hope for tomorrow, though that is something that I pray with all my heart, doesn't happen, because after the darkness passes, everything always looks brighter in the light of day....but the challenge is, and will be in the coming years, just getting there, to that brighter day, with our hope still intact. Thanks for your comment. God bless you and yours! Truly....

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I love your thoughts. Though the corruption we are seeing today has been festering out of sight from the beginning. We can no more go back to the way we were than a rotten apple can be made wholesome.

God has already said all this. Jesus told us, too.

We have to change. God Bless you as well.

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You are absolutely right! This mess has forced us as a nation, and a world, to confront the truth, and to stop being complacent, as we learn to accept that we are responsible for what's happening, too, from this perspective: our complacency lead these monsters to believe that no one would do anything to stop them, because no one had done anything up to now (to stop them). That's actually not true. There has been a concerted effort to stop these psychopaths, but not by enough people, to make those efforts visible, or meaningful enough, for others to be inspired by it.

I am a government whistleblower, and there are others, too, dedicated to service (to others), and to the telling the truth, always, but as I say: there weren't enough people willing to risk it all to tell the truth...(about government corruption, and collusion with these monsters).

We can right the ship, if we all work together, though starting here, is where it has to start, (by taking ownership of our own part in not doing enough to make it right with Him, and each other, in our own lives! I am looking at the problem, looking straight at it, when I look into the mirror):

2 Chronicles 7:14

Thank you so much for your comments. You are right on, right on topic, and correct!

God bless you, and yours! Truly...

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I don't believe we are going to save ourselves. I believe God is enacting His plan for us all for complete restoration and salvation from our own willful choices. He loves us that much.

We all have our part to play and it matters - to God. So we keep going, endure until the end, as Jesus teaches. Whenever that may be and even if we find ourselves all alone in our faith.

I was a whistleblower at my work. I worked for a government as well. A Native American Nation. I saw and spoke out about the many terrible things they were doing in regards to the injections. Finally no one stood with me. Everyone caved to the pressure except me. It made me sad, but also helped me to understand God's wisdom and how much He loves us. His strength made me able to be strong enough to stand. My faith grew.

In God's plan, I don't think it's of the utmost importance what happens to this country we call America. What matters to Him as I understand it is each and every soul.

I am honored to be part of His plan. To receive even a tiny glimpse of His magnificence. I am only saddened by how many reject Him or at best try to create Him in their image instead of understanding we can never contain Him or shape Him or own Him in any way. The best we can do is to give ourselves to Him as completely as we are able.

I feel heartbroken over this country's support of the genocide being perpetrated in Gaza. The people who call themselves "christian zionists". How do we think for one instant any Muslim will ever come to Jesus when they have witnessed what we are perpetrating in Jesus' mighty name? There is only one way to God, not several, and His name is Jesus Christ. The people who call themselves the Jewish people must come to Him for salvation or perish. God has made this crystal clear.

I pray that each of us makes the right choice.

Thank you for your heartfelt and loving comments.

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I love what you have written. except for the Gaza part as that is more murky than what we are led to believe. Thank you and bless you.

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While I understand the politics and players may be difficult if not impossible for me to discern who is doing what and to whom, what's happening to the people on the ground is murderous and very real with no ambiguity.

Here's a video that's hard to watch or deny.


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You and I share very similar stories.

Regarding the comment you begin with: in terms of faith, and deliverance, reading Exodus, and Joshua, especially Exodus, can be a further revelation to His plan now:

God could’ve defeated the nephilim tribes in the Promised Land all by Himself, easily, (which is the same threat which we all face today, too), He could’ve done that, but He demanded that the Hebrews be participants in their own deliverance, not be idle in their faith, but rather, be willing to risk it all for it, and for Him! Truly.

I believe that there is a message in these stories for His faithful today, too, as we try to understand why He hasn’t return for us, yet?

Because when we understand that the only ones that trusted in God enough to listen to Him, then, and put their entire faith and trust in Him were Joshua, Caleb and Moses, we see that God cursed that generation for their lack of faith, and forced them to wander for 40 years, until every Hebrew that refused to follow Him had perished in the desert, because in their hearts, they were still slaves, and they refused to be anything else, and so, they were not trusting of the Lord Almighty the way they should have been, the way He expected them to be, as He also expects us to be, now, in our time.

It’s no different for the people of God, today: who are also slaves, too, (the Rothschild “federal reserve bank” monetary system is a form of slavery), and they refuse to participate in their own Salvation, as well. People that call themselves “Christians”, but aren’t willing to lay their lives down for their faith, have no faith, nor will they have any Salvation, either, because untested virtue is no virtue, at all.

Imagine the looks on all those faces, the faces of those who sat in church weekly, playing games, or texting on their phones, but not listening to the words with their heart, in the spirit, then upon leaving church, would cross the street so they wouldn’t have to look into the faces of the homeless, with need all around, those that God Himself gave us a commission to share the Gospel with, everywhere, and to treat well those who are less fortunately, those who, there but for the Grace of God, go I, also…. Too many believe that they said the “magic” words, and they’re “in”, wink, wink….but imagine their surprise, when Yeshua quotes Matthew 7:21-23 to them, verbatim. Those who could, but instead, risked nothing, they’ll receive nothing

Up until the 1700’s, reading the Bible in English was a capital offence, and those who were trying to translate it, and disperse it to the common folks, like Wyclif, and Tynsdale, they were sentenced to death by the “church”. And there were many, many more whose lives were cut short for preaching the Gospel fearlessly. Yeshua will not be quoting Matthew 7:21-23 to them, I am pretty sure….

But these days, it is obscene how many faithless, cruel and downright evil people have the nerve to call themselves “Christians”. If they are, it’s in name only, because the Holy Spirit has not changed them into new beings in Christ, not even close, and this is true of many so called “Christians”, which is why nearly 2,000 years later, we’re still waiting, because too many of the “faithful” are like those faithless Hebrew tribes that were forced to wander the desert until they all died off. Not even Moses was allowed to enter the Promised Land in Canaan, (but that was for disobedience, because he struck the rock after the Lord Almighty had commanded him not to), though we do know he is in Heaven, now, because he, like David, was “a man after God’s own Heart”. 1 Sam. 13:14

Moses served God well, to His purpose!

People don’t read the Bible nowadays, and don’t even know Him, at all, but they sure said the “magic” words, and did nothing else, as they wander the desert of their minds, not knowing Him, not knowing the Word (Yeshua), and not knowing the Truth…and, perhaps, that’s why He hasn’t returned, because we lack true faith, and the commitment to understand one simple Truth: faith is a verb, not a noun. Truly.

I pray that this is meaningful.

Thank you for sharing your comments, and your insight, too. God bless.

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More than meaningful. Profound. What I need to hear. We all need to hear.

I think you're right. We are wandering in the wilderness. I look at churches with all their bells and whistles and I think what use is that to God? I think, those huge green lawns they manicure and spray with weed killer and plant with ornamental plants that yield no fruit of any kind and I think, why aren't those lawns cultivated into community gardens to feed the people wholesome food? Why do the poor almost never walk into those "church" buildings and receive help the way Jesus taught us to help in very clear language?

I read a passage by Charles Spurgeon from over 120 years ago where he said the churches were failing even then. That he had seen the churches go from being the center of any town. Where if you were poor or hungry or homeless of jobless or in trouble of any kind, the church was the first place you went for help. In his time he had seen that shift to churches saying they weren't "equipped" to deal with these "social problems" which were best handled by the government. The church went from being a place where people followed Jesus to nothing more than social clubs. Isn't this a modern day worshipping of the golden calf? Of making God fit what we want Him to be, not seeking to know who He truly is?

I don't see how today's churches can rise out of this but what do I know is all things are possible with God. Though, as you wrote, God wants us to want Him with everything we have and be willing to lay down our lives for Him as He laid down His for us. That is what makes us brothers and sisters.

Thank you for your thoughts as well. I get discouraged with the ways of people in the world, but I was that way, too, and I try not to be hypocritical. I have miles to go as well just like everyone else.

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Good morning. I hope that you and yours are all well!

I love the way you frame these issues, too! And I love your Charles Spurgeon reference, also! Wow, that man was a great preacher for the Lord, for Yeshua!

It's true, there's so much we can do, but haven't found the will to do...and I'll give you one example: I've gone to the pastor of the church I go to with one simple request: the 4th Commandment says: "Remember the Sabbath, and keep it Holy!" I've humbly asked to put it to a vote, to change the day of worship from Sunday (the day of worship of the "sun god", Apollo) to the Sabbath, Saturday, but he won't do it, won't even consider it, as he gives me one excuse after another...because he is in "college", doing his masonic ritual, seeking a "degree" in "divinity", in a ritual that ends with putting a "masons" mortar board on your head, and a "masonic" apron on, as a "gown", too, and I've explained it to him, what the 33 months of "university" (get it?) is, a masonic ritual, but he rejects the truth out of hand, and it's so simple a child (like me) can understand it...but he can't see it, nor hear it, nor does he want to keep the Sabbath Holy by remembering it, either...

Crazy, right? I think so, but I am one of the few, I suppose, though I see, and hear, the truth so clearly, because it's right in front of me, where He put it!

So, we are all trying to figure it, and we need Him, and each other to do it, and we need the wisdom gleaned from the Word by guys like Charles Spurgeon, too...

I have to be somewhere, and have to go, though I am usually in quiet prayer today, but not this day, unusually...

God bless you and yours! Have a blessed day!

Btw: You may know this, but I am going to say it, anyway, because it makes me smile: What's a pirates favorite letter? "Argh, it's an R,R,R,r,r,r,r,r,r....." : )

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I don't agree fully with what you say. This decline into more and more evilness is clear in the Bible and inevitable.....Revelation 18:22/23 for example. We are required to be alert and awake to the mass deception around us eg Matt 24 .

It is going to happen and our role is surely to accept that and ensure we are looking to Jesus as author and finisher of our faith and be consistent in witnessing of Him.

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Yes. God has made it very clear. Thank you for saying it so succinctly.

I pray some if not all will listen to His voice and come to Him. God Bless.

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It was rare to see an Athlete drop in the field of play in years before the jabs came out.

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Not true. It was rare to hear about athletes dropping in the field of play but the rate of occurrence is steady over the years. We hear about it now because it serves the purposes of those pushing a particular point of view.

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I never seen an athlete drop before… They even had the stats on Wikipedia… At least they DID have them on Wikipedia! The cardiac arrests and such were very stable until 2021… 🤦🏽‍♀️

Nice to see another RN on this Substack 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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Cant heart it. But sure do know it. Wrote it long time ago: https://nptru4u.substack.com/p/babies-and-fans-too-unprecendented

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Obvious to those who are not brainwashed villagers, but to the rest they will happily believe any lie told to explain this, even "climate change".

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“Football player” is only a temporary label for these folks. Compared to you or me, they are superhuman. Their training - we won’t last five minutes there. Remember:

- they train to survive 2 hours of high-stress public appearance,

- of which: 90 minutes of non-stop movement across a football pitch 115x74 yards (105x68 m) - that is the length equivalent to 18 by 12 latest F-150 trucks,

- most of this time they are running along major distances of the pitch,

- plus they engage in numerous high-energy kinetic interactions with other players, including strong physical contact, extreme body maneuvers, jumps and - inevitably - hard contact with the ground,

- all the time maintaining full mental capacity: perception, assessment of distance, speed and trajectories of multiple players,

- and they end the game by walking out with smiles…

They are to us, common folks, what special forces are to them - a paragon of health.

Now, if they fall just like that…

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Yours was such a good article (the quote above excerpted) that you shouldn't be shy about sharing a link here of to whole piece!

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I assume that readers, if interested, will click on the grey “The path is here” to see more. I also see comments as an opportunity to share insights and experience, not an advertising board :-) Inserting a link is ok when the content there is a subject in itself worth special attention. I rarely do it. Thank you for your kind words.

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As Jordan Peterson nicely said:

When something happens once, you don’t notice it. When it repeats, you usually take note of it. When it happens for the third time, you start seeing a pattern.

When death patterns arise in the community, formal criminal investigation should be initiated.

In this case, it is very easy: there is a particular targeted population (football players), the circumstances are similar, but the deaths occur across the world. Which should exclude a mad serial killer and turn the investigation into medical aspects. Since football players are thoroughly supervised, their medical records should be compared to find common threads.

“And the rest was history,” reported the news anchor in 2026…

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This never happened before to any group of athletes.

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Obviously “long COVID” or climate change 😑

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You ask if anybody remembers this (athletes suddenly collapsing) happening so frequently before the roll-out of the experimental mRNA injections.

The answer is "yes." The number of young athletes collapsing and dying on the playing field has remained steady year after year. There are about 20 such incidents a year in the US.

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The CULLING marches on! They want fewer men. So they turn them into pseudofemmes, or inoculate them with poison. And since these young, masculine athletes don't want to become wimmin, the only option is the poison. They also want fewer breeders, aka, wimmin so they mow them down in various wars. Except, the dark wimmin are expendable while the Ukrainian, fair skinned wimmin are left out of the fray. Is this a breeding program?

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I dunno maybe climate change is causing a lot of coincidences.

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The assault on us physically, psychologically, emotionally, and most importantly, spiritually is nothing short of 5th generation warfare - full scale. These sudden deaths are evidence of the callous indifference and even hatred for humankind espoused by those who would assume control of the world and dictate who lives, dies and remains post-culling to be slaves in the electronic panopticon - they are the obvious fruit of the constant injurious EMFs and the graphene rain and jabs, the propaganda, the deception and the purposeful and willful kinetic and psychological warfare, etc.. They've so sullied the hippocampuses of our fellow citizens, that they are zombified and unable to achieve coherent thought, critical reason or deduce from circumstances staring them in the face that their "leaders" (unelected bureaucrats and those who have "assumed" the role of elected leaders but who are imposters and posers and have not even bothered to properly execute their required oaths of office -- who have disregarded the Constitution and instead aligned themselves with Satan and His globalist errand boys to participate in the destruction or synthesis of our LORD's organic and beautiful creation into a digitized nightmare -- a virtual hell for all who they deem useful to survive and to serve their nefarious purposes and needs)are indeed intent of self-destruction and the sacrifice of billions in hopes of preserving a place at the table in the final planned chapter of their imaginary world of utopian technocratic tyranny. Prayers for the families and associates of those made to drink of this bitter cup and for those who inflicted such devastation on us all.

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It’s important to realize that companies are paying people to defend the Covid poison shots. I have seen this for the last few years but especially in the last months. The “ sudden” & “ unexpected” deaths have multiplied by an unconscionable number. The reality is literally unfathomable. Yet, here we are. On many internet newsfeeds multiple unexplained deaths are reported daily. Responses vary but there’s always 5-6 ( I have their names & responses almost memorized), that consistently respond to try to normalize these deaths. Even the youngest soccer players that collapse & die on the fields. “ This happens, people die everyday.. must be a genetic thing & on & on”

That may be true but NOT attached the numbers we have seen. Dr. Peter McCullough wrote & published in PubMed journal that from Dec2021- Dec. 2022, 1598 young athletes had heart related incidences. Of that number, about 1200 were fatal. In comparison, from 1966 - 2004, there were 1100 had heart related incidences.

We are not talking about a few extra deaths, we are seeing staggering numbers that should shock us all. For all the people paid to discredit these numbers or normalize these deaths,.. don’t waste your time. WE KNOW THE TRUTH!

Tell Soros & Gates to save their dirty money because it’s wasted on ignorant ghost writers.

We will never forget these last 4 years & we will never dishonor these dead athletes by normalizing their unnecessary deaths.

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Agree 100% that it is murderous...and the more murderous it is the more the powers behind the scenes gloat over it all and incite yet more violence. But I would be very wary of buying into any storyline promoted if I were you as there is so much going on than we have any inkling of and neither side has remotely clean hands or any right to call out the other. I pray for peace for my part and yet I also know that there is no peace to be had. Have you studied Bible history to gain more understanding of what is behind this ? there is ample and hard to discern truth but it can be had with diligent searching. There is in fact a lot of ambiguity to be found in the horrific video you posted .

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The new mRNA normal.

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