Hard to pin exactly which vaccine is causing the anomaly based on the year of the birth of the subject. Different years in the past have had different recommended dosages of multiple offerings. How those offerings were approved is another topic of discussion.

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Temporal association with c19 jab.

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Could have been a component. However, there is too much history genetic and otherwise in the subjects’ family trees to warrant pinning any one, very safe, very enzymatically degraded in a timely fashion #RNA-snippet acceptable by the cell’s machinery and approved with high levels of efficacy against the biological invaders.

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They jab humans early as infants and blame genetics later! Sheep science!

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For me the data carries more weight than proclamation, showing the experimental injectable biologic was nothing of the sort, neither very safe nor with high level of efficacy.

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Myocarditis and pericarditis from c19 jab (a.k.a. experimental injectable biologic) is neither rare or mild.

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It is difficult to vaccinate successfully against a specious disease. Good word, specious:).

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Whe the doctor or assistant injects you with a Bioweapon, it is just as much your fault.

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If there were informed consent and right of refusal that might be true.

“This is a bioweapon…and you can say no.” 🤣

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Sheep will be sheep! Should have listened to tin foil hat friends instead of laughing at them and taking health advice from scumbags that want you dead and profit from your misery!

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Doctors are baffled! Their diagnosis is unknown causes not the synthetic syringe poison!

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Everything but the data-supported obvious

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Doctors are both alarmed - and baffled. But hey, more patients = more money.

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NOBODY IS BAFFLED. Just in denial.

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Strokes are up over 20% where my friend works at the hospital! Management is happy at the increase in numbers! Pretty fckd up!

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We all know the poisonous Covid Jab is the real culprit. I never got sick like those that took the jab. Don’t play Russian roulette with your lives people. We are in the midst of a new ‘Holocaust’ brought on by drug companies and a crooked government.

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Spot on Willie. You are clearly in the know.

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This information should shock exactly NOBODY!

Your world’s elite at their best.

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It’s the jab, stupid! It is wildly apparent but the lying medical profession refuses to acknowledge it. What about all those athletes that dropped dead? They were not obese, Type 2 diabetics, genetically flawed or anything else. They were healthy, active individuals until they weren’t.

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They sure go out of their way to justify their lies 😂 and if you’re stupid enough to believe it then stay the F**K away from me.

I don’t do stupid 🤷‍♂️.

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Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

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Enough is enough. Covid was a lie. People are harmed and middle-class money has been transferred to the wealthy. Stop listening to the W.H.O. nonsense.

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I’m no doctor or fake scientist but it looks like climate change, egg salad sandwiches, too much sunlight, or long convid! Not the toxic poison injected into billions of humans starting in 2021! Tin foil hats save lives. Sheep should have listened!

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Maybe possibly the self replicating lipid nano tech Kill Gates gets super giddy about? Nah probably coffee or too much cream cheese on a bagel!

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