if patients are placed on DNRs, Do Not Resuscitate, it is my understanding that food, and more importantly, water is withheld or may be withheld as part of the protocol. I have read this is the case in some hospices now. Withholding water can cause or exacerbate kidney issues. ~ GRB -- and just in case this is not clear, withholding hydration is torture.

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This is cruel and only serves to exacerbate a person’s condition. Providing food and water is not “resuscitation” but is rather “sustenance”. Withholding is taking an active role in a patient’s demise. How can this practice possibly withstand ethical and moral scrutiny?

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The health care system is all out of Ethics and Morality.

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It goes far beyond negligence or neglect of the patient. I published articles on two patients who's medical records would qualify as hospital homicides (deliberate killing) in my Emergency Doctor opinion. https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/the-difference-between-negligence

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Thank you for the link and all your hard work.

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Thank you, Dr. Nagase, for speaking out as an MD -- with all the professional risks that entails -- which the vast majority of physicians have not been willing to do. Although your substack article is a chilling read on a horrific subject ("The Difference Between Negligence and Homicide"), the quality & precision of your careful professional analysis is a joy to read. I liked and subscribed.

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Thank you Dr. Nagase-- we wholeheartedly agree with you that there are deliberate deadly protocols in place resulting in deliberate killings. I appreciate your further emphasis ~ Ginger

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Agree entirely. Institutions like “hospitals “ and practices like “hospice “ have been altered to kill instead of heal or comfort— and it is ethics departments that have joined the death cult to provide justification for the killings — Ginger

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how sad that is, beyond words

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Hydration is all important, but food not so much. That's why animals refuse to eat when sick.

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They did this to my mom in march 2020... said b/c she was on hospice they could no longer feed her... not kidding.

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Oh Kat I am very sorry. It is so hard to watch a parent pass away and awful to know they were abused and hurt before dying - Ginger

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Thank you.

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They did it to my mom. She had alzheimers...they withheld food and water for 5 days and she died...they gave her morphine and a sedative..my sister thought this was kind. I'm still not over the horror.

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Hospice is a horrible institution. They did not educate us at all in regards to the end of life care they were providing. And they were absolute cowards when "covid" hit. Wouldn't come near my mom or us. I'll never forget. Death is a part of life and they are the supposed experts.

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oh, no, Duchess....it is a horror, I'm so sorry for her suffering and yours ~ Ginger

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It's been a bad 4 years..but thank you...and I'm still hoping we can turn this country around...my hope is in ordinary people...truckers and farmers....and people here on substack. You guys have been writing and speaking out for 4 years...just on covid and the globalists...and you keep many of us going. Bless you both.

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Duchess, I am so sorry to hear this...

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Yes. My 99 year old mother asked to not be put in a facility and wanted to live here which I agreed to. She died four months from her Centennial birthday but would have been dead long before had she been institutionalized. Neighbor up the road died a few weeks ago after being put on a ventilator. Murdering bastards of the corrupt CYSTem. Law enforcement did what they were told, like Stalins KGB did during his rule. The damned CYSTem in whole was onside with what happened and I send a "make like the birds and flock off" to the OPP flatfoots part and parcel of everything wrong. some of these criminals in uniform and going to be exposed.

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Hi Keg-- My mother, who is approaching 98 years of age, lives with us, and has since 1917(!) We moved her from Indiana and closed out her home where she had lived for 10 years independently after my father died. My sister was lobbying for Mom to go into a nursing home as she is functionally blind, and my husband invited Mom to live with us. Of course, when lockdowns occurred, I realized we narrowly avoided disaster and I believe taking her into our home prevented great suffering and possibly her death. Though sometimes challenging, caring for Mom and living with her is very grounding for us and brings blessings and appreciations of every day. ~ Ginger

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I have four grown children and good neighbors. They alternated with mother when I worked and mother was very happy to have especially women looking after her. They are naturally endowed with the nobler characteristics and mothers happiest moments were when her grandchildren would stay with her. She had much attention with and by them and enjoyed her existence. She had one stroke and declined over a two week period to her death. At that point I had professionals here monitoring her. My X was a PSW and was here a lot dealing as was proper with hygienic issues such as showering.

You will both be grateful at the end of the way that you looked after your mother/mother in law. I know had we not we would all have had regrets. The inconvenience is worth it all to have a satisfied mind.

You are doing the right thing and will understand what I am saying at the end.

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Thank you Keg—♥️

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I wish to state that there are only three ways to think, and/or do anything up here in Canuckistan...the right way, the wrong way and the Canadian way. But most think and/or do things the last two ways. The right way to deal with situations like my mother wanting shelter and protection was to immediately provide it. Even with sibblings who I have estranged for good reason, opposing me, who are religious hypocrites going to church every Sunday to sing "Jesus Loves Me" but who lie, defraud, defame, etcthe rest of the week plus some fake cousins and two fake aunts doubling as swindlers and frauds, the right way was to expose and oppose these ingrate criminals. Yes my words are strong but so is my proof.

Today the "love of money" aka idolatry is the huge source of most problems. How, why and when the damned CYSTem ever became so corrupt and going on a murder rampage, to murder innocent men, women and children by way of an experimental fake jab, is beyond me. Everything is corrupt...and I mean everything.

The killing is still going on. You will both be pleased at the end of the way when your mother/mother in law passes on naturally and will not have to live with the reality she would have been killed long ago, but for your intervention.

Damn the corrupt CYSTem, damn the corrupt LPC and NDP and diddle wopping Greens and treasonous Blok(heads).

Damn the perverted prejudicially biased injustice CYSTem, and all evil that comes from love of money...abortion, porn, sex trafficking, pimping, illicit drug dealing, apostate religions, etc.

Be aware as I know you are that corruption has infiltrated every bureauCRAPcy, many law enforcement agencies, education, religion, business, politics, etc and it will only get worse with the apostasy of allowing gangs, unvetted fake unemployable migrants, murderous adherents to alien religions and movements, etc into western nations as a policy.

We cannot expect the rot to have not infected the medical field either as has happened here with MAID under the rule of a slime minister spawn of a hippie mother and a stalinist bigoted father.

You have done good work in other areas besides sheltering your mother. Remember evil triumphs when good men do nothing. You are both dedicated opponents of evil. Keep on good people.

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I believe you and I know it hurts you, and I can myself put myself there and can humbly enter into the sorrows of your hurt and fellowship. Remember always that "Where there is sorrow there is holy ground and you are there. I suspect you are a woman, and a fine one at that, and my own mother would have suffered the same fate if left to the irresponsible machinations of a fake sister and fake brother I detest and estranged both.

I have no words to amply be of comfort to you but I will say I have also suffered watching her here four months from her centennial birthday gradually fade away. I also watched my father die.

I suspect your mother was poised and responsible and raised you to be as she was....and is. She is only absent in the body but alive in the spirit...as it is written,

You are sister to me by way of us both suffering the sorrow death imposes on us but take heart precious woman for beyond the skies the clouds are always blue. Even this must pass. I care about you but there are others here as well of like concern and understanding who are attached to you by virtue of the same pain we all suffer in seeing those close to us decease. Death comes but once to each of us but now precious one it is time to take heart and hope and live in the love of other common people.

I am going to be bold as is my "wont" but everyone here reading your hurt. more importantly feel it. All cherish you precious one. Let the warmth of their affections bathe your gentle spirit because I know but also feel feel that you are loved...and respected in that love...and understood. I know this event has torn a large chunk out of your heart but it will mend in time, and never fear to yield to sorrow in your sadness. It will pass.

Always Edward

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Thank you. Very kind words from a fellow human are so rare these days. Blessings to you and yours.

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Sorry Kat Bro same here

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John Beaudoin has done important work in Massachusetts.

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Not gonna give doctors and nurses a pass.

Didn't they notice people were dying?

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“But for” their participation, this never would have happened.

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It was the doctors and nurses in Nazi Germany who started murdering people even before that first train to Auschwitz left the station.

The disabled. The elderly. The mentally challenged.

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The Jews were initially particularly targeted by the Nazi propaganda machine training the German populace to think of Jews as a "public health" threat, which is rarely taught in history classes. MDs were enthusiastically OVER-represented in the SS. As you note, the Nazi eugenicist mass murder of human beings deemed "lesser" started in the German institutions "caring" for German physically and/or mentally disabled before the Death Camps even existed. But what is happening in medical systems across the Western world today is worse in one way: OUR hospitals, doctors & nurses are simply killing for money, for financial payments from the government. Barely visible to the majority of citizens (who, unlike us, have not paid attention and have not thought independently) this continues to lay the foundation for much greater horrors to come. We are like the the Biblical prophets of old: trying to warn an ungrateful populace that would rather silence the warnings (and the warners) than heed them.

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I always say that the Holocaust started with words.



Then came the "rules."

-unable to shop at certain stores

-unable to travel

-unable to ride on public transportation

-unable to attend university

-unable to get medical care

The biomedical security state used the Nazi playbook.

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Blamed it on the positive PCR

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Which was so bogus...over cycled.

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Mine too.

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Just remember, Remedesivir was developed by UNC Chapel Hill.

The same mad scientists who worked with the Bat Lady in Wuhan to weaponize the coronavirus.

Here is the link to their kill drug:


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The hospitals are trying to fool people.

Instead of calling it Remdesivir, they are using the trade name Veklury to hide their murders.


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I’m shocked the marketing department didn’t choose “Run Death Is Near”. Truth in advertising. 🤣

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Watch...they will next peddle Remdesivir to treat overactive bladder.

"Going to the bathroom too much? Ask your doctor if this drug is for you."

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or just withhold water


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Fauci had a patent on Remdesivir and made millions from this death medication. Nurses even started to refer to it as the death pill but hospital orders to keep giving it.

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And, yet, nurses kept giving the kill drug.

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Not all of them.

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The ones that did administer Remdesivir are murderers.

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Yes as did those who ordered it and also those without the power to order mandates.

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And a whole new generation of medical students and residents think it’s normal practice.

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They will be such good little Nazis.

"I was only following orders" will be their reasoning.

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And make a lot of money

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A real financial killing machine.

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Yes and MRNA technology is not going to stop either .

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Amazing the number of people still willing to visit hospitals or doctors. Some physicians are in the position of begging their patients to return!

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Yes they are. The one I fired keeps calling me.

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Some of us don’t have a choice. My TMJ issues just recently became obvious.

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The number of hospital billboards are pretty telling too. "Look how great we are! Please come back!"

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The deaths were necessary to drive folks to the “safe and effective” transfections. They are effective alright. /sarc.

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Never trust hospitals!

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Yay John beaudoin...HERO

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While he doesn't blame the doctors themselves,...

Why, because they were only following orders? That did not work out so well for the defendants in Nuremberg 1.0, as it neither should in Nuremberg 2.0.

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Murder out in the open. Where have the real Cops gone? Smart enough to avoid their own murder meant they were mandated out perhaps?

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I refer to them as pigs. Every good cop I know that retired told me they were relieved and happy to be out of it. A woman I know who works at a retirement facility told me they started dying and were taken away in droves and are still dying under the orders of the worst slime minister here in Canuckistan in history, the spawn of a hippie and a commie bigot frankoPHONY.

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I would surmise that to be a rather conservative estimate.

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The killing continues. No doubt in my mind. Totally true with most media sources on track in stating the truth now.

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The meddlers know..... we need to expose them..... https://rumble.com/v511lg7-the-meddler-party.html

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