But vaxxed people are still having babies. How does she explain that?

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This is a great question. And our group MyCycleStory.com is doing as much research as we can. There is so much we don't know.

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One more thing. Not everyone got the same shot. And some of the shots were saline. So much confusion.

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I hope her voice is heard loud and clear by mainstream medical. It’s gotta stop.

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Thank you for posting Dr. Coleman. I've been following Dr. Northrup for 25+ years - she is an amazing TRUTH Warrior & dang good doctor. I live by her protocols & have remained healthy & sane, (65 yrs. old) thank you GOD. This info breaks my heart, but I knew it was coming. I pray hard to the GOD of my understanding to help us help ourselves & for the Light of TRUTH to continue to be revealed ...

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Thank you!

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Just sayin': I'm on a few prayer requests teams... (Canada and US)... I've never seen so many prayer requests for newborns with serious birth defects or just not thriving due to various problems, like coagulation, etc... what's going on? can someone in neonatal wards speak up please??? or maybe it's me parano-ing again???

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Truly heartbreaking for anyone that has lost their baby or had their baby harmed. I pray and hope that not all persons that got vaxxed will be affected in the same way. There is a lot of evidence that shows that the shots from different manufacturers and different batches vary, and even within batches I'm certain there is variation. Praying for miracles.

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I remember my doctor recommending a book by Christiane Northrup to me years ago, this is someone that doctors obviously listen to and trust, as she’s incredibly knowledgeable about women’s health. So so amazing that she’s been speaking out about the atrocities known as cvd 19 injections.

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