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More on this: The Great Taking: You Do Not Own ANY of Your Titles (House, Car, Land, Stock, Deposits), Got Gold?

https://bitchute.com/video/aNzQeu5NV9g1 [39mins]

For over 50 years the global financial system has been engineered for a deliberate crash/smash, and grab. When this occurs everything you thought you owned in the digital asset realm will be taken from you because the ownership of deeds, titles, and deposits have been surreptitiously stripped from all of us and replaced with privileges. During the next contrived crash cycle these privileges will be revoked and your assets will be consolidated into the hands of a very few mega institutions.

In return you will be granted CBDC company store credits which you will borrow from your central bank to use to buy only the things they allow at locations they allow in the time windows they allow.

Do not accept this, ever. It is a fate worse than death. Better to die on your feet than live in starvation and abject slavery and brutalized into subservience on your knees.

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Live Free or die with Honor - in God we Trust ...

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Well put.

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An excellent digestible video sneaknpeek of the most excellent book by DWebb. He knows. Very very few willing to listen, much less embark on litigation to protect citizens from this impending doom. The scale of what's been planned is almost incomprehensible. And Americans in particular are stuck in a "national" mindset when assessing and preparing for what is about to be a global disaster, making them that much more vulnerable to devastating loss and insolvency replaced with total global.control and enslavement for the remainder of their lives and certainly for their children. So sad that so many refust to even listen and simply can't be helped.

Watching yesterday as the line of "just turned 65" year olds excitedly lined up at the library to enroll in Medicare fully believing it could never go insolvent (already is) and claims will always be paid on their behalf as long as they pick the insurer/plan with thestrongeast corporate track record and largests payroll (as the benefits enroller advised) and their medical care will be paid for the rest of their lives.

I had no words for these poor lost souls.

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I have a word....Jesus!

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