Do not ever comply with these anti Sovereign maniacs.

UN? Has done what fir the peace and progress in the US?

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

It is the premier Organization of those calling themselves 'The Olympians'; The Committee of 300 towards their ONE WORLD GOVT. with 'The House of Windsor' and the Rothschilds at the top of the Hierarchy of Evil.

One out of many reasons we know our Prostitute Politicians and Deep State Minions are owned by them is the fact of their refusal to leave this pathetic excuse for any kind of Govt. and to cover for the Opium and Cocaine Producers...THEIR PRIME PRODUCT OF TRADE FOR MOST OF THE WEALTH THEY HAVE.

We know those Criminals Against Humanity are owned because they REFUST to remove the Regulations and Codes legalizing all the ANTI-CONSTITUTIONAL TYRANNY, MURDER, THEFT, POLITICAL IMPRISONMENT...As well as REFUSAL to remove immunity from the like of evil Soros, Gates, Bloomberg, Bush, Clinton, OBastards...Among, the most wealthy and corrupt among the East Coast Wealthy...Aligned with THE CITY OF LONDON Demons Wearing Human Being Suits.

And, the Courts are as Corrupt and owned, too.

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Excellent assessment. I wonder if the immunity ties in to the 1871 DC corporation act?

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Have read a lot about that and actually did some research into it. The Immunity has nothing to do with that particular agreement...It has to do with Diplomacy and the State Dept. I'm not an attorney, Paralegal or associated with the Law and can't actually answer questions of that nature with any accuracy...I'm Sorry.

More inclined towards the Psychological/Religious Dimensions...And, am currently researching 'The Age of Aquarius'; a program beginning in 1954 bringing 'Mind Control Techniques' experimented with in Nazi Germany and continued in the West following WWII with MK Ultra. It was about the deliberate subversion of culture of the United States with Rock Music which introduced drugs at the concerts as well as VALUES and RELIGIOUS BELIEFS, dress and appearance from being clean and neat to grunge, long hair and filth.

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It is actually the House of Guelph, one of the original Black Nobility families of Venice from which the House of Windsor descends.

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Yes, you're right-on and then there's more involved. The House of Saud, Orsini Crime Family, Rothschilds...There's several; basically 13 primary families with numerous marriages to further reinforce power and connections. Gets very involved and the evil passes from one to the next generation...Unless someone breaks through to marry a person of God and ends the curse of evil which can influence a whole family for good or ill.

Don't know about your family; but mine is very attuned to our roots from God only knows how far back....Around 1300, so far. The previous generations could name connections from at least 200 years by rote memory and we follow suit. It's important to remember connections in ancestry as even though ancestry isn't absolute, it does have a tendency to remain in the same path. One must know one's enemies and friends...Limitations and resources.

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No problemo. By 2030, there will be less than 1 billion humans alive to be "digitalized" and most of them will be part of the gates robot army or alt bio-humans or sub-human freakazoids.

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Just last weekend, my city of half a million near Tokyo held a local craft beer fest. Cash was not accepted. Purely a cashless event. This will be implemented by varying degrees here and there long before 2030. Hell, it already is. Beside the cashless craft beer event, I have encountered QR Code Only restrooms and QR Code access controlled, by lottery outdoor events. You have to apply to the city office for a rationed ticket in the city park, those who are drawn receive the e-ticket that has the required QR Code that will display on your idiot phone that is then read at the gate to allow entry. Some process when departing the event. So your city knows exactly when you arrived and departed and so does anyone else who they allow access to the data. But nothing to worry about, I’m sure.

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Wow.. wonder what could happen if they got a bunch of their "dissenting" population together at such an event. Crazy.

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Not enough open dissenters exist. At best, they are “good Germans”.

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"All about the children" as a previous Speaker of the House has stated. We are infiltrated.

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We all know where this is coming from, in China. They are already doing this, so you can bet it will be everywhere real soon. Start setting up workarounds now because it’s coming.

We went to the river walk in San Antonio and many of the vendors did not use cash so we went to vendors that did. This will hurt those who work for tips, it will all be taxed and the banks will get transaction fees from every transaction. Always follow the money. This is about profit for the banks and government.

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China, I wish it was only china, its is worldwide.....

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Digital is a big part of the reset. I urge everyone to read an article I linked yesterday @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/ by Simon Elmer - "The Great Reset Part 2 – A Camp With No Outside", as well as part one which was previously linked. Thanks for sharing this one, will be linking it as well!

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The UN poisoning earth for > 70 years should be their logo...

I never choose you anything, UN. UN also means devil, did you know that, now many names start with UN, long or short.....Yes their fruits are deadly....

And all everybody doing is talking about what how when etc. corona bs happened since march 2019. I talk to; .....NO! STILL DO ALWAYS WILL.

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The Un was funded by Rockerfeller and created by the Lucis trust which was a shortening name of Lucifer Printing. The land the UN stands on was excised from the US. There was a YouTube video I watched showing the interior of the building- it included a space below the main floor that was a Masonic “temple”.

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I'm wondering what is so special about 2030? Everything seems to be focused on 2030. Reset my behind, more like Repression. I feel bad for too many of the youth, because they've grown up in an insane asylum where everything they are being told is opposite reality.

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This has been happening in Australia for a number of years, if you download the myGov app to access welfare tax or other govt bodies you are asked for every bit of info about yourself plus fingerprints or facial id. They brought in legislation to compel all business to hand over this info, along with their employees. Accountants are also asking their clients to do same. Recently it was announced Apple is “investing “ 5 billion in Aus to help guarantee and strengthen our war against hacking and “protect” your personal information.the deal also involves a new beaut cloud that other countries and major corporations are connecting to- what could go wrong😏. Add to that all of our major banks are owned by multinational corporates . They have removed around 1,000 branches and at least 1600 ATM’s nationally. A number of branches have gone cashless. And if you want to withdraw $100 or more from your own account, you are asked the purpose for which you need the cash. It just goes on and on.

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The purpose of patent WO/2020/060606 is beginning to take shape.

The below is copied from https://proippatent.com/Infocenter/detail/47/what-is-patent-060606-microchip-and-famous-bill-gates-patent-number?lang=en

The online patent application can be summarized as follows: The human body activity associated with the task provided to a user can be used in the mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server can provide a task to a user's device connected to the server. A sensor attached to the user's device or positioned within it can detect the user's body activity. Body activity data can be generated based on the attained body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system connected to the user's device can verify whether the data generated by body activity meet the conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and can issue cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified."

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China already uses this. Read about a Chinese national working in the US. A coworker, the one who wrote about it, kept seeing this person walking to work, often in bad weather. They offered the Chinese coworker a ride many times but the offer was always refused. Eventually, the author was able to ask why they kept walking, refusing rides even in the rain. The Chinese national was required by their government to exercise a certain amount each month and if they did not meet the minimum their government issued cellphone would be cut off. This was a minimum of 4 years ago.

The summary you provide sounds similar to what clients working on 5G an the Internet of Things were working on close to ten years ago.

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This will probably go hand in hand with the WHO IHR treaty on the table at the moment. Very dystopian the language they use and their proposals

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

The longer this 'Silent Weapons in their Quiet War' continues the more we know how STUPID they are.

Claiming to legalize Pedophilia; as well as homosexuality and lesbianism among God's abominations as well as MURDER OF INFANTS IN THE WOMB UP TO BIRTH...

And, they still have the audacity to claim concern "FOR THE CHILDREN." 😲🙄🤬

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Yes, but when we clash over these, who is it that ends up in jail?

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Does anyone have the list of the 50 participating nations?

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In Big Brothers world 2+2 will equal 5. I am a Luddite and proud of it.

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