Gary D. Barnett is a modern day prophet and he knows he has been chosen for a time such as this.

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Exceptionally well written. Outstanding.

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When I was a little boy I spent a lot of time with my grandfather. He use to tell me about what was really going on in the world and would always say. “Common sense isn’t common”because others couldn’t see what was right in front of their faces.

Thanks again for sharing and bringing these important findings to us all.

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It keeps me up at night along with the mass poisonings!! I want so bad to .. Well you know!!!!!!

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I know!!!!!!!

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No one should ignore or forget what has happened in Maui, Palestine, Paradise and the many others up in Canada. Your neighborhood could be next.

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Absolutely. All are a travesty and crimes against humanity.

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"Wild" and "fire" imply randomness, chaos, uncontrolledness. Also, by implication, a fire that started with vegetation and swept uncontained onto areas where vegetation has been reconfigured compatible with human installations of buildings, farms, developments. When the evidence shows structures burned to the ground and surrounding vegetation is untouched, what you have is anything but random. It is targeted, directed "fire," and in this case directed with surgical precision as evidenced by many sources. This cannot be allowed to be seen. In a way, nature conspired against the conspirators. The villains had assumed their wind machine would augment wind caused by a nearby tropical storm, increasing the effects of a wildfire to provide enough destruction and visual cover such that the destroyed structures would be understandable, whilst their airborne microwave assault was able to fire blind using recent geomapping. But their wind went against the normal direction and might have been abated to some extent by the existing stormcenter. As evidence, there was observed to be no wind between the storm and the island -- ie, they were canceling one another out. Winds failed to exceed 60 mph. There were no waves, very unusual. A null zone was created.

They failed. Too many people can see what they did. They are losing plausible deniability. They have to hide. They have to run. It's too obvious what they did. They can't let mainstream news cover this. Even the state's governor appeared to be changing his tune by suggesting that he thinks the land destroyed ought to be given "back" to the residents. So generous.

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Many people who lived there for generations don’t have the standard land deed titles & im sure they will be targeted first for land theft.

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Many people who lived there for generations don’t have the standard land deed titles & im sure they will be targeted first for land theft.

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Furthermore all of the people trying to flee and prevented from leaving were witnesses. They had cellphones, pictures, videos, memories - evidence. So they had to be stopped. This was anticipated, and planned for.

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SAME as CONtrived las Vegas music festival, GladIo. After THE 'Event', FBI & Cops, 'requested' All electronic devices from Citizens/ vendors, with 'Evidence' that may 'Help' with the InvestiGation should be handed in. = All said devices then had Their Data ERASED, then handed back to the Owners! Several other Citizen festival attendees/ observers, socially blogging alternate narratives to THE 'Official Narrative', - had to go into 'hiding', with a Few perishing from Mysterious Auto accidents. Maybe, The 'Bronze' were getting 'Into mood' for Anne Heche 'Insidious' - Er - Um - Apologies, that should BE - Anne Heche 'InciDent'!

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Yes, and to think that Pelletier, incident commander, of the Vegas massacre is the Maui police chief and coroner which seems a terrible conflict of interest. The Mayor appoints the coroner btw.

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'Similarities' per Police/ security 'ACTions' @ Las Vegas. MORE Than a few IN crowd Citizens, 'Remarked' per, CONfusion & appaRent 'Gun Fire', IN the Crowd AT Ground level! PLUS, 'Security' - After a large proportion of patrons were inside the 'Event', 'Locked' Nigh on ALL of the Exits except 1, & Wouldn't let Patrons Out! - Sound like a ReSet Beachfront Commuted to FULL Dead? - Er- Um, ApolloJesus! That should be - Sound like a recent Beachfront Community to FULfilment? [ Of Multiple Agendas].

OperatION Gladio - STILL a NATO 'Operational HOME leverage Stratagem' from the 60's!

Other; For the ILLusionary 'Patriots' WHO 'Believe' That ALL & ANYTHING IS available, TO, USE, for the END GAMBIT - ENTER the False flag 'Gamers'. Definitions for You;

Terrorism; Person or persons, who USE Bombing, kidnapping or Murder, TO, Change Govt Policy. [ CONment - AMAZING, that 'when' A Specific 'Event/ Incident' IS 'required' for Forward movement of Any given Agenda, Magically, THE 'Terrorists'- NOT somehow Privy to/ Nor 'Associated With', THE 'Program/ Agenda' , Voluntarily provide An Event/Incident @ the Specific apPROpriate TIME, but ALSO, The EXACT 'Required' Event, for Changing SPECIFIC Govt Policy. 'Those ACCOMMODATING Terrorists' - WHO Knew!]

Foreign; [ In case Folks ARE CONfused]; BELONGING OR CONNECTED TO, a country that IS NOT YOUR OWN.

last; In ANY given 'Event/ Incident', NO MATTER WHO - OR WHAT are/ OR are Not [ Natural - Nature] 'Manmade' -the Designers/ Activists / perpeTraitors, IF the 'official Narrative' IS Accurate, then it IS A GIVEN, that the 'INDEPENDENT' Reasoning, Observations & Evidence of said 'Event/ incident', WILL fit into the Standard Operational parameters - Per Time/ physics/ chemistry /Energy Etc., of THIS DIMENSIONAL Universe!! OTHERWISE= IT'S A LIE!

P.R. Machines, NOR MS & SocItToMe media, Nor HereSay, NOR CONsenSUSS, ARE NOT 'Evidence' OR 'Science'! = CONVID-19, Ya Mythical Beastie - YOU'RE ALIVE - BY CONsendSUSS! Actually, it appears 'History' is 'REAL' by CONsenSUSS as well! - ENOUGH!

Wellness to Free thought & ExpressION [ Is that a quick laser/microwave? LOL]

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I hadn't followed the aftermath of the Las Vegas story but I believe these facts to be true so long as there hasn't been any conclusive findings from the investigation. It would appear that the incoming police chief's prime qualifications for getting his position in Lahaina to be the boldness and success of the cover-up of whatever transpired in Las Vegas. I look at this person as wearing an albatross around his neck for travesties that have occurred twice under his control.

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Excellent break down. 'They' know we know!

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This is so horrible, evil, and unforgivable…

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"What chance will you have given the advanced weapon systems being used against us by the military industrial complex, and its controllers."

That is the most frightening sentence in this piece.

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We are out weaponized exactly like the Native Americans before us.

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There is ALWAYS an Achillis heel - ALWAYS!! With modern devices- Computers - Which just about 'run' everything - There IS THE 'hacker' [ Govt or Corporate 'Usually' - how else with ALL of the algorithm 'Variants', can 'They', get a 'patch' SO quickly - OR 'Legally' for Cyber ÓverWatch'] / Computers AND National networks, such as Broadband Etc., there is the # 1 Threat = NO 'Juice' - & It's LOW security, Especially via Neo Remote Aerial - easily acquirable Broad payload 'Tech Platforms'! Without Electrical Supply - It NO GO Joe! - This goes for 'Back up' Systems as well!

As for THE Military Systems, They Ain't Immortal [ NOR have the 'Numbers' compared to THE United populations], their 'Machines' STILL require 'Techs' - Their 'Patrons', DITTO! Under CONVID, All of those Indiscriminate 'Jabbing' of Cross Society Citizens [ Especially the 'Required' Personnel, who were 'Believers' of A Health Threat - PsyOp or Not. Once 'She's IN'= Goodnight Irene = Elite self inflicted System degradatION! ] , AIN'T going to 'Pan out' the way that the 'IDeal World' Elite Bunnies 'Expect'!

Patrons/ Globalists. Whether it's an ORCA - ORCAstrating somewhere near Hawaii, OR a NOT scientist/ Not Doctor/Not Farmer owning 250,000 Acres in the U.S. [ But a DEFINITIVE PRATT] , OR a CONnected Euro Banking Dynasty, THEY ALL are levelled @ the Final curtain, with US, ordinary peasants! HOORAH! -

Good News - George Carlin IS waiting for YOU - HE'S IN CONTROL OF A GOOD 'ROASTING OF YOU'- In MORE ways than 1! "TAKE 'EM AWAY MY Good Man! I'm Sure there's an Eternity of COMIC Subject matter!

COMIC - CorpoRAT Organised Military Industrial CONplex.

Wellness from OZ.

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I know you're right about an Achilles Heel. I pray we find it.

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You are so right. I hadn't even considered that.

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The FULL armour of God is my ONLY defence.

I proclaim the PROMISE that NO weapon formed against me shall prosper.

-Isaiah 54:17

And the promises of the Lord are ‘yea and amen.’

-2 Corinthians 1:20

“God is jealous, and the LORD revengeth; the LORD revengeth, and is furious; the LORD will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserveth wrath for his enemies.”

‭‭Nahum‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬ ‭KJV‬‬

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ALWAYS, have a 'Back Up' Plan, In case the Almighty 'IS', 'Didn't get Your MEMO, OR, is 'Late,'- Again - to the Party!

wellness to you.

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Oh I agree about having a plan.

Only the fool sits around and twiddles his thumbs. Getting out of the cities is a good start.

But your general question has merit and it is absolutely logical.

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FUCK them

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If and only if it’s an absolute truth or fact (as opposed to supposition or opinion) that “everything is planned”, it stands to reason that the rulers are being perceived as relatively omnipotent.

I’m not ready to buy into the idea that everything that happens has been planned out and achieved.

I guess that I still believe in random chance occurrences and acts of nature.

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How can you make such a statement when obviously you have spent zero or minimum efforts in collecting information?

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I’ve collected information. I simply don’t buy into the logical fallacy of hasty conclusions. I remain skeptical and curious and inquisitive instead of jumping onto various true believers’ bandwagons.

Is this okay with you?

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Sure. I agree with you in general. But it helps to remember that many truths may not have full proofs or full explanations. It can be counter productive to insist on checking out all the details.

For example: 911 tragedy was masterminded by the Bushes, Cheney, Clinton; the Saudis did participate, but they were only actors. We don’t know all the details, but the big picture is well proved: the collapses of the tower were NOT due to the planes crashing into the towers, but by massive controlled demolition.

Why we recall the truth of 911 here? Because COVID-19, the worst crime against humanity globally, is masterminded by the same group of criminals. The global depopulation and New World Order are the behind the massive crime in plain sight. The globalists are more than criminals, they are evil Satanists all over the world.

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“The global depopulation and New World Order are the behind the massive crime in plain sight. The globalists are more than criminals, they are evil Satanists all over the world.”


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Oprah Winfrey not inquiring about the fate of the thousand plus children missing practically means that she is part of this evil destructive plan, don’t you think? The 12 or 16 buses missing from the school bus parking lot, where there were only 4 big and 2 smaller ones left after the fire, suggests that many children were not sent back home but simply abducted.

That would mean they were kidnapped by their own government and neither the mayor of Lahaina nor Governor Green have anything to say about them. Again more than suspicious!

And no mainstream media reporters, NGOs, academics or intellectuals are asking about those poor kids for who the nightmare continues. Unless they were not told what happened to their parents and flown to the continent where they might be kept inside former Walmarts where migrant kids are said to be kept. (https://youtu.be/N3FYvsqCpGM?si=BIblERbvY3tf9bs0 )

All the possible scenarios are sickening.

The fate of those children, considering the scale of deception by the supposedly greatest democracy on earth, concerns the whole of humanity. We ought to know where they are and what happened to them. They must be rescued now.

As to the unaccounted for people, a retired Air Force expert on microwaves seems to say that the MASERS that were used (and not LASERS, M standing for microwaves instead of L for light) get the fluids inside the human body boiling and people probably exploded and disintegrated.

Can anyone confirmed this ?

That would explain why they do not want people to go back to their house and why they want to seal the grounds to prevent dust and ashe collection for analyses.

Also, did you hear that the water of Lahaina is contaminated with toluene, which is nothing else than TNT, the chemical explosive!!!

And let us not forget the aluminium nanoparticules sprayed a few hours before, like reported in Portugal in 2017, carried by the geo-engineered winds fueling the fires to make firenados. A fire progressing at a mile a minute is no regular fire. All the firemen in the world are saying they are not fighting wildfires but fire storms.

Being lied to on a such regular basis, make it impossible to trust anything the main stream media says. Most likely the floods in Amsterdam, Libya, Greece, and Beijing are geo-engineered.

Listen to what the late Rosalie Bertell was saying:

“ US military scientists … are working on weather systems as a potential weapon. The methods include the enhancing of storms and the diverting of vapor rivers in the Earth’s atmosphere to produce targeted droughts or floods.”

The latest major disinformation spred by the mainstream media is that all the conspiracy theories about Maui come from China and Russia!!! Can you guys believe this?

They really are messing with us. They have started WWIII and the battlefield for those psychopaths is our minds. We better watch out. Let us stay connected to our hearts, to our souls and to each other.

Love and Light shall overcome Darkness.

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The parents of the missing children are also missing, or else there would be a huge outcry from them. And the grandparents? So what happened to the parents who were that day outside of the fire? Did they go in to get their children and perished inside?

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The parents are not missing. The children are not missing. They died in the fire and the parents are private in their mourning. The people of Lahaina have confirmed this themselves. They think people are crazy for thinking they should publicize their loss.

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It's been proven by the people of Lahaina themselves that the children were not abducted. The school buses were used to transport tourists away from Lahaina. That's obscene, but true.

The children were burned in the fire. The parents are not screaming in public because they are shocked and in mourning. Not everyone posts their personal tragedies on facebook. Or tictok. Or substack.

It's not a parlor game to the people of Lahaina where speculation on the deaths of their loved ones entails this kind of speculation about real loss : "the fluids inside the human body boiling and people probably exploded and disintegrated."

If you want respect show respect.

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@Pirate Studebaker I despise morons like you spitting out nonsensical lies. If victims were dead, why there is no report from the government?

Morons are okay if they are imbeciles, but NOT okay if they spit out crazy nonsense to cover the crimes of evildoers. Remember: Evil morons go to Hell.

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I'm not covering anything for anyone only in the truth. Stop being so vile or you are jeopardizing your own soul and in danger of damnation.

"Evil morons go to Hell."

Thanks for setting me straight, self-appointed itsy-bitsy little god.

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You claim no children were abducted. Yet thousands of kid were not accounted for by the FBI more than a months after the Maui massacre.The local officials refused to acknowledge simple facts. Then imbeciles like you tell us there are no abductions.

You can do yourself a favor. Find evidence to prove your point or go to Hell.

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I have listened to boots on the ground evidence. Go find it for yourself since you're so insulting and have ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE TO BACK YOUR CLAIM OTHER THAN YOUR OWN IMAGINATION.

Don't be a hypocrite. It's too damn easy...that's why it's so damn evil.

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@Pirate You listen to what? Shame on you. Assuming you still understand the meaning of shame.


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It is us (the “useless eaters”) vs. them (the demonic global cabal). Yet will the masses of sheeple wake up in time?

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During WWII, despite the devastation of most German cities, such as Dresden that was decimated by the Allies, killing close to half a million people within 15 hours, in the city of Frankfort the I.G. Farben building was miraculously left intact. A large Rockefeller mansion was also left untouched by the war, despite the bombings. Frankfort was the birthplace of the Rothschild family. The postwar government of Germany with it's Allied Military Government, set up offices in the I.G. Farben building. Now we're learning that the homes of the very rich were spared in Lahaina as well.

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Gee, let's Check the I.G.Farben 'Manifest' ; Hoechst/BASF / Bayer/ Agfa & Other 'InterActives'. Then, during WW2, most of these Companies had Ties to the SS 'STATE', AND, ALLIED - Especially THE U.S.A. CORPORATIONS [ Banking [ Shout out to Neutral Countries & the VatiCan't]/ Communications/ Rocket guidance & Fighter intercepter developments/ Trucks & Vehicles - Hi Ford & G.M./ Ball bearings & steel/ , AND INCLUDING The State Dept. [Redacted of Course].

The RottenFellas, provided the Oil additives for Luftwaffe Engines [ Also a 'Lend Lease' FROM to same, of 500,000 Gals of Aviation fuel in 1940 to Bomb the British - Hey! The U.S. wasn't in the War @ that time, AND, Business IS where you 'find it'!} 'pay Back', comes in Gold/ Technologies Transfers [ How's that NAZI fissile material & Fibre optic thermo nuclear trigger going then Los Alimos? PLUS Big Pharma/ Chems/ Rocketry/ Aeronautics & Comms = LOL].

What's Changed? = ZERO. During Air raids on Nth Vietnam, during ANOTHER CONtrived 'War', the USAF 'stayed away' from U.S 'assets' & the SAM sites! - simply 'Business' as usual!

last; As for Dresden, that was the same 'Fortune' of 1 of EIGHT German cities- ILLEGAL Targeting of Civilians - Geneva CONvention = ONLY APPLIES to the 'LOSERS'!


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The fouled-mouth George Carlin was declaring truths about the world elitists. I wonder if his demise was premature.

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For a Dude, that was only 70 Years old, he seemed to have 'aged' quickly.

Good old George - WELL Missed!

Be well.

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Thank you once again for telling "the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

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NEVER STOP TALKING ABOUT IT! They want us all to forget what they’ve done!

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And Oprah is asking Americans to donate while she donated Golden Corral gift cards. YUCK!

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To Build Back Better they need to destroy first.

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