How many of these nations have sold their souls to the devil!

In psalm 2 : 1-5 the Lord said,

“Why do the nations conspire and the people’s plot in vain?

The Kings of the earth and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed, saying,

“Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles.”

The One enthroned in heaven laughs; and the Lord scoffs at them.

He rebukes them in His anger and terrifies them in His wrath……”

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Good luck with that! I will never take a vaccine for anything ever again!!

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Why do you think the Canadian government has targeted Dr. Peterson? People are listening to him and seeing the truth about what's going on. They will try to stop him using their "laws," but if they cannot, they will kill him. That's how they work.

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The storm is coming.....

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Wow! Trudy thought it was an insurrection when the truckers came to town. What will he do when the rest of us join them? Pushback is coming, and it is left to us to refuse to take part in this scam of identity theft by the government. They will disclose your personal information to foreign actors and impose forced compliance to policies from non elected foreign actors. This contravenes the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This is the hill I am willing to live on!

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Humans are hackable animals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9f9zl1-TB0

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Not that it hasn't been already to this point, but if ever there has been a point ... Judgment is due.

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This is some scary shit. If other nations of the so-called "Free World"---US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, etc---follow suit due to the lack of immense opposition, their citizens will all eventually be tracked, monitored, and graded with a social credit score based on their vaccine status and their opinions. The "Free World" has already succumbed to Pharma Fascism, and it will get much worse unless people RESIST at every level.

As an outsider looking at Canada, my rough impression is: 1) Justin Trudeau is a very evil slimeball, like Ardern and Biden, yet a large percentage of Canadians seem OK with him. 2) Druthers, the free truth-telling print newspaper, does not seem to be reaching enough Canadian readers to turn things around. I hope I am wrong.

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We only tolerate it for now... most of us do not want a complicated life or to be on some government red list. Even making a comment here could land people in trouble.

the storm is coming... let them keep pushing...

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As an insider, too many Canadians went along, but every day more of them wake up...and I get a little more hopeful I won’t have to move to Africa...it’s a beautiful country though so maybe it wouldn’t be so bad!

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I hope you are right about more and more Canadians waking up, but the comment by Freedom sounds less optimistic. Druthers, Canada's excellent free truth-telling print newspaper, seems to be struggling. In the USA the situation is much worse, as TheFlame (TheFlameUSA.com), a print/digital newspaper modeled on Druthers, can barely find a readership because Americans are (a) indifferent, (b) brainwashed, (c) illiterate, (d) all of the above. Correct answer: d

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In my opinion, Canadians are naive and have been brainwashed to believe that our government would never hurt us. Many prefer to go along to get along, and so they hang onto their blue pilled version of events, even when presented with the obvious.

Signed a Canadian

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Hi Ms. P, Canada sounds a lot like the USA. Especially (in the case of Amerika) there is trust in the holy, sacred, essential Vaccine. By the time an American child is around 12, he or she typically has had (38? 52?) injections, many laced with aluminum and other toxic products. It's a major contributory factor to why Americans are generally in poor health, and why their senses are dulled and their natural curiosity about the world muted. Bill Gates poured billions of dollars into making the period 2010-2020 "The Decade of the Vaccine," which laid the groundwork for the Covid scamdemic that he helped engineer at every step of the way (funding and advocating the fraudulent PCR test, funding the Imperial College, London's bogus apocalyptic case predictions, monetary control of WHO and his puppet Ghebreyesus, advice to Trump, funding the mRNA kill-shots and personally earning billions from their use, etc). Now Gates and his WHO/Pfizer/Moderna cohorts intend to make 2021-2030 "The Decade of Pandemics." This will go on, unless it is exposed and stopped.

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So well said. It's a sad reality, not too many like yourself or ourselves are aware of, every time I communicate some warning/ danger I shake my head at the stubborn ignorance which isn't bliss, to be sure

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I agree with you...that the problem. An astonishing amount of Canadians aren’t even aware there’s anything unusual going on. They think the scamdemic is over, not realizing it was just the first test phase of what’s already being implemented. I’m absolutely flabbergasted when I talk to people and they have NO clue. Or, if they have a vague inkling, they tell themselves the rules being imposed are good? So disheartening 😫

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This is bad news for the US too. Biden just signed off on the DNA treaty (the old NAU) to form an unconstitutional alliance with Canada and Mexico, whereby the US will lose its sovereignty. So everything that's happening in Canada will come to us. Obama signed the NAU but it was unenforceable. Let's pray Biden's DNA will suffer the same death.

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…and there’s more. PHAC is contracting to surveil you.

The bid ended on 10/01/23


“In preparation for increased vaccination education, promotion, and outreach, The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is requiring the services of a consultant to analyze the vaccine related conversations on social media and PHAC social media initiative and campaign performance.

The consultant will analyze vaccine-related conversations, and their participants, on Twitter and and social media channels, including Reddit, Blogs, Forums, and News, spanning up to three years of historical data.”

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Interesting. I read the US has a stockpile of guillotines. Just waiting...

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I fully believe DND and all are in on it

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Look into a movie that never made it - just a trailer "Gray State" and the guy, his wife, child, dog were murdered

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It was David T Crowley. He was right about what was planned. The trailer is frightening.

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I don't believe he killed himself, or his family. After his Gray State came out, the Deep State came after him. Killing his wife and daughter just to make it look like a murder-suicide. Incidentally, I can't find his Gray State movie anywhere. Just trailers.

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His planned full movie was never made, just the concept trailer. He raised funding on the indiegogo platform in 2012 for the trailer which he planned to use to ‘sell’ the movie to the studios and then go onto production with further funding. He died either December 2014 or January 2015.

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Thanks. I'll check it out.

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yes in obama era -canada too rebel news reported on it -skippy said they were for cutting paper -yeah i trust him

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