
the ritual fire on this solstice , huge on Sierra ( means sawkill (harvest, &even genocide) de Culebra - spain (serpent): extinction by locals prevented.

planets conjunction ("God sword", relates end times)

added to CERN big energies also realeasing,

plus ritual mentioned below

may deserve a prayer or tell someone skilled to deactivate , about 28th presumed ritual on NAT TO summit

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Recently I heard an interview with you where you mentioned Brenda Weltner. I am very studied on end times prophecy, personally. I went to Brenda's YouTube and watched only 1 video for me to see that she is a FALSE PROPHET. Please recognize this. I started her Revelations teachings collection which started with Revelations 12. Within that one video I saw multiple misinterpretations of scripture. I contacted her and challenged her on her false teaching. She was unable to provide explanations for very clear falsehoods in her video....................One of the signs of the end times is there will be a flood of false prophets. Brenda is one. I'm sorry she is a well meaning lady, but she is spreading heresy.

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Another sign of the end times is Christians fighting and accusing one another. There are countless denominations and individual believers arguing over doctrines. The Bible tells us what Heresy is - preaching another Gospel, purposely teaching falsehoods and doctrine of demons. There are multiple examples in modern Christendom: prosperity gospel, the charismatic  movement, replacement theology, dominionism  - too many to count. 

At the same time, there are believers fighting over different interpretations (not heresies) for example timing of the rapture, the timing of last day's events, pre-trib, and mid-trip post-trib and many others, accusing each other of Heresy. Brenda does not claim to be a prophet. Unlike many "teachers" in some denominations. she says that she can be wrong, BTW not even one Bible teacher is 100% right, it is a process of continuously learning. She also says that you don't have to agree with her and tells people to go to the scriptures. 

You are accusing another Christian of Heresy, without providing evidence. Not all misinterpretations are heresies, what are her misinterpretations and why your interpretation is correct?

It's a serious accusation. . We should be very careful before we accuse another believer of being a false prophet. Accusations without providing strong scriptural evidence are spiritually dangerous. You said you confronted Brenda . Would you mind giving me a link? Brenda has open comments under her videos and if you commented with your evidence t I would like to see it.

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Okay, number one. The teaching of a star sign that occurred in 2017 is completely wrong. In order to do so she tells you that heaven means various things in Revelation 12. However in Greek it is them same word. It is not what she says. She is twisting the Word to accommodate her personal idea. She also adds a story of some sort of child that isn’t born yet. The child is clearly Christ. We got into an argument over how quickly he ascended but she doesn’t realize that the rate of his ascension is not described in scripture. There is a particular curse on Revelations. Read 22:19. This is the definition of heresy. She may be committing it in ignorance. Well maybe not now I let her know. Jesus told us in the end times false teaching will abound. Confusion reigns. I believe Brenda is playing with fire. She has 30k followers. Now I get that there are all kinds of groups that believe all kinds of interpretations. And in my opinion there is a lot of false teaching, so much so, that it is the primary ‘Christian’ information out there. So I am sorry if you feel that I am attacking people. I am not some angry person. I am trying to help Christians recognize that they are being mislead. As for who is right? God is right, the Bible is right. We see through a foggy glass. No person is completely right, no person can truly understand God. But I believe the Word. I know there is a curse in particular with Revelation.

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And I want to add that the only reliable teacher is the Holy Spirit. That’s how I have arrived at understanding. You see the vast majority of Christians are actually falling away as the new age infiltration bears its fruit. I have a hard time finding a decent resource so I have to understand it with the Holy Spirit as guide. It is all there, the genetics manipulation. The key thing that people don’t understand is the temple. You and I are the temple. It’s not about a Jewish temple. The Jewish people in the know, having been fleeing Israel for a number of years and things will go down there for sure, but the temple took on new meaning. Think about the mark. Why is it damnable? It’s because the abomination is manipulation of Gods genetic code. It causes desolation which means God leaves the temple. The Holy Spirit leaves this person and cannot enter a person who has this done to them. You see the devil would never make any of this obvious. Really do you think that there will be great signs that we can set our clocks to? No way, the devil is the great deceiver and God actually allows most to be blinded like he did with the Jews? The mark will come and most will have no idea what they are doing, including Christians. That is why God has a group of believers set aside in a great commissions. In Revelations 16:6-9 we learn of 3 angels with distinct messages. The first is recognizable as the Great Commission. If you read closely you see these angels are in heaven, not on earth. They represent the believers and their battle to convince people not to fall for the lie. That is what God has commissioned me with and likely you too. But know that this particular route does lead to martyrdom. Daniel 11:33-35. God will provide the strength to overcome. I very much like your work.

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I agree with you about false teachings, but what you got into argument about is an interpretation argument,  similar to pre-trib vs post-trib. IMHO we should never follow blindly and always check the Word. I never belonged to any particular group or denomination, I listened to many Bible teachers and some are in theological arguments with others. That's what Brenda says in many of her videos  -  you don't have to agree with her - check the Word and listen to The Holy Spirit.

In my opinion, she is not one to expose as a False Prophet. She is not adding or removing. There are many Real wolves in seeps clothing who have Millions of followers, and most of them are Freemasons, and they are not open for a debate, they have an Agenda. Teachers like Brenda are open to a debate and changing their opinion if proven wrong. She talks about it in this last video.

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Fair enough, Brenda means well. I trust that she is a Christian. My approach should have been more questioning and not accusing. Learning. …I think that understanding end times prophecy today is critical. For example, Pre-trib rapture is something that many in NA have believed for throughout my life. It has no impact on a persons salvation. Though I don’t personally think it’s Biblical. Historically, I don’t think that it was problematic. In the end times, it could be dangerous. So clarity is really important. …There are definitely all kinds of well meaning people. The new age infiltration of the Christian church is quite extensive so a lot of us will not see.

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Great debate and I have to say Jason, that your tone changed a lot here. Out of the gate, you came across as accusing Brenda of seemingly purposeful heresy and being a purposeful false prophet. That's at least how it came across to me. A bit shocking, to be honest, after what I sense about Brenda.

"She was unable to provide explanations for very clear falsehoods in her video....................One of the signs of the end times is there will be a flood of false prophets. Brenda is one. I'm sorry she is a well meaning lady, but she is spreading heresy." Care to elaborate about what exactly she was unable to explain? Was she unable to explain? Or it wasn't the answer or belief you subscribe to? Also, we must be careful when we're so "studied", to assume we know the truth about all of this. You admit we "see though a foggy glass", while in the same breath, seemingly acting like you see everything 100% clearly. IMO, we're not seeing clearly if we're accusing a very well-meaning and serving Christian woman of being a false prophet. Kind of disappointing to this new Christian (who has recently accepted Christ and started walking and learning). Not what I've learned we as Christians are supposed to do, correct? I've found Brenda's content helpful and I also recognize she's been wrong in the past about timelines and that I can't take her words as gospel, so-to-speak. Anyhow, I hope that we can all learn to recognize the true enemies of truth and light, and waste no energy fighting the wrong battles. It seems to me that we can ill afford that in these times. Anyhow, wishing you the best and god bless. Oh and Lioness, love your content!!

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I see that you wanted detail of what she could not explain. I had an issue with how she interpreted the ‘heavens’ in her Revelations 12 video. In the Greek it is the same word throughout the chapter but Brenda sees it as referring to different meanings of ‘heaven’. I asked her about this and she did not tell me how she came up with her interpretations. She seemed unable to defend her position, that’s all.

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There are four, and perhaps more, different fundamental views of Revelation. These are futurism, preterism, historicism and idealism. People have been trying to understand Revelations for almost 2000 years so there is a lot out there. Brenda subscribes to futurism. That is the belief that the prophecies of Revelations are almost all yet to be fulfilled. This is the newest of the views, popularized in the past 150 years or so. The preterist says that it is all fulfilled. This is not a very popular view today. Historicism was the standard Protestant belief before Futurism took over. Historicism says that Revelations began being fulfilled immediately with Christs death and resurrection. This is the view that many of the reformers held. Idealism encompasses the belief that we have been living in the Millenium period since Christs first coming and that it is not a literal 1000 years.

So there are many schools of thought regarding Biblical prophecy. To me the most logical view is the Historicist view. But like each there are variations within the general view.

I suppose the difference with each is what you will be looking for as signs of Christ’s return.

I don’t know the whole thing and I’m learning as I go. I used to see it with a futurism view then I started reading what was documented historically and I find the Historicism approach makes incredible sense. In the historical view my opinion is that we live in the combined Laodecian church age within the period of the 6th bowl judgement.

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The beginning of the end.......of the world as we've known it.

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bet for 11th/11 11:11, some expecting Marburg release, with Bill,s patents on PCR + wax on it for so far 15 cases; plus.... We,ll have to check boris jonhson father (he eugenicist or so) novel on ... yes, Marburg.

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An act staged tomorrow night: Something in disguise as always?:

Wi.... , sorry , NAT TO 1st ladies act "ceremony" at the Jeronimos hall in Madrid Prado museum, not far kind a unknown soldier m. (said all rituals preventing souls path), reinaugurated on a 11th/11.

(It,s still end of planets conjuntion)

Also the Madrid St Jeronimo church linked to spanish kings (why? something special in there?); current proclaimed on a 11th/11.

St Jeronimus translator (tradut/tradittore ?) of Bible to latin.

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Lioness, thanks for the link. Will be linking tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

with a a hat-tip to you. Linked the last one as well, Great vigilance!!!!

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