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Hitler and his team did not do it all by themselves. Do NOT blame ALL Germans though, any more than we should blame say the Japanese for their WW2 history or more currently ALL Jewish people for what is happening in the mid-east. Doctors were bullied, threatened and bribed, especially bribed. Compassion in gargantuan quantity will be needed for both perpetrators and their victims..

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Hmmmm... it's hard to be compassionate when they continually gaslight patients that come to them for help with V injuries. If they aren't doing their own research they deserve the same compassion they're showing their patients. Do as I say, not as I do. No thank you.

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What do you want to be as a living woman (or man) is the question? There will be an accounting. What must come first in my opinion is helping the injured heal and healing community. That requires only that those promoting harms be stopped first and foremost, accounting comes later.

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Apr 18Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Yikes Canada is no place I would want to be .

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Dont know where you are but you are in it for certain. This is worldwide. Learn to deal with it.

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Never took the kill shot and will never take it , I live WNCarolina . Yes I am very aware what is coming. The Great Reset. One World Government, in the end ruled by Antichrist. Hope you have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Other wise your butt is toast.

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I am no supporter of religions, none of them, though I respect the beliefs of others totally. By Feb 2020 I had learnt the RT-PCR cannot identify a virus. By March2020 I was hunting for that virus and the evidence was vague and then shown to be false - a computer assembled part string of supposed genetic 'reads' that some 'thought' this 'virus' could be represented by. So a test that cannot identify was used wrongly to supposedly identify a 'man made' piece of genetic code for a 'virus' no one had positively isolated, purified, identified and proven could cause the illness claimed. From first info of a novel pneumonia cae, one of millions in China, to full blown WHO pandemic with published reviewed paper, a 'test' as the gold standard already being shipped and supposed full identification of the causative 'virus', ALL this done in about 25 days in January 2020. Oh and they forecast that they already had a 'vaccine' to deal with it all. i am not a medical doctor (thankfully) and yet I could see all this.

I am NOT so stupid as to believe that pot of crap being forced upon people, and I do not rely or depend on a saviour to protect me from such evil on earth. We are meant to at least try to look after ourselves and will get the support we deserve when we do.

And I also believe that the battle has already been won by the people and not the evil ones who have lost. We are now seeing the last part of the final act of a huge play that began maybe a couple of thousand years ago. We must look to each other and work together to repair the harms done, still being done, ignoring the minor differences between us all, and rid this evil, contain it on earth. The tools of this war have been deployed in commerce, the means to enslave is in commerce so it can be defeated, has been defeated in commerce using its own tools. Those tools we can deny and dismantle to disarm. The reset will NOT be theirs, it is ours.

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I'm with you brother. From the very beginning of the "pandemic" I questioned things, and I heard that still, small voice inside of me say, "don't take the poison, don't believe the lies." I know God was "speaking" to me, I know it is Him that saved me and my family from certain injury or death. I will always listen to my God-given discernment before I listen to anything the gov't says, even it means I am no longer on this earth. To be present with Our Lord is a much greater reward than staying here and fighting, for what? Our country is gone, it's just a matter of time before it completely collapses, and then what? I'd rather be with the Lord than here to see the devastation that will be taking place. Rapture anyone?? YES!!! Maranatha!!!!

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Amen Nanners yes I have a reservation in the soon disappearance. Hallelujah

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Peter, one going through the injustice clearly detailed in this article and then reading your comment, “Learn to deal with it” comes across as rather insensitive. Forgive me if I am misreading your tone.

Lioness, where can we support the good Dr.?

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If you take a knife to a gun fight do you expect to be effective? I feel for the doctor, I truly do. A friend here was attacked professionally, sacked and also suspended by the registration Kangaroo Court. I know what is happening with this doctor and helped our friend get three months salary, and the 15 people banging on her professionally to remove their suspension of registration. Subsequently her old 'boss' who engineered and directed her suspension is herself now out of work and supposedly ill, and we have good reason to believe we know why.

The Canadian doctor does not need sympathy, he does not need a load of money for lawyers who are bound to support the kangaroo court and are subject to it themselves. This doctor needs plain speaking people and should challenge in writing those who make the claims to provide ALL the evidence to support their claims and include commercial liability as a condition in a contract, a commercial contract. And to do this BEFORE going anywhere near their kangaroos court which has no jurisdiction in Law - he is only being 'invited' to attend and gives it legitimacy if he takes a lawyer there to represent him. So what if they suspend his registration, its a fake and harmful system? A LOT of medical professionals have been suspended worldwide for opposing this travesty diguised as medical when it is clearly intended to do harm and to kill.

I would suggest I am not being 'insensitive', in fact quite the opposite as I see that situation for what it is, I sensed it and speak to the reality in which we all live.

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Peter, Your friend is fortunate to have received your help. You say you know what is happening with Dr. Hoffe. Has he personally told you what he does and does not need?

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Audrey all I can say Yikes Peter

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Lol. Me too.

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Yes and I encourage all to monitor Dr. Hoffe's upcoming political kangaroo court persecution here: https://www.cpsbc.ca/news/hearing-notifications because you can email the college and request to be able to watch the hearing remotely. They currently are "adjourned" about when to actually persecute the good doctor. Their rules allow the public to watch the hearing, so they delayed it last time due to too much exposure and didn't want so many watching. Keep checking. If a million people log in to watch the kangaroo court, perhaps they will just dismiss it entirely. Cockroaches run when you turn on the lights............

Of course, at the top of that link, they give a disclaimer, "Hearings of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia are open to the public EXCEPT where, upon application by one of the parties involved, it is determined that the proceedings, or part thereof, should be closed". Even if they close public viewings, that alone shows disingenuousness and fuels more kindling to wake others up, at the very least.

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What this man needs is the correct mindset to face a commercial attack that is disguised as a legal one. Lawyers are trained if not indoctrinated to work within the Legal fiction of law, to protect it and the courts and enforcement systems that sustain it, AND the lawyers. Ironically in BC, Canada there are people who do know what this man needs and it will cost him effort to retrain his own brain rather than money. He will find no solution, no remedy, no just result in his favour in the Legal System of Canada, UNLESS he learns how it works and how to function within it. Its commerce, all commerce. And btw the people I am referring to have just succeeded in putting King Charles lawfully in Default of his oath which effectively has voided his claim to the throne and position as monarch. All documented.

This doctor must force his accusers to provide the evidence, not claims or more claims, but evidence that supports their claims being made against him. He does not have to prove his innocence of those claims. The Accuser has the obligation to put up or shut up and must be put in commercial liability when unable to provide clear evidence needed for any claims to be valid. The doctor does not have to defend himself, his accusers must defend themselves and argue their case which the doctor must challenge whenever false claims or no evidence is presented - every single piece bit by bit.

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Where can I send a personal check. Don’t trust donation sites. Email me at mbabhales@gmail.com

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I have not heard one interview with a regular MD where they tell us what they think about the vaccine. They either refuse to do so for fear of being deregistered or don't give a damn about the whole thing and are happy to earn the extra money from work coming their way injecting and treating the harms it does to people. They more than anyone else is responsible for this crime against humanity. The few MD's that speak up are heroes. We must do everything we can to support them.

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Dr. Mark Trozzi is another great Canadian doctor. He calls the bioweapon exactly what it is.



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Dr. Hoffe was the first doctor I heard that warned about micro-clotting from the covid DeathVax.

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Charles Hoffe is a great human being. I interviewed him about a year ago. What a pleasure to interview him

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For what it is worth. It is not an accident that the faults around the whole Covid narrative are coming out more publicly now - it had to be expected and likely was planned for. Think about that for a few minutes. There is a plan and it is not a simple one trick pony show.

So called 'Long Covid' is a clear indicator of a compromised defence system in a body, not correctly in my opinion called by most the immune system. Not surprisingly those most compromised and therefore filling the lists of sufferers for 'Long Covid' are those who received the jabs and the more jabs to more likely to suffer a long recovery time from any respiratory illness, or any illness for that matter.

There is much more to this whole shit show than most have realised and we all, each of us have to do the study to get up to speed.

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The Canadian government halted the upcoming hearing because they're trying to get approval to use a legal trick to declare all the "evidence" of the covid vaccine's supposed safety/efficacy as indisputable and irrefutable. This would strip Dr. Hoffe of the ability to defend himself. An outrageous Stalinist show trial. See this:

Dr. Charles Hoffe stood up for the victims. He needs your help now. https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/dr-charles-hoffe-stood-up-for-the

Canadian Government Plans 'Stalinist Show Trial' of Heroic Doctor--- Legal Trickery Would Silence Dr. Charles Hoffe https://www.lewrockwell.com/2024/03/walter-gelles/canadian-government-plans-stalinist-show-trial-of-heroic-doctor-legal-trickery-would-silence-dr-charles-hoffe

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24

There is already a mountain of proof that those mRNA bioweapon injections are neither safe, nor effective. That won't stop trudeau from pushing hard to "protect" his investment! I have something that is 100% safe and effective...It's called an immune system! Natural immunity is the ONLY immunity.

Trudope has never worked for Canadians. He gets his marching orders from Klaus Schwab at the WEF and he won't stop until he completely destroys Canada! Look at how easily he destroyed the peaceful trucker's protest. Of course; when we have "new immigrants" in their Pro-Palestinian demonstrations waving their flags, shouting at passersby, blocking venues (including a dinner that trudope was "supposed" to attend) and blocking the streets...they get a pass. They even had coffee and donuts delivered to them by the police!

Anyone who has spent more than a few decades in Canada; and is capable of critical thought, knows that Canada died a long time ago! Time is short!

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Apr 19Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I have followed Dr. Hoffe's persecution from the very beginning. Charles Hoffe was in a unique position, as he had his own practice and was also also an ER doctor in Lytton. He was a vaccinator who suddenly started noticing his own clients showing up at the hospital with various ailments and emergencies. He wrote to the his regional health agency alerting of the problem. As a response, his office was raided, lost hospital privileges (and good part of his livelihood), and culminated with this hearing. Kanada, the Not so Great White North.

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For all of you Canadians who may not be keeping up with all the conspiracies...trudeau does NOT work for Canada. He is a graduate of Klaus Schwab's "Young Global Leaders" 5 year program. He works for the WHO, WEF and UN and has already sold us out to all of their agendas - including the WHO's "Pandemic Preparedness Treaty" which, if passed (end of May-early June) will essentially turn those three entities into a One World Government AKA "The New World Order" AKA "The Great Reset"! This will create a Dystopian Nightmare for humanity that I've often talked about. There is a mountain of proof for everything that I tell people. This should be sufficient for now:


Anyone who pays attention to detail, will notice the repetition of Public/Private Partnerships (PPP), Investors and Stakeholders...It's ALWAYS about the money! Since 2020, there has been the greatest transfer of wealth in history - from "us" to "them"!

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God Bless You & Your Efforts! 🙏

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