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Feb 12, 2024Edited
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There was no virus. That's not what killed elderly in nursing homes in New York. They were sent to hospitals.

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Right. There was No virus that left me with ZERO sense of taste or smell for 2 years. Right. It sure as fuck wasn't the run of the mill flu. 3 days of the shits and one night of near impossible breathing. Day 4 was like I was never sick except the lost senses of taste and smell. It was a real engineered virus except as a Bioweapon it was a complete and total failure. Not very deadly to 99.8% of US. Covid 19 was a tool used to get rid of Donald Trump while ushering in mRNA Bioweapons which are still killing off unsuspecting fools who failed the Global I.Q. Test.

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Feb 12, 2024
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Hanging is too good for them, but as a 'civilized' people, that's what we have got.

Now as the civilized people are apt to do, anger can be carried out, beyond the purview of law enforcement, who will have no time or interest in such events.

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There are heroes. Why hang them?

Details https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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NO. They are NOT our heroes.

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Publicly. And in addition their hangings must be televised. Nothing less is adequate.

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Feb 12, 2024
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I'd prefer "The Guillotine": No ambiguity. Unlike hanging, no possibility of faking it.

Mind you, "Burning at the Stake", "Crucifixion" or "Impalement" would be far more appropriate; alas, too sensitive for contemporary enlightened, genteel minds/eyes...

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Running over them with combine harvesters...Slow dips into vats of sulfuric acid...Thrown naked into deep pits full of hungry alligators...Beaten into pulp with baseball bats...and yea, most definitely televised during prime time.

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All through legal channels of course. Lol

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In the US, it was Remdesivir and a ventilator. What Fauci used back in the 1980s to kill AIDS patients!

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My uncle (now in his 80's) was/is an ENT doctor. He worked with fauci back in the 70's in NY. He told my mom at the beginning of the scamdemic "I didn't trust him than & I don't trust him now". He most definitely had his evil grubby hand in the AIDS epidemic ...

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PCR Test Inventor Kary Mullis on Fauci said it too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nXjE_W8TXo He had another one that he would chase Fauci that little ........down. A lot of packed info in all his interviews.

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There were probably some financial incentives as well.

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Eldercide for money, depopulation, and to trim Medicare rolls.

Don't forget, Killer Cuomo indemnified the nursing home owners.

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Hopefully there's a special little corner in Hell for people like Cuomo.

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Where else but in Hell would any of this have taken place? There's no special corner. There is Here & Now in this temporary prison sentence nightmare. Death is but waking up from this nightmare and returning to a blissful reality. So if justice is to be served, it's gotta be served Here & Now, or the dude skates free like Kissinger.

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I'm still hoping for an indefinite extension of Cuomo's sentence when he reaches The Other Side

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Not a chance. Our sentences here were self-scripted, self-determined, and self-imposed. Once you're back Home, it's like Briar Rabbit back in the bramble -- you're home free and you forget all about this bad dream.

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Let me introduce you to my good friend Franz Kafka... All religions speak of the reality of Hell. Meanwhile, where that unanimous contention is justified or not, neither you nor I have any idea what's waiting for us in "The Undiscovered Country, from whose bourn, no traveller returns"...

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"neither you nor I have any idea what's waiting for us in "The Undiscovered Country, from whose bourn, no traveller returns"..."

Oh, I have plenty of ideas. We are allowed to. It's a mystery and any of us are allowed to take a crack at solving it. True enough, we won't know if we're right or not until we kick the proverbial, but that doesn't mean it's any less worthy of a subject to think, write and discuss than sports or government or health or art.

This world is temporary. Only eternal conscious entities can create and experience temporary worlds. This world is not a paradise. It is not neutral. It is a place of pain & misery & deception & worry & disappointment -- and it is a place where everyone DIES. And no one knows when or how or where they are going to die. It is obviously not Heaven. It's too complex & insane & violent to be Reality. So it must be some version of a kind of hell -- and it's a condition, really, rather than a place...

Absolutely every living thing is actually an eternal conscious entity, and every one of us is befuddled & bewildered no matter how earnestly we pretend to be otherwise. This condition is not Home. It is not nice. Bad, horrible, terrible things happen to very lovely humans & animals. This place deserves to be called Hell. It's not a biblical Hell. It's just a "place" where every creature is absolutely fucked no matter what from the cradle to the grave.

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These are all anagrams of 'Andrew Mark Cuomo;.

am cankerworm duo

coward make mourn

O man murder wacko

am crud moo wanker

It is written 'the cowardly...their place will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. ' and 'the worm that does not die'.

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I regret to inform ya'll... but what they did ... was necessary .. and it will ensure that the suffering is greatly reduced as we go extinct

Details https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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Now let’s have an investigation into Victorian Aus aged care deaths. I am certain atrocious policies like sending Covid + elderly from hospitals back to facilities, neglect & the potential use of drugs to defeated & potentially midazolam will be discovered. Shame on workcover, human rights & the legal professionals not bothering.

And yes the cocktail of midazolam & morphine is used in Australia, I know, I was there as it administered to my 52 year old sister who suffered a severely following Moderna booster.

Sadly as I had the I travel between states to get there & her partner was listed as next of kin, I didn’t know until I got there & by that time the damage already done by those 2 drugs was irreversible

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I am so sorry for your loss, your right Out Family members were murdered by evil, Greedy self centered demons, I lost both my Dad and Mom 10 days apart, they said no treatments and worse we were not allowed in, so they died alone, had to hide their wrong doings huh?

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Except that COVID 19 is a scam and there was no new disease, only the'flu re-branded, the elderly were sent to care homes to be murdered pure and simple.


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It would appear something like this happened in Victoria, Australia. The “die off” in nursing homes kicked off the plandemic panic quite nicely.

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Was there a correlation with the 5G rollout?

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Don't know anything about 5G in Vic. The 5G hypothesis isnt necessary to explain sudden deaths in care homes pre vax anyway. Just need the receipts for the end-of-life sedatives

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Oh maybe you didnt read that article on the involuntary euthanasia. Check this out:


If you want a legal example, read what they did to Grace Schara:


This is why I say 5G isn't really necessary at all for much of the killing. 5G might be implicated for the creation of "COVID 19" symptoms which drove people to the hospitals where many were involuntarily euthanised.

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The only thing that drove people to the hospitals (all of those "overflowing" hospitals with staff making dancing tik-tok videos in empty hallways & parking lots) was cold or flu or bronchitis or some such average normal everyday shit. They did so because of the nocebo effect of the MSM screaming about a highly contagious killer virus causing cold/flu-like symptoms.

The 5G conspiracy is no doubt funded by Big Pharma. Of all the studies I've seen about 5G, I have not seen any controlled experiments or studies that adhered to the Scientific Method. Every single one of them comes off as alarmist with a dog in the race rather than a study conducted independently by people who don't care what the results are.

I'm not defending 5G nor am I claiming it's safe, but I don't suffer from any maladies, no one around me is suffering from any weird maladies (most are consumers of pharmaceuticals and thus their maladies are pharma-caused), and I seriously doubt that the "pushers" of 5G would be able to protect themselves & their families & friends from it if it was malevolent as claimed.

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I pray all day, every day for humankind. This is a global genocide - I will never stop speaking TRUTH to medical tyranny. GOD bless you Lioness of Judah - your light & goodness shines thru the propaganda/corruption & blatant lies. My heart aches for all the vaxx injured & deaths - dear Lord deliver us from evil & help us to help ourselves ...

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… and absolutely nothing is done about these murders. Says a lot about how good people are.

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So what are you doing, Gary?

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I’m trying to educate people (and myself) about governments and other cultural institutions being led by psychopaths.

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I did that three years ago as did Dolores Cahill, Heiko Schoning Doctors4covidethics etc etc. People were JAILED! I was shunned by all for trying. But the damage has been done. If they don't see it now...they never will. BUT there are many important new books out by Naomi Wolf, Dr. Peter McCullough, Sucharit Bhakdi, and others. Keep trying. As my mother-in-law always said "dripping water wears away stone." The psychopath bit is the work of generations. Don't expect to pull it down overnight. Hopefully--the massive deaths and illness from this "vaccine" will open some eyes. Someone said on-line..."they didn't expect us to die so soon..." Many are connecting the deaths and illnesses to the "vaccine"...That's a good thing.

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I’m somewhat “shunned” myself. It takes a lot of convincing to influence someone away from trusting governments, states, cultural and financial institutions, ecclesiastical establishments. Basically, you have to have a knowledge of benign anarchy and how it can work in small communities. Large states with strong central governments and with well-established bureaucracies are beyond hope.

I think that (so-called) “vaccination” is but one strategy in the depopulation agenda.

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All you really need to do right now...is to connect the rising number of deaths with the vaccine. Ed Dowd did that with his book CAUSE UNKNOWN.... There are a lot of graphs in that book from many different countries....Overall it is irrefutable....I have given that book to some people in authority over our "retirement residence"....The jabs are not given here anymore....

Well, now we know the cause. What are we going to do about it?

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“Well, now we know the cause. What are we going to do about it?” We really only have persuasive influence — which is a form of power — in our smaller social circles of acquaintances, unless you want to get involved in politics. (Would you want to expand your influence by getting more involved in local politics? I would not.) There’s the bottom up approach to contradict the top down strategy in our hierarchical systems.

I’m glad that you have some influence in your “retirement residence”. I live alone and don’t really have many social interactions. I have no influence with the nursing home in which my dad (with senile dementia) resides or with his wife (who has medical health power of attorney) or with my siblings. My adult daughters think I’m nutsy cuckoo in the noodle whenever I bring up (so-called) “vaccines” (and other pharmaceuticals) being more poisonous than beneficial.

Therefore, I spend time online talking about humanity’s various social systems being led by psychopaths. It’s probably a waste of time and mental energy, no?

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My partner: Medically kidnapped and murdered.

In on a Sunday Remdisivir on Tuesday DEAD by Friday...



EVERY day we must remind ourselves to FORGIVE...

.... or the RAGE will eat our insides as CANCER and Satan wins...

.......He will NOT


Offer their empty heads to the Almighty

........HE will OUT them for eternity in due time

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Rage is a stage we all must go through and can be channeled into something productive. Yes you must rage--but do not let it eat you up....I do not forgive those who commit on-going crimes such as murder. Forgiveness comes with acknowledging the crime. There will have to be some form of "retribution"...some kind of criminals trials .....and the companies that distributed these poisons will have to answer for killing people... as will the doctors who pushed them into arms and distributed them in clinics. People engaged in on-going murder must not be "forgiven" ... Murder must be confronted, stopped and punished. When they "pay"-- in one way or another...only then can they be "forgiven". Would even God forgive a serial killer in the act of slaying innocent people?

No amnesty for child killers and that is what is happening now....these "vaccines" are being pushed into the arms of babies-- clinics and doctors are still at it. STOP THEM...and don't "forgive" them until guilt is admitted.

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Kathleen, It has been my experience, (which has taken years ) of self discipline refuse to internally hold on to anger even wit the "hope" something ill will befall these persons.

I know It WILL happen to them, for they are not people of substance, they are empty and void of humanity, so:

not on my time, or waste my energy arguing or even thinking about their destruction...

I choose to let go of harboring even the THOUGHT of those imbeciles....

Let the forces of nature do its thing...

Karma is a bitch, so I don't have to be...

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I agree with you in theory....and it is true that letting go of anger is important and beneficial for everyone....it is still difficult in practice! https://banned.video/watch?id=6618ae6ff0fe30606539a377

look what "they" are planning for us...watch the above video...."the intentions of these technologies started out really great....but there is a new 'gain-of-function' in Colorado that will build these nano robots" Maria Zeeee lays it out...

Doctor Nixon filmed the robotic bots INSIDE the human blood. Whose got control now?

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Yup, its all coming,

had a friend who worked in technology/ defense...

The idea is something to the effect that When news is released/leaked about something, that something 'in development' has usually already been tested and proven a done deal ready for prime time.

This 'media leak' is for the subject ( consumer) to acclimate to the idea of the 'new technology' etc.

Thus if one hears 'they' are creating/developing etc. ,

The product/ concept is usually in some form of pre-production for the masses...

Kinda thing.

It somehow is related to securing more venture capital, investment.

Not suggesting this is fact...

Conversational purposes only...

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David Icke was reporting on this three years ago.

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Let the reprisals begin!

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I read conjecture that this Midazolam euthanasia program may have been done to limit risk of COVID exposure to others, including care workers, and to stop the spread of the disease. An added benefit was culling high healthcare utilizers. This is the existing quiet way doctors and nurses euthanize people no longer deemed to have quality of life at the end of life. They just ramped it up to 11. We need to find out if this was groupthink or ordered. I think it was ordered in the same way the FHA ordered ventilator use via permitted procedure with cash bonuses in the US.

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There is a recording of Matt Midazolam Hancock talking with someone about ordering Midazolam for the populace to ensure a "good death". It came out 2 or 3 years ago. I think there were emails, too.

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Matt Hancock should be strung from a lamppost by his scrotum

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I'd prefer to see him tied down and run over with a lawn mower from feet to face.

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A slow and very minutely executed trial for genocide would be a better fate. Let him be handcuffed and led away to prison as crime exposers REINER FUELlMICH and JULIAN ASSANGE were . Let him not have access to his friends and family and restrict his visitation rights etc. A slow and desolate death where there are many long hours to think about his own criminality and guilt would be the best punishment. Expensive though. We would have to feed and house him...

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Sociopaths have no conscience and do not suffer from guilt. But I get your point. A fast death would be too kind.

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It was premeditated murder all the way. They have been at it for years. COVID 19 is the 'flu and doesn't spread unlike lies and fear.


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This drug is listed in my mother’s hospital records. They poisoned her with this drug and others.

I hate these evil people and I hope they all die a painful death...just like they inflicted on others.

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