Well, at least we’ll have plenty of doctors for our needs in the gulags.

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Right? I would take a suspended, erased doctor over any other "compliant" quack EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK!!!

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Amen to that!

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It is, and always has been, about a tyrannical government forcing unethical and harmful "treatments" on the mass public through intimidation of the medical profession with threats, thereby stifling free speech and the expression of dissenting views.

When a government adopts the notion that "the science is settled", and no other view is even allowed to be expressed, and anyone who dissents is punished, then we have entered into the realm of full blown government tyranny and fascism. This is upon us now.

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For emphasis, this is manifestly true. "we have entered into the realm of full blown government tyranny and fascism. This is upon us now." Well said. Although I think the globo homo NWO is closer to communism. "You'll have nothing and like it" Fascism originally meant anti communist. What ever the reptiles are they are hardly anti communist. But we are trained since birth to never mention communism, only fascism is acceptable. This doesn't mean support for fascists, whatever that means to the individual. I just find it curious that no one ever says anything about the far greater death, misery, starvation, gulags and mass murder under communism and what group had a great responsibility for all of it

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It's good defining "-isms" but every single time every global policy and historical event can be traced to a group of super rich plutocratic families who ultimately control things. Rockefeller is one. Rothschild is another.

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It proves that not all Nazis wear swastikas:).

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War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

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WWTAD? What would the Amish do?

It amazes me that people feel so disempowered, simply through the brainwashing process and years of being told the same thing over and over and over again, by an institution run by vrilled, incenstuous Euro-slags.

Just because somebody has money and buys people and tell them what to do, doesn’t mean they have our best interest at heart. Covid was a very powerful lesson. I hope people remember it every minute of every day! Time for common sense, depending on one another for health support. These medical professionals are in our midst. They don’t need a fucking license anymore. It’s time to take our power back. DO NOT EMPOWER THESE TRAITORS BY GIVING THEM YOUR MONEY! We can all cash pay for our healthcare services. Shut this whole system down. Open up wellness clinics and private health organizations. Everything can be treated and cared for by what we have as a network. Our lives depend on it

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An organic , grassroots network of health care professionals is rising up across America. Many nurses, and some docs , have turned in their licenses as tokens of their disgust with the system and to not be under the jurisdiction of criminals. I spoke with a surgeon who told me, "I took out a fatty tumor at a lady's kitchen table because she could'nt get into a hospital due to her vax status; it needed to be done, and it was easy." Practitioners are making house calls, bartering and providing True Health Care without the use of hospitals nor insurance companies. The conventional system is imploding under the weight of its own devices, and it can't happen soon enough. We don't need the system; the system needs us.

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♥️ and God bless them

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Have known the Amish well for over 26 years. Master organic farming family. They are simple folk, and do not subscribe to "worldly" ways. However there was a massive push 26 years ago to fear monger them into the Vaxs. They typically have 3 kids at the ripe age of 19. They love herbs but are most definitely not equipted to make great health decisions. It is not much different in our culture where indoctrination has captured the best educated.

Naturopaths, Renegade MD's, Chiropractors (some subsection of those 3) actually know something about health. Some internet sleuths do too. The system has zero accountability all by design. Break free and watch it crumble.

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They know that we know, they know. And yet, they are doing everything possible to "keep a lid on it"...as if suppression can hide the truth. All suppression can do is make people afraid to speak the truth. If we don't speak and refuse, we'll die. We'll all die anyway, eventually. The shots just hurried it up.

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These shots are their #1 priority, killing the 1st amendment will insure that the truth will take forever to come to light.

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beware the pandemic treaty is far from dead in thev water as many wrongly believe in fact its coming back much sooner than we think check out the james roguski substack for the details..also go to citizengo.org and scroll through till you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty read it carefully to understand just how serious things are..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world that said dont bother using you tube/twitter/gestapo book who you can be sure will suppress it..it currently has over 249000 signatures

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This is the Deagel Depopulation Prediction happening. Look it up.

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If any of this seems surprising, that's a sign of not possessing a reasonably good picture of the situation in which we find ourselves.

I will say no more, other than seek and you may find, and your odds of finding can improve greatly if you respectfully ask God what's going on and how to respond. But you might want to count the cost before asking. It's not a pretty picture and you can't un-see it.

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Cash pay, bartering, wellness, holistic health. IF you can live with less, Drs, Nurses can do this!

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Another reason to completely avoid the modern medical mafia.

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No more needles. Spread it around like covid 19 🙄.

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I case anyone has wondered what it was like to be a doctor in Germany 1936 criticizing eugenics.

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More evidence of the upside down and backwards state of the world that has been carefully crafted and executed in excruciatingly minute detail.

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I do not see any way that the medical profession, as it exists, can fix the problem they have.

Even if that were possible, it would not be efficient. Seems the only solution is total destruction,

in the words of Bob Marley. Deliberate genocide, fake testing, fake virus, lethal treatments, gubmint sanctioned, Big P distributing, Medical profession the henchmen...

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Character assignation more often than not indicates who is on the side of truth and who is not.

I think in this instance we know who is on what side.

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The Rockefeller multi-trillion dollar medical cartel will not brook any challenge to its primacy. It's the Rockefeller Way or the highway, buddy. The scamdemic proved that. They say vaccinate, the sheeple must comply. Or else! They control every layer of government down to the San Bernardino junior public nursing assistant and every medical journal and every politician and NGO. It's amazing how they were able to take over everything by stealth. Someone ought to write a book about it. How The World Was Lost might be an appropriate title:).

Jacob Nordangard's " Rockefeller - Controlling the Game " does come close.

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Excellent overview.

Could not agree more.

I like the suggested book tile as well. Very appropriate I think.

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Covid Criminal Cabal™️

The biggest psyop is that governments are trying to save people. Bull! Lies! Don't drink the Kool-Aid.

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