My words to them: set the example and you go first. Who decides who lives and who dies besides God? I would not mind if they wanted to control the population expansion by encouraging people to have fewer children, by birth control of abstinence or whatever. These mandates and vaccines are nothing more than murder. Deciding to depopulate …
My words to them: set the example and you go first. Who decides who lives and who dies besides God? I would not mind if they wanted to control the population expansion by encouraging people to have fewer children, by birth control of abstinence or whatever. These mandates and vaccines are nothing more than murder. Deciding to depopulate is not on the menu. Let nature run it's course and when there are too many people, nature will correct as it always has.
My words to them: set the example and you go first. Who decides who lives and who dies besides God? I would not mind if they wanted to control the population expansion by encouraging people to have fewer children, by birth control of abstinence or whatever. These mandates and vaccines are nothing more than murder. Deciding to depopulate is not on the menu. Let nature run it's course and when there are too many people, nature will correct as it always has.