This is already happening in Canada.

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In our own ways, we're all trying to "prove" some Covid scandal(s). It doesn't matter what scandal might be proven. What matters is that large majorities of the "mainstream" population belatedly come to understand that they should NOT trust their trusted leader and authorities. These organizations actually exist to conceal important truths and are doing great harm to the world and its inhabitants.

How could ENOUGH people come to understand this? I think it would take at least one member of one of the captured "news" organizations to play the part of apostate and break ranks from the Captured Club.

I had to resort to fiction to describe how this could, in fact, happen. The catch is getting the right editor or publisher to read this piece and have some kind of powerful religious or existential conversion.


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If photo comments were turned on here I’d post up a copy of a letter that Family and Children’s Services sent to our church recently. They need foster families but religious ones are ineligible to apply.

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Un-f’ing-believable. There’s a subreddit on the social media site Reddit that has over 50,000 detransitioning young people who regret their decisions and feel they were coerced. This movement will burn itself out in ten years, but not before ruining countless families.

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Do you have the link please? I sure would love to see some of these stories to show my family member. Thank you.

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Best be very cautious as some people, or groups of people, would be willing to hunt-down and kill the pagans taking their children to indoctrinate into the filth and confusion they're advocating and forcing onto the young and society in general TO UNDERMINE CHRISTIAN VALUES MAKING SOCIETY STRONG.

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The government is evil and they want to destroy kids lives by cutting off body parts, putting them on drugs for life and destroying the nuclear family unit, plus they love sex trafficking kids, theres allot of money in that don't ya know. There is so much evil in the world today, I can feel it in the air. People everywhere must stand up for kids and they must turn back to God because thats another thing these monsters are doing, they're destroying the church and God, they fear God more than anything so we must make sure God is spoken of everyday to whomever you come in contact with, He will save us if we would simply ask Him to.

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These people in govt need to be disappeared.

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They’re trying their damndest to push us into a civil war. Not with each other, but with THEM!

Time to get a backbone people. Armor up with god and iron...full of lead. 😉 It’s coming. The precipice is almost here

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🎯🎯 Honey I'm sitting on go! I've been raising hell and ranting since 2020 with their stupid plandemic! I did my best to tell people not to take their death clot shot jab but people lined up like 🐑 for it! People need to read their Bible because this is in the Bible. People have become illiterate with what's in the Bible. This jab is the "mark" or its the start of it! Each booster jab just builds upon the ingredients in the first jab! These evil "things" know what they are doing! If people would educate themselves on what the immune system is and why we have one that was given to us by our Creator then we might not be in this mess. The Bible says that people will perish for lack of knowledge(Gnosis) and we are seeing that with people who have taken the poison jab because they are dropping dead or they've got irreversible side effects. That nanotechnology junk in the jab is meant to rewrite human DNA and why would these "things" want something that would rewrite our natural DNA? To hide our Most High Creator and to change what He created! Our Creator's name is supposed to be written in our DNA, His signature, and so if people think about this it makes complete sense! They know what they are doing! What they've done is a slap in the face on our Creator and really a fight against Him. This is the work of Satan and his fallen angels and his minions. AI is Satan! I certainly do hope that our Creator steps in to correct this soon or it will be over for us! I just don't think that people are willing to stand up and fight this themselves and too many people have turned away from our Creator. I'm not very hopeful, I just think that the majority of people will die from their ignorance because the majority of people think that they can vote their way out of this. They think that Trump is the "savior" no, he's going to be the leader to get America in their NWO! It's coming and most people will probably be deceived by Trump and gladly line up and get the full "mark of the beast" on themselves as a chip in their hand which will fully rewrite their DNA and put Satan or the adversary's name on people! This stuff is in Scripture and people need to read the Bible and educate themselves and turn back to the Most High Creator!

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I believe AI is the “image of the best” spoken of in scripture.

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Definitely 👍

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The anti God agenda of the Marxists starts with the children.

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Our local SoCal school district is fighting the liberal push on all things lgbtq. If all school districts did this throughout the country, it would stop it.

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This satanic government agenda is critical to the Cultural Marxist takeover of America. Blue States will be totally onboard. Red States will hopefully never comply.

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Parents need to step out and scream out.

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Playing with Fire they are.

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I thank The Most High Creator that I decided not to have children in this lifetime! This is not a world fit to bring children into and raise them. If I had children and these human roach bugs tried to take my children away from me then they would definitely have a serious problem with me. This mama bear would be on the war path ready to fight and I'd win too! The rest of the mama bears and daddy bears in this country needs to be this fed up and angry too! This topic makes my blood boil and I can start talking ugly and swearing 🤬 really quickly! I'm gonna keep my words nice here and say that I would personally find all of the rope, trees and anything else that "things" can be hung from and I'd get busy! I don't think that I need to elaborate. We the people have got to be willing to go this far if people want this to stop. This corrupt government needs to be destroyed. We the people have the right to get rid of a government that does not serve the interests of the people and this government has not served the people for a long time. This corruption probably started back when Kennedy got assassinated or probably sooner. The Kennedy assassination was a couple of years before I was born into this fallen waste land that people call a world! Our Constitution gives the people the right to get rid of a corrupt criminal government and this government is beyond corrupt. I'm not even sure if the people in our government are actually human beings, I call them "things" and they are evil because no decent human being with a soul from our Creator would have the desire to hurt innocent children, especially with what these "things" want to do to our children! They've gone too far and we can't vote our way out of this corruption folks! Things have gone past that. These evil "things" will keep on pushing as long as people sit down and keep doing nothing! I think that the 2024 election needs to be boycotted! That would be a start! There's nothing in Washington DC that represents "We The People" any longer! If we want this to stop more people better wake up and be ready to fight! These "things" in our government haven't taken our guns yet but you can bet that's next and they will try! This is serious folks and if "We The People" want this to stop then we will have to stop it ourselves or we will lose everything that we hold sacred and we will lose our country! In hearing what these "things" want to do to our children should make every Americans blood boil! I think that our founding Fathers would be ashamed of "We The People" if they were around today because they would tell us that we've let them go to far and that the people should have gotten rid of this corrupt government a long time ago! These "things" in our government have been taking our rights and freedoms that were granted to us by our most High Creator for a long time now and they will not stop until humanity is completely enslaved, the real people who are left anyway will be slaves to these evil "things" People need to unite in numbers because there's a whole lot more of us than there is of them and "We The People" out number all of them!

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If any government tryst to come for my children they better be ready for a huge legal battle. This is freaking sick.

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There are not enough people like you!

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Ummhmm! Exactly that too! That is if you can find a lawyer and legal team that's not corrupt! Our judicial system in America is corrupt and gone too! These lawyers and judges will cave and give in for the right price! They get "paid off" like that every day now probably and good decent people lose and still get stuck paying the court costs! It's sickening!

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Things have me thinking about next year's election. The Democrats have very potent and active "get out the vote" issues. They are fired up about supporting the Palestinians/knocking down Israel. The Republicans are roadkill on this issue.

Democrats have a second potent issue in abortion. Folks were out on the street about it this week; it doesn't matter if the threat to abortion is real; it gets them fired up. And personally, I think that this is a weakener of red states, turning them towards purple. I look at Nebraska as an example. If I were a young woman (and thought that abortion was normal and shouldn't be restricted), my options would be to move away and stay away, or to support Democrats so that I didn't have to move away. At the best, I would move to the urban east versus staying in a rural area (and thus an additional brain drain of the best young, educated, enterprising women).

And how about on the Republican side? It's kind of ho-hum. The "Biden" Administration is mobilizing, alas. "The Biden administration has proposed new rules for foster care, which would treat any parent rejecting LGBT ideology as a child abuser. The public comment deadline is today, the Monday after Thanksgiving, a bureaucratic middle finger to the public it is supposed to serve. The proposed regulations state that 'to be considered a safe and appropriate placement, a provider is expected to utilize the child’s identified pronouns, chosen name, and allow the child to dress in an age-appropriate manner that the child believes reflects their self-identified gender identity and expression.' In short, those who don’t believe the superstition that a child can somehow be born into the wrong body are, per the Biden administration, unfit to be foster parents. This won’t stop with foster parents."

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If the ancient account of Sodom and Gomorrah is not true, then why are modern nefarious humans repeating the same environment? This time world-wide.

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Psychologist Stanley Milgram Found that 80% of the population do not have the psychological or moral resources to defy an authority's order, no matter how illegitimate the order is.

Therefore, only 20% have critical thinking capacity. This explains quite a lot!

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That's pretty sobering.

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