The word thank you just not convey the sentiment I feel when I see all of you on Substack trying so hard to tell the truth as to what is going on. I am blessed to have been following Substack through all of this madness, and each day more knowledge is given..we all know how important it is to stay on top of the research of the facts, and also of the lies that people are being told. We then can spread the facts and it is so sad to see what is happening....but we cannot let that stop us from sharing truth to others who are not aware and still being taken for a ride re these faux vaccines. Blessings to All🦋🙏🏻🦋

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then count me out. i can die of my own volition

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“Just does not”convey.

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I'm guessing that's a lie, and there's really a label no one can read so that they can then sell it to the rich. They might have a test to show one way or the other, and not initially label it, but label it after it's tested.

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I stockpiled my own blood for knee surgery last year just in case. My surgeon totally understood why. The folks at the donation center were a bit mystified though.

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you're one of the lucky/blessed ones. I still find it haunting re: the story of the little boy on the west coast whom the doc thought needed a transfusion (he wasn't that bad off) but parents had forbidden it. The child died the next day. These docs will have to face what they've done....

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I don’t believe a word of it! I will only donate to myself and family. No vaccinated blood for me. I absolutely believe they are holding on to the unvaccinated blood for the rich!

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Someone in another stack ( https://sheldonyakiwchuk.substack.com/p/holy-shit - see comments) said that a large amount of unvaccinated blood goes to pharmaceutical companies for their drug development/distribution. I chose years ago to no longer donate blood , because I want no part of a system that will not provide fully informed consent to the recipient. If you're asking on the way in, and not divulging on the way out, then I'm not interested in enriching you or others to the detriment of those who need it and want a clearly trackable commodity.

That linked story appears to reflect that it's now a liability to not disclose recent vaccinated blood, but another commenter mentioned (hopefully with 1st hand knowledge) that they distribute that blood anyway. Undisclosed.

So there appears to be no trust within the blood distribution network either.

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How do we make it a trackable commodity? I bet people would pay for it.

Myself included.

Anyone wanna help develop a new parallel blood distribution system? I'm gonna need something to do when I retire....

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so disgusting

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I knew that when they started the jabs. We’re so screwed.

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yep... my chiropractor would discuss things with me... in late 2021, it all came together. There are some companies that are popping up: "blessedbyhisblood," "ironheart," and 1 other (I keep forgetting the name. Jehovah Witnesses have a protocol using plasma

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Good to know... not surprised. I sent the RC the message that they can bleed me only after the weffers and WHO bend over and luck their own arses.

Wallace lives!

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Could one, Even 'Imagine', Bill Gates, Harari, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Schwab or Soros, Rockin' up to a Trauma Clinic - Even in an Emergency, & 'Roulette Optioning' to Take UNVETTED 'JABBED' Blood products? = NOT this Side of Hell Freezing over!! - O.K., for the UNwashed Masses though!

Shows how Simplistic, Impractical, Moronic AND 'MAD', THE 'Well Resourced' ARE, for; 1) Releasing the Bio Military 'Kraken' IN THE 1st INSTANCE. 2) NOT Having 'INTELLIGENCE ENOUGH', To at Least 'Realise', By ANY & ALL Metrics, their CONVID-19 Psy Op 'Mistake', COULD LEAD to The/A Multi - Broad Spectrum 'End of Days'. 3) Instead of Trace/Tracking for 'Tyrannic Control', At least KNOW, THE ExtenDead LIMIT of these Released Weapons & Limit IT'S Spread By Society Cross Connections = OOPS! REALITY MODE; - BUT, now of Course, Once Pandora's Box has been 'Opened', The Genie AIN'T going Back in! = HOW do the S.M.A.R.T Arse 'Elites' , 'KNOW', where the Upper & Final Infections/Generational - ARE??= AND, I'm NOT talking about BOUGHT 'Projections & Modelling', But The REAL - Practical/Tangible 'Ending'- And Broad spectrum Species 'DamnAge' (damage OR Damned Age - Individual choice)!

Wellness to the Unified us.

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The sad truth Lionesss . ☠️😢

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Today you have to pray not to enter a hospital

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