No logical scientific way that technology would be effective.

Points to note.

Virus would need to be in your lungs.

Than you have to test spsificly for each type of virus, you can't blow into it and it comes back with you got Melaria or HIV...etc... It's utter nonsense if thats what they are claiming.

The COVID19 infection had to be tested with Oliver from a specific spot in th the thought, all of a sudden that long stick they put up your nose is no longer needed? It's total bollox and makes no sense. Lets see the science for ourselves... not taking your word for this .

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We should be gracious with this guy, simply feed him all the cures he has peddled on everyone else at our expense and if he passes the "clinical trials" we can rest assured they are safe and . . .




effective (sorry had to get his heart defibbed and the clots taken out of his veins, the cancers removed, along with the . . . . . ).

Don't worry he's still safe and effective. LOL

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All the money in the world and your grand ambition is to create diseases and fake cures and hell on earth?

Today’s positive relaxation exercise: Close your eyes and envision a new world with Gates no longer in it.

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This man is utterly insane. He should be in a dark padded room for the rest of his days.

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Now why would I trust ANYTHING coming out of that murderer’s mouth?!🔥😡🐍🐍🐍

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I can see this being used to see if people are vaccinated as well.

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Someone needs to put Gates out of his misery. He is a like rabid dog

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Tried to find out if he is helping to fund this but doesn't appear he is at the moment. Doesn't necessarily mean he won't be doing so in the future. Linking tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Too bad there wasn't cyanide or some other poison on the mouthpiece when he put his lips on it.

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I’m so tired of Bill Gates , he has no medical background … money talks.

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Not possible as virology is pure fakery.

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Gates can stick his breathalyzer up his backside and pull HARD!!!!

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He needs to be bludgeoned to death with a hammer, slowly please. My .02 cents

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