Canada never ceases to disappoint me. The knowledge that my friends in Western Canada think Trudeau is doing a good job is baffling.

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Some Canadians are beginning to wake up but it will be a long time before they catch up to where we are and we’re just now beginning to change minds. They’ve had an immigration policy that - if I’m not mistaken - says that if you make it to Canada, you’re in. Not that you’re a citizen but you’re not considered an illegal. Canadians can correct me on that. In any case, seems to be most will come from socialist countries and they’re bound to influence elections. They knew socialism and is all they knew. Freedom is not part of their DNA.

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Not only that but Canadians take so much pride in the moniker of “nice”. They are going to “nice” themselves into an early grave!!

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Those friends are probably very vaxxed. I feel your frustration.

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Some jurisdictions out of Canada are discouraging the Covid vaccines and our federal government to become a board member of the Gates foundation. Speechless, but again this Justin at his best. Completely blind to the deaths and injuries caused by this poison.

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Gates bribes and buys and after all, the politicians don't have to partake...

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Dear Lord, deliver us from vaccine hell & help us to help ourselves continue to speak TRUTH to medical tyranny ...

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Amen to that.

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And it’s been happening for quite sometime. Most of the west is involved right under our noses.

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Trudeau loves being a dictator and he doesn't want another election, he wants to stay on forever. We have our passports ready in case we have to get the hell outta here.

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Jan 16Edited

"the lack of transparency in the various World Health Organization initiatives raises concerns about how much public input was received before these decisions were made and how much democratic process was involved in ensuring fiscal responsibility of our government." - Do you not get it yet?????? We are at war. We are the vermen -to the globalist at who, wef, gates, band of elites controlling every facet of industry-and raging war against us in every aspect. Our gvmts are not working for us. They sold us out. They steal our wealth and transfer to their friends-so call foundations etc-transfer for aid to other countries for their manufactured wars (Zelensky recently bought $75 million yatch) -they don't care about ANY OF US AT ALL-AT ALL. We die -all while trying to disarm us so only gvmt has guns. Imagine the tyranny then ? Less of us in their view and that is what they want and been saying. Even erected a monument to it. Wrote books about it. Health systems, education, 24/7 "programming", the engineer wars efforts, the attack on our food supply, our movements-carbon tax-climate change hoax to control every aspects of your life and for us to be 100% their dependent cattle and eat the sh-t they produce and live in 24/7 monitored pods/cities/home. DO YOU NOT GET IT YET????????? OPEN YOUR EYES -There is poverty, misery prior to the past 4 years because that's what they wanted, there has been an ever increasing disease/illness trend before the past 4 yrs because that is what they wanted. There is propaganda movies out with very toxic division narratives because they want pp to fight with each other and focus on each other while they plan future 1-scandemics, 2-wars, 3-food shortage, 4-A grid shut down to destroy us, impoverish us so we own nothing and eat zee bugs. - These lizards are working on a treaty behind pp's back --Dangerous Accord: U.S. Autonomy At Risk With WHO Pandemic Agreement. Note (same for Canada) - This is a lengthy report but every American needs to know what they are about to be put under. Read and then reread what is about to happen as our government prepares to sign this agreement June 1st. https://www.prophecynewswatch.com/article.cfm?recent_news_id=6614

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The Unwelcome Unvaxxed..... Satire? You can't tell anymore these days.

"In our infantilized Skip the Dishes culture, we’ve lost sight of the big picture. Citizenship and democratic freedom carry responsibility. It’s not unencumbered. Vaccination is our moral imperative.

The ongoing hacking cough of the unvaxxed is our call to arms: COVID has tested us and we are failing. But 2024 can be our turnaround year.

In a world where so much is beyond our control, here’s something simple and free that those who feel powerless can do to make a huge difference: get vaccinated, get boosted, get healthy, carry on."

Freelance journalist Patricia Dawn Robertson thanks those of you who are vaccinated. She continues to hurl invective on outliers.


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Wow, total disconnect from reality, the untreated are not the ones with the continuous hacking cough. Reporters like this must have zero integrity, or maybe (looking at it more compassionately) some sort of brain injury. I hear that's a thing nowadays.

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Brainwaahed and chipped.

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She sounds vaccinated!! 😂

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That explains a lot Canada has a rep on his board 🤦🏻‍♀️

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