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Oct 2·edited Oct 2

Please may her story go viral . The censorship stifled the other 2000 plus pro athletes who suffered badly/ or died from this wickedness. Let their deaths not be in vain x

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I just shared this on X

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and still the who pandemic treaty is ignored

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I am puzzled that government authorities in all major western countries still are allowing injections with these criminal substances.

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Because our governments are all controlled by criminals.

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I agree but the extent to the power of these fraudulent forces is puzzling to me. How did we end up where we are right now.

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Public/private partnerships, SDGs, all these unelected NGO's.Long article unlimitedhangout.com/2024/07/investigative-reports/the-who-building-a-permanent-pandemic-market/

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People complying with tyrants got us here

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People voting for tyrants..

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Leftist spending 4 decades infiltrating and subverting virtually every institutution in the country??

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the long march through the institutions started in 1917 and really got going in 1946.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2

Here's the formula:

Rockefeller + Rothschild = Total Global Domination 😄


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Why are you puzzled?? They knew these experimental shots were never necessary in the first place

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Yes AT. That's because government authorities are criminals.

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I know a rhetorical question when I see one.

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The shots are being advertised daily on the radio funded by Pfizer, they have doctors between talk shows intervene with pushing the shots even for kids. How do these doctors live with themselves, they know damn well the shots are not safe, and if they don't, they are ignorant in the field in which they practice. A friend was recently given antibiotics that have dangerous side effects, she wasn't told about that. So, I don't think anyone should take any pharmaceutical without first researching it.

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Along with the Weather Channel doing its bid for everything VACCINES 💉!!!! The freakin Weather Channel who is now owned by IBM…go figure.

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The same cabal is behind climate and Covid.

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Maybe windy days spread viruses farther and wider.

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IBM, Your NAZI CONcentration Camp Hotel 'Check-In' Ticket producers! Like so MANY other U.S/ EURO Corporations, Who CO-OPTED, with the 'Installed' GlobAlist NAZI HIRE-Archy 'Regime -Exercise', PRE/DURING/POST WW2 'Exercise' & Euro 'Tour of Duty', Circa 1925 > CurRent! = WHAT'S CHANGED, in the GlobAlist, 'Eugenics'R'US'?

As for 'Weather' - Including 'ModifactIONs/ WeaponisatIONs', THERE IS a Global CONventION on Protocols for NON-USE of Weather as a 'Mode of WARFARE' = ENMOD! This AppLIES to InternatIONal, AND NATIONAL! It IS described, in Plain Black & White! Where's the GlobAlists front office - FACADE- THE UNunited Nation's 17 SDGs (1) on THIS?

1) SDGs - Strategic Depopulation Goals.

Wellness - John D.

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Medicare and Walgreens are sending out emails to get the CV booster AND the flu/RAV combo shot. No way in Hell!!

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Yeah, and do they send out the potential dangers of those shots?

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Terrible story, billions lied to and injured.

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Well the covid shenanigans has cured me of taking any vaccines at all. I would have to be unconscious for them to get a needle into my arm, which I am positive would not be a deterrent for the insane vaccinators.

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Same here

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This story of protecting parents was debunked 3 years ago already. I can't see why everyone is not aware of the death shots by now.

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Easy... it's being completely ignored by 98% of media....

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While this is incredibly infuriating to say the least I simply do not understand why healthy people would take a shot for flu, covid or even mumps/measles when none of those conditions are life-threatening. And the idea that we must "take a shot to protect other people" is a complete lie. Even if there is such a thing as an actual, effective vaccine (for anything) it does nothing to prevent a virus from hooking a ride on a "protected" person, multiplying and being spread.

This shows the danger of a scientifically dumbed-down population and why it is easier to control. Misinformed, uneducated people are much easier led to slaughter.

I hope this lady fully recovers but I bet she did not learn her lesson. How many of the people who've suffered these near-misses went on TikTok from their hospital bed and said, "I'd do it all over again?"

Too many.

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Actually I think it was the very educated (therefore indoctrinated) people who fell for the covid propaganda most of all....

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75% of Americans took at least one shot. That's pretty much a cross-section of the whole country.

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I recoiled immediately from using an experimental drug and refused it. Same with my hubby. We are Boomers but fear untested drugs. And, I am a Trump voter. I sent numerous emails to him/his people against this shot. I think Trump finally sees the truth. He was used by Fauci et al. DOD actually ran this operation.

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You know, your comment made me think about my own reasons and the lack of testing was one of my big ones, too. The other was the fact that I knew enough science to know that tricking the body into making proteins without any way to undo it or turn it off seemed nuts. Add to that the fact that "covid" was as or less dangerous than flu (curious) meant there was no reason to risk it.

However....in the early days of the fear porn when they were lying about Italy seeing a 10% mortality rate and up to a 2% rate here in the US, if they had released a traditional denatured vax I would have been quite tempted to take it. I hope more and more people look back at all the lies that were told, the fear propaganda and the fabricated statistics and get mad enough to start questioning everything we've ever been told about all angles of medicine.

For one, I'm really wondering how good the science is around the idea that if you've caught a pathogen one time you can never get sick from it again. We've been fed this for 100 years. Curiously, though, there are all of these exceptions to the rule like influenza. "It mutates so that's why you can get it again." Hmm. Then why aren't people catching chicken pox, mumps, measles, etc. more than once? Those don't mutate? ...Stuff like that. I think all non-acute, non-trauma medical science needs a do-over. All "health care" in the West has been reduced to "take this pill". If "health care" professionals really wanted to help people they would be blasting the airwaves with "diet, exercise and sleep", not Elixir, Injecta and Swallows.

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Critical thinking skills are an essential part of a healthy survival instinct. Far too many people abandoned critical thought (if they had any to begin with), and allowed themselves to be manipulated by fear under the fatally misguided belief that their governments actually care about their safety and well-being, and would never willfully do them any harm. They were like lemmings following each other over the edge of a cliff.

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The herd instinct is very powerful. Few can resist the crowd.

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An aortic dissection is in the aorta, not the heart. Whoever writes these need to do their homework. Dissections are unheard of in fit people. But most of us here know that. What absolute hell she is living through... AND to be gaslit on top of it all!!! 😡

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A distinction without a real difference...

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I talk to a lot of strangers and this last weekend I talked to two people who had very bad reactions including one 40 year old who had heart problems as soon as he got his second shot... he ended up having to get heart surgery...

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Ever since this nightmare started I had one question that I couldn't find any answers for: how is it possible that so many people look fine after taking 2, 3,4, or even 6 jabs? How could that be? If someone knows the answer I would be greatful to hear it.

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1. Variations in human physiology. How can some people smoke multiple packs of cigarettes per day and still live to be 100?

2. The adverse effects of the bioweapon jabs are typically not immediate. They are "slow kill" weapons, in order to arouse minimal suspicion. (Plausible deniability)

3. The consensus is that not all jab batches were identical, but that they were experimenting with different versions. Some may have only been saline. See howbadismybatch.com

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Nailed it!

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Hopefully there are "kind" people out there injecting saline.

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Follow FLCCC and Dr. McCullough. There are some ideas about this. If you look you will find.

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second poisonous injection,

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They are most at risk!

Come on people!




COUNTERMEASURES FOR their DOD (bioweapon) countermeasures.

VitC, NAC, Quercetin, Zinc…

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