Excellent interview

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I agree wuth this article many aspects but it also reads like a decoy narrative to me.

Interesting Rosicrucian like symbolism behind K.Kingston.

Very clever.

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Is that a circle and pentagram in the center of the cross?

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No, under magnification it is a flower, probably significant but this Karen may know better...

However, God rebukes ALL idols...

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It looks like a bird view of a rose.....and the leaves looks axacly like rose leaves.....

Rosicrucianism is a secret society for .....initiated....of course.

Anyhoo, just like during the pandemic they cleverly split us in TWO factions, pro vax and anti vax......they keep playing this card because it works. It works because people have short, short memory and they are too lazy to go look up gor themselves.

Also and most important, it completely gets people to focus on one side and be distracted .

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I used to have a silver cross with vines on it. We are the vines Jesus said and if we do not produce fruit we are broken off and thrown into the fire. An author Steve Quayle when interviewed he has a few pictures of art depicting lions. Jesus is called The lion of Judah. But satan can be depicted as a lion too. Going up and down seeing who he can devour.

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Vines ....that leaf is different....bc it is more like a fig leaf shape.

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Oh my. You appear to have no idea who Greg Hunter is if you can accuse him of being a Rosicrucian or of supporting one.

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it is called controlled opposition. If you believe anybody allowed on media is organic, expecially of the caliber of Greg Hunter, then the strategy worked well.

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Excellent article. No surprises here for me. What haunts me is that so many know nothing about the deepest background narrative and walk blindly over the cliff.

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Great substack, thank you.

She said they, big pharma, does not want the wrath of God. So they think fooling people will insulate themselves? They don't read the bible. Whom ever causes anyone to misstep, the person doing the fooling is the one who gets His wrath. Sad really.

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Was wondering WHY so many free french fry. (Micky D) and ChicFilla---free food giveaways...

Makes sense....

Starbucks drive through line

Today... 20 cars deep...

No giveaways, but how blindly people will drop 5-10 bucks for crap!?

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WHEW - - lot's of negativity (as well as 'damning faint praise') upon Karen Kingston today . .....HAVE ur fun as u wish , however , the GREEK Veterinarian over at Pfizer (from Wikipedia) known as the Head Administer aka Alex Borla thinks Ms Kingston et al are the chief instigators 4 releasing 'news' that Cov19 Vaxxes are dangerous (deadly) to ur health . If her efforts have propelled 'Vax-Hesitancy' and saved millions of innocent lives as well as diminished the maiming of a billion others - - well then IS SHE A SECRET AGENT 4 Satan ?!? .........or more likely an 'Avenging Angel from Heaven' . ....btw our friend Greg Hunter is a former White House Correspondent w impeccable Christian creds . ........... ....shalom to all

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....how dumb can i get - - albert bourla , i stand corrected.

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