We are lucky to have men like him stand up and fighting. I believe we own a debt of gratitude for everyone who is fighting against the vaccines tyranny. As for the vaccine believers, they won't have that luxury of being in denial forever. The day will come when extraordinary events will force them to admit the painful truth: that they have been damn wrong! Nothing last forever.

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Where is Rocco Galati's lawsuit at, does anyone have an update?

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At nowhere

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Covid-19 vaccines are only a first means to implement the monstrous plans of the western governments, UNO, WHO, WEF, Rockefeller's, Rothschild's, Windsor's & Co.

Soon further means will be used until their goal of 1 to 2 billion inhabitants of the earth is reached.

Klaus Schwab, WEF, WHO, UNO, USA, NATO (acting on the orders of the Rockefeller's, Rothschild's & Co. but a minority of Jews are very Good People), the so-called world elite and most governments that belong to them (nothing can deform/ make a person more insane/ monstrous than wealth and power), who would like to redesign the whole world according to their inhuman and monstrous ideas (persons, who have no control over themselves and their own morbid fantasies) behave like the most severely mentally ill children who sit up to their necks in feces, play with feces and find it fragrant, very funny, beautiful and useful.

Borrell's statement "We, a golden billion" also goes in that direction.

They have no idea at all what they are talking about, the wretched and perverted satans and satanists.

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When I read things like this, I always find myself with questions that are never answered:

Did any of his contacts or family members reach out later and tell him he was right? If not, it means they still think he is nuts and it's all the more likely people will be on board with turning over medical decisions to centralized dictates in the future. Court cases can take years and by the time they are decided laws can be rewritten to make whatever travesties of today legal.

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"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might." Ephesians 6:10 ESV

Be encouraged. The current degradation of society and the apparent elevation of evil will not succeed. When our LORD returns, He will destroy the devil's plans against Humanity. Still, until then, we must all oppose this darkness wherever it appears. May GOD bless you and keep you. I pray...

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This CDN dr would disagree....I am banned from commenting on his substack but was never told why...I actually don't even remember commenting on it....got no notifications stating why....anyway, here it is.....I choose to stay subscribed so I am enlightened with these nuggets once a week..... 🙄

Saturday Stories: Next Gen Vaccine Update and Metformin To Prevent Long COVID https://yonifreedhoffmd.substack.com/p/saturday-stories-next-gen-vaccine?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1186605&post_id=128767244&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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Surely you know you're a pharma shill.

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Are you talking about me or the Dr...... please, re-read my comment...I am pointing out that the is repeating the narrative...so, obviously he is the shill...

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The doctor! My apologies, I read your comment too quickly.

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Thank you, friend.... I appreciate you getting back to me.... ❤️🍁🌞

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Here is a comprehensive warning on the methodology of the totalitarianism we will soon complete through municipal governments https://substack.com/redirect/6b62ee19-69c4-4e12-bf6f-86ce5cc9975d?j

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Great link thanks.

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Thank you for sharing stories like this. I hope it inspires other individuals to also stand up for what's right. We're not alone - each of us.

There are many others like us who stand up and made a difference - including you, Lioness.

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