Removed (Banned)Feb 15
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On the one hand, we have studies that twist data in knots to conclude the shots are killers. On the other hand, no one pushing the shots has paid a price for this. Any indictments? At all? At this point, I’d rather read more about people going to prison for genocide…Crickets.

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Let's see...the U.S. has four or five times the population of the U.K.....

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Can we drag these stupid scientists back to a government podium and ram these figures into an open orifice?… because my gut feeling is they knew this would happen… yet to get knighted for monumentally gaslighting the British public seems to be the last say on this.. no one trusts a word from any official anymore and the only way back is to make those who made mistakes .. apologise publicly .. then have a court decide how long they get put away.

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Yikes 1 million deaths I Guess the Luciferians plan is working out . I am Glad I didn’t take the Kill Shot.

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So Deagle was more Right than Wrong. Bummer for the injected.

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Ah, we would seem to be progressing from the first ripples to the gathering swells... of the megatsunami of destruction approaching us at Warp Factor Nine... Have a good look round people, this is what your trust in your authorities and your institutions has bought you. 🤔

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That's pretty stark. How does this stay under the radar?

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For a Small region, that's a LOT of death from one new cause.

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It’s a Bioweapon to depopulate. They won’t stop. Stand up ⬆️ Say something.🙏

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Free vaxxines, come get your death shot. Remember, it's free, and we'll throw in free tea and a crumpet.

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I’m disappointed that the headline reads One Million vaccine deaths and the real total is told at the end of the article. Maybe that isn’t important to some people but it smacks of MSM deception and the source becomes unreliable to me. Isn’t that deception one of the reasons independent reporting flourished during the scamdemic?? Unfortunately, this is not an article I am able to share.

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I'm an analyst and have looked through this data. Interestingly, the OWID site shows similar graphs of several countries'- including UK- that look completely inverted to the ones I created from the data in this article. The TRUTH comes down to WHAT PERCENTAGE OF 18+ YEAR OLDS HAVE NOT RECEIVED ANY COVID VACCINES vs HAVE RECEIVED. Google claims 90% of people in the UK are vaccinated whereas this article claims 70.2% received at least one jab; using 90% would triple the death rate (as a % of total unvaccinated) of the unvaccinated and lower the death rate of the vaccinated by 28.2%. So Would appreciate anyone who can validate thanks.

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This article is completely misleading. In the first place, the headline blares that these are vaxx deaths, while the Y axis of the charts is clearly labeled "Number of Deaths", which can only be interpreted as all mortality, not mortality due to the vaxx. Secondly, deaths are then divided on the X axis into 10 year intervals, with the exception of the 18-39 and the 95+ age bars. What isn't given is the absolute numbers of the vaccinated and unvaccinated people within each interval, or bar. Therefore, one cannot make a valid comparison of the absolute numbers of deaths in the vaccinated vs. ever vaccinated groups. In order to do that one must know the total number of people in each bar, or interval, and then divide the number of deaths by the total number in each respective bar. That would provide the RATE of death of each group which could then be compared. For example, assume 4 million total 80-89 year olds and a 10% rate of totally unvaxxed people, working out to 400,000 unvaxxed and 3.6 M vaxxed. Using the numbers from May, 2023 one would arrive at a .087%/month rate of death for the unvaxxed vs. .36% for the vaxxed. Still genocide, but not to the extent implied by the headline and the charts.

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Between April and May 2023, the highest number of unvaccinated all-cause deaths occurred among 70 to 79-year-olds in May 2023 with 405 deaths.

At the same time, the highest number of vaccinated all-cause deaths occurred among 80 to 89-year-olds in April 2023 with a shocking 13,713 deaths.

I would just ask for the figures on comparable ages as more people are likely to die over the age of 80.

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20

While there is reason to believe that the vaccine causes deaths, I am certain that this analysis is completely incorrect. It does not do the cause any good by posting such rubbish. It is clear that you do not understand what the figures mean. In order to understand whether you are more likely to die having had the vaccine, you have to check with the number in that age group that have had the vaccine. I have extensively graphed this problem and (if the ONS figures are correct) if you are aged 80+ you have about a 30% greater probability of dying than if you had not had the vaccine. That by itself is bad enough but please don't give the headlines that you have since it is completely incorrect.

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