@JB: Profound and terrifying, indeed. . . . Definitely worthy of *much* deeper investigation. This whole debacle has been a tremendous heartbreak, on so many, many levels.
I’m reading quotes like that too. It’s heartbreaking. I have to believe it’s part of satans deception that some researchers, I’ll leave unnamed, are saying they can “take your soul”. I think they can make you believe that tho, the soul is of GOD! His, unless rejection is so complete, it’s given over. They can definitely alter your thoughts. Look at those that are being targeted and suffering. Many love and walk with Christ. Please be cautious about what you’re reading and seeing. The deceivers are being deceived. I see them on SS. Some call them “agents”. They’re here solely to distract and oppose.
We must focus solely on our Savior Jesus Christ! I too, have been distracted to the point of despair when reading here on SS and other areas. After much prayer I put it all aside for a week, stayed in His Word and prayer only. When I fully surrendered….again…., cleared my mind, He gave His peace and comfort again! This one week taught me quite a bit about the need to detox mentally from reading and watching in my bid for discernment.
It confirmed for me that evil had indeed distracted me and gave me a hopeless, sick feeling, and how crucial it is to be focused on our Lord! His Word! Nothing else. BTW I did not have the jab! But what I’m reading is definitely a shift in consciousness in many of those that did! 5G activating frequencies and EMF to alter the brain and thinking are most definitely occurring! What they’re inundating us with, there’s no escape, it’s on and in EVERYTHING. THERE IS HOPE! JESUS CHRIST! Be proactive in your health!
What I suggest to everyone is not only turning EVERY device off, but placing them in faraday bags at night. Make your own if you cannot afford them, but they’re very reasonable in packs of different sizes now. Your devices still activate when turned off. Get rid of your “smart tv”! Anything with the higher technology.
As a matter of fact, the new iPhones coming have Chat AI already integrated and will do a data dump automatically in the wee hours to the powers that be. Put them under faraday overnight.
Turn your WiFi routers OFF! Go barefoot on the ground outside if and when you’re able! Research grounding! And detox physically! We must continually engage in drinking certain teas and taking necessary supplements to do this. Always choose organics and non GMO! Make sure you’re using organic whole foods in vitamins, herbs, and supplements! Do not use synthetics!! I have to say however, much success with ivermectin is being seen and in cancer eradication as well, tho there’s opposition with agents. Fenbendazole too. There are varying protocols depending on your level of “infection “. This is an ongoing battle until we’re called Home. I can’t stress enough the caution in research and praying for discernment.
God bless each and every one of you, stay focused on Him and remember this is temporary! 🙏🏻
Seems that have multiple patents so they create the disease then they attempt to cure it only they don’t you just receive endless expensive treatment then you die.
Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada which ended mandates in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS.
The Media is the Virus 🦠 and the magical virus was just that .. magical …
And the magical virus 🦠 magically disappeared out of thin air.
But the doctors got mucho $$$$ for every jab and the hospitals received kickbacks.. mucho dollars .. for every death.. the murdering of their patients.
23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (pharmakeia) were all nations deceived.
I believe part of what has been injected destroys what the DOD refers to as the VMat2 gene. You can still search for the original video under the search term of "Funvax" or VMat2 gene. At the top of the search there will be all sorts of links to MSM articles claiming that this is all a hoax. Find and watch the original via archive.org and decide for yourself. For the last year+ I have been experiencing what feels like electrical shocks in my temporal lobe. I believe these two things are related. Note I am unvaxxed but due to shedding now of us our "unvaxxed".
And there you have it. There are no accidents or coincidences. I feel like this is huge yet so few talk about this aspect. Multi-pronged attack. Turn humanity into transhumans while destroying the part of their brains that connect to the divine. Only Satan himself could orchestrate a crime of this magnitude. Or men and woman being led by Satan.
Funny that this study is from South Korea that is currently under a China coup of the government. You probably haven’t heard about it as it’s been “crickets “ from the media except them trying to paint the leader that was ousted as a dictator.
China friendly politicians infiltrated the South Korea government like they did everywhere else.
EMF/hi-tech energy is the new silent weapon. With China/North Korea as their enemy and close neighbours…. Are these results from the vax alone? Or other energy tech? Or both?
Just throwing ideas out there. Where is the studies from other countries to collaborate this data?
As usual they may be causing the damage to the humans with chemical and EMF / Microwave warfare and pretending by blaming it on the Bioweapon Injection ( or the fake convid virus - as usual ) to really scare people. It will be one huge positive feedback loop of scare tactics (of fruit loops). And interesting the Fruit Loop publicity at the same time. What Resolve and Sardonic Humour these Evil Psychopaths have.
The Graphene Oxide in the shots makes the COVID vaccinated antennas and we are surrounded by 4g and 5g now. Look up the video of what a cell phone does to GO!
This makes perfect sense and I don't believe the vaccine's have anything to do with it. They're depressed because they realized that they got scammed and that the vaccine's might shorten their life.
I believe they even changed the definition of a vaccine in order to accommodate the jabs. They used the term "vaccine" deliberately to appeal to the older demographic that is easiest to frighten. Boomers.
A countermeasure prototype. To study large scale delivery for proof-of-concept, conducted on the unwary, believing victims. A crime against humanity with malice aforethought.
And I see the unholy pope is lying again. Not building walls would be a travesty. Besides Francis is a fake and a farce. Get out of the that church! It is apostate. As it is written "there is NO mediator twixt God and man save the Lord Jesus Christ. At death one is judged immediately. Praying for the dead is a joke, when we die our spirit returns to God and we are JUDGED. End of story. Heaven or hell.
Agreed. This is a Jesuit pope on top of it. If you’ve see photos of the inside of their Vatican’s auditorium, it’s blatantly evil. Has snakelike appearance architecture The chair he sits in, an upside down cross on the back. Some of the supposed artwork displayed there have also been blatantly evil. The pope before him carried a staff with the cross bent over which is satanic. I’ve not seen this one with it but it may be out there. BTW Biden was sworn in on a Jesuit Bible. Others may have been too. Trump didn’t bother. Oh but we’re using the excuse Melania didn’t get there with them on time…..These things aren’t even a scratch on the surface….has anyone seen pictures of the artwork at Pfizer’s NYC headquarters? Says it all!
You are welcome, you are what I say you are. Conversation gives vent to character. A kind word is never wasted gal. And I never miss a turn to praise real women. You and they all deserve it. It is worth the risk of being misjudged and I do not mind being blunt and transparent.
You’re so right. Texting is a very revealing outlet because people can hide behind the veil and speak how they really believe. Reveal the heart. I appreciate a man that’s honest and transparent. A disciple of Christ!
As in the lack of real women, that’s true for men too! Unfortunately, the evil has done a tremendously good job in destroying what Biblical manhood is about! Well, us as well. Even adding chemicals to our bodies to do so! Ex… BPA that lines cans mimics estrogen. Add radical feminists, removal of Bibles from schools and stir! You can see the decline of our nation starting at that time. Those are just a few examples in a long list. I’m preaching to the choir.
Joey, it matters not who you are preaching to, but that what you say is true and you are correct in what you have delineated. Real men started disappearing in 1969 when slime minister turdo the senior legalized aborticide and homosexuality. He was not fooling some people...both these legalizations were calculated to reduce the gene pool. And worse, abortion was not only the torture and murder of an unborn baby but the desecration of a woman mentally, spiritually and physical. I watched as males started treating women as receptacles of their filthy plumbing and sending them to get an abortion if they became pregnant. The rad fem fools managed to get aborticide legalized and thus they helped irresponsible males to treat women like "meat" that they had railed against over and over. The radfem fools managed to aid the desecration of women by their program and for proof of my assertion check WEBA, Women Exploited by Abortion. In my eyes abortion hurt would be mothers. In my case we were engaged to be married and a pregnancy occurred, so we just moved the marriage up earlier. Neither of us even hinted at aborticide. Naughty thoughts overcome us both and to be honest, I told her we can expect a sure thing if we keep fooling around and her answer to my statement was , "I do not care." "Do you?" I answered not really and that came to pass.
The baby was a boy, the next three were bawling squalling girl brats!!! She originally wanted 8 but changed her mind and we are not even moslem or Roman Catholic. (I gotta be a smart ass from time to time to keep the readers interested.) Without being arrogant I expect you will still give me a pass!
I think you might well identify with my perspectives and evil in the real world is now so common it scares me. Illicit drugs, abortion, porn, rape, murder, sex trafficking, etc are common. You are the same "flavor" as most of the women are here and I adore you and them all for being who and what you/they are. What are you/they? God's most beautiful and precious creation. Now you know who and what I am. And you can take that to the bank.
10,000%. You’re spot on. Thank you for sharing that vulnerability. Absolutely, all relatable. We’re sinners. I so often find myself in anguished tears at the knowledge of what our Savior did for us! So undeserving we are. Takes my breath away sometimes. My husband and I fell into those same sinful traps before we were married. I fully understand although it didn’t result in a pregnancy beforehand. We were married a year before our one and only child, a now 24 year old son, entered our lives. Trying to navigate life with that young man is difficult at best. Grateful he’s not part of this culture permeating everything in his generation, but in his own sin. Raised knowing the Lord, but in rebellion right now. It’s more than painful, but trusting Him in all! He belongs to Him!
It was during my pregnancy that the Lord started waking me up to the war on our boys. Our children. The dumming down of our boys and men in all manner of speaking. It made me angry. That anger at injustices. Still does, though I understand the Lord’s Will for our world. I’m so grateful to be able to lift all to Him and not be in a state of anger continuously. It seems my constant “Vengeance is Mine!” Sayeth the Lord is said throughout the day, every day. I can only imagine having daughters! Quite honestly, I’m glad to not have them, though I’m sure you adore them? You say brats! I pray they’re walking with Him!
It’s important and good to try to keep a sense of humor, so no need for the pass! 😁 It’s needed! Feel free, please! We need to laugh more.
Thank you so much for sharing a part of your life with me. I find our Lord bringing more and more brothers and sisters into my life and I’m incredibly grateful! I know and believe it’s to encourage and support one another in this increasingly evil world, as we await His glorious return! He’s gathering His children.
"Anxiety and Depression" - that feeling you get when you trusted the authorities and took their shot and then found out it was neither safe or effective.
My sister-in-law has been researching this. You are right in saying to stay away from it all! All shots especially!! Even dental numbing agents contain the Mrna. I don't know about you, but I am not going to the dentist to have my DNA changed......especially when it is snuck into these shots, so that even most dentists do not know this shot has it in it. People are really going to be surprised when they tell them this is partly responsible for unvaxxed having the nanobots in their blood also. Many doctors "in the know" tell us not to trust ANY shots....every time we get a shot of any kind, we introduce toxins into our bodies, creating environment for sickness in the future.
Its called demonic posession/manifestation. Yes its a horror show. Not on the djoo tube. Nope. Up close and personal. Permanent. The juice-box suprise. How you like them now? Its overwelmingly a single race/Spirit, creation. Undeniable and very real. Its a war and most of the casualties remain clueless theyve been taken out.
While I don’t disagree with these points, it’s important for health freedom advocates to not pollute their honest messages with incorrect attributions . Mike Yeadon, while smart man , is not former vice president of Pfizer. Until 2011, he served as the chief scientist and vice-president of the allergy and respiratory research division of Pfizer, which is nowhere near the same position.
While I don’t have time to waste on you either, I’m compelled to point out the lunacy.
Millions of people dead and dying from the injections, with a clear and simple mechanism of harm (killer T cells attacking cells expressing spike protein).
It is quite amazing that no one knows that after all these years, instead of focusing on the elephant in the room, which is the clear and concise vector to get the mRNA program shut down, we play gotcha on ‘rapid and superficial’ matters.
If we’re throwing around links, here’s one from 2021 outlining what the autopsies actually show:
I remember one of the first people to be injected said "Its like they took God away".
Wow!! Please ask them more questions. That's pretty profound and terrifying!
I wish I could JB!
It was on a tv newscast where a reporter was interviewing people who had been on television receiving the first vaxxines.
This woman was I think a nurse, who said "Its like they took God away".
Thank you for the reply!
@JB: Profound and terrifying, indeed. . . . Definitely worthy of *much* deeper investigation. This whole debacle has been a tremendous heartbreak, on so many, many levels.
Oh my goodness! I’d forgotten about this. I remember seeing a video of someone saying “I can’t feel God anymore.” She was very distraught.
1 Corinthians 6:19
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
I’m reading quotes like that too. It’s heartbreaking. I have to believe it’s part of satans deception that some researchers, I’ll leave unnamed, are saying they can “take your soul”. I think they can make you believe that tho, the soul is of GOD! His, unless rejection is so complete, it’s given over. They can definitely alter your thoughts. Look at those that are being targeted and suffering. Many love and walk with Christ. Please be cautious about what you’re reading and seeing. The deceivers are being deceived. I see them on SS. Some call them “agents”. They’re here solely to distract and oppose.
We must focus solely on our Savior Jesus Christ! I too, have been distracted to the point of despair when reading here on SS and other areas. After much prayer I put it all aside for a week, stayed in His Word and prayer only. When I fully surrendered….again…., cleared my mind, He gave His peace and comfort again! This one week taught me quite a bit about the need to detox mentally from reading and watching in my bid for discernment.
It confirmed for me that evil had indeed distracted me and gave me a hopeless, sick feeling, and how crucial it is to be focused on our Lord! His Word! Nothing else. BTW I did not have the jab! But what I’m reading is definitely a shift in consciousness in many of those that did! 5G activating frequencies and EMF to alter the brain and thinking are most definitely occurring! What they’re inundating us with, there’s no escape, it’s on and in EVERYTHING. THERE IS HOPE! JESUS CHRIST! Be proactive in your health!
What I suggest to everyone is not only turning EVERY device off, but placing them in faraday bags at night. Make your own if you cannot afford them, but they’re very reasonable in packs of different sizes now. Your devices still activate when turned off. Get rid of your “smart tv”! Anything with the higher technology.
As a matter of fact, the new iPhones coming have Chat AI already integrated and will do a data dump automatically in the wee hours to the powers that be. Put them under faraday overnight.
Turn your WiFi routers OFF! Go barefoot on the ground outside if and when you’re able! Research grounding! And detox physically! We must continually engage in drinking certain teas and taking necessary supplements to do this. Always choose organics and non GMO! Make sure you’re using organic whole foods in vitamins, herbs, and supplements! Do not use synthetics!! I have to say however, much success with ivermectin is being seen and in cancer eradication as well, tho there’s opposition with agents. Fenbendazole too. There are varying protocols depending on your level of “infection “. This is an ongoing battle until we’re called Home. I can’t stress enough the caution in research and praying for discernment.
God bless each and every one of you, stay focused on Him and remember this is temporary! 🙏🏻
You can keep your smart tv just don't plug it into the network. Use a computer as a proxy and control what you send to it.
I was wondering how they managed to get Simeon virus 40 into clot/cancer shot as no virus has ever been proven to exist.
It appears that they have the DNA sequence and it was readily available for insertion into the vials. Looks like batch and number of shots key.
SV-40 derived DNA constructs comprising exogenous DNA sequences
Sv-40 derived dna constructs comprising exogenous dna sequences
Seems that have multiple patents so they create the disease then they attempt to cure it only they don’t you just receive endless expensive treatment then you die.
And...there never was a SARS COV2 VIRUS!
Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada which ended mandates in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS.
That’s because no virus has ever been isolated in nature. It’s all a scam
The Media is the Virus 🦠 and the magical virus was just that .. magical …
And the magical virus 🦠 magically disappeared out of thin air.
But the doctors got mucho $$$$ for every jab and the hospitals received kickbacks.. mucho dollars .. for every death.. the murdering of their patients.
Sad but true.
So right, I recall that chilling statement.
...that is because it did just that.
We are definately not in Kansas anymore.
Revelation 18:23
King James Version
23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (pharmakeia) were all nations deceived.
I believe part of what has been injected destroys what the DOD refers to as the VMat2 gene. You can still search for the original video under the search term of "Funvax" or VMat2 gene. At the top of the search there will be all sorts of links to MSM articles claiming that this is all a hoax. Find and watch the original via archive.org and decide for yourself. For the last year+ I have been experiencing what feels like electrical shocks in my temporal lobe. I believe these two things are related. Note I am unvaxxed but due to shedding now of us our "unvaxxed".
Yes, a VMat2 gene alteration mechanism in the vaxx could affect a person's fundamental beliefs. How frightening if it can affect their spirituality.
And criminal.
And there you have it. There are no accidents or coincidences. I feel like this is huge yet so few talk about this aspect. Multi-pronged attack. Turn humanity into transhumans while destroying the part of their brains that connect to the divine. Only Satan himself could orchestrate a crime of this magnitude. Or men and woman being led by Satan.
Say it ain't so!!! (Said no one here.)
Remember when this started the' Talking Heads' said you may have feelings of' Impending Doom'!!!!
Funny that this study is from South Korea that is currently under a China coup of the government. You probably haven’t heard about it as it’s been “crickets “ from the media except them trying to paint the leader that was ousted as a dictator.
China friendly politicians infiltrated the South Korea government like they did everywhere else.
EMF/hi-tech energy is the new silent weapon. With China/North Korea as their enemy and close neighbours…. Are these results from the vax alone? Or other energy tech? Or both?
Just throwing ideas out there. Where is the studies from other countries to collaborate this data?
Good point.
As usual they may be causing the damage to the humans with chemical and EMF / Microwave warfare and pretending by blaming it on the Bioweapon Injection ( or the fake convid virus - as usual ) to really scare people. It will be one huge positive feedback loop of scare tactics (of fruit loops). And interesting the Fruit Loop publicity at the same time. What Resolve and Sardonic Humour these Evil Psychopaths have.
The Graphene Oxide in the shots makes the COVID vaccinated antennas and we are surrounded by 4g and 5g now. Look up the video of what a cell phone does to GO!
This makes perfect sense and I don't believe the vaccine's have anything to do with it. They're depressed because they realized that they got scammed and that the vaccine's might shorten their life.
The 3.5 billion lnp-encapsulated modmRNA molecules + trillions of circulating spikes in the brain, will cause some damage to said organ.
This might result in personality changes, or (turbo) dementia, strokes etc. etc.
Not a vaccine. It was called a (Bioweapon ) Counter Measure in the Contract with Pfizer.
We should call it what it is so people dont continue to get confused.
I believe they even changed the definition of a vaccine in order to accommodate the jabs. They used the term "vaccine" deliberately to appeal to the older demographic that is easiest to frighten. Boomers.
A countermeasure prototype. To study large scale delivery for proof-of-concept, conducted on the unwary, believing victims. A crime against humanity with malice aforethought.
Then that would mean a mass awakening... and that's not happening. What I see, I'd say the majority don't even know they changed.
It's does seem like walking amonst a time warp.
It would be interesting to see a chart of what percentage the ant depressant prescription drugs, TV advertised increased each year from 2015 to 2025.
No kidding! The damned experimental jabs changed more than emotions, they imposed dangerous side effects and even killed people.
And I see the unholy pope is lying again. Not building walls would be a travesty. Besides Francis is a fake and a farce. Get out of the that church! It is apostate. As it is written "there is NO mediator twixt God and man save the Lord Jesus Christ. At death one is judged immediately. Praying for the dead is a joke, when we die our spirit returns to God and we are JUDGED. End of story. Heaven or hell.
Agreed. This is a Jesuit pope on top of it. If you’ve see photos of the inside of their Vatican’s auditorium, it’s blatantly evil. Has snakelike appearance architecture The chair he sits in, an upside down cross on the back. Some of the supposed artwork displayed there have also been blatantly evil. The pope before him carried a staff with the cross bent over which is satanic. I’ve not seen this one with it but it may be out there. BTW Biden was sworn in on a Jesuit Bible. Others may have been too. Trump didn’t bother. Oh but we’re using the excuse Melania didn’t get there with them on time…..These things aren’t even a scratch on the surface….has anyone seen pictures of the artwork at Pfizer’s NYC headquarters? Says it all!
I know one thing about you. You are intelligent. And focused. Real woman.
Thank you for the kind words. ☺️
You are welcome, you are what I say you are. Conversation gives vent to character. A kind word is never wasted gal. And I never miss a turn to praise real women. You and they all deserve it. It is worth the risk of being misjudged and I do not mind being blunt and transparent.
You’re so right. Texting is a very revealing outlet because people can hide behind the veil and speak how they really believe. Reveal the heart. I appreciate a man that’s honest and transparent. A disciple of Christ!
As in the lack of real women, that’s true for men too! Unfortunately, the evil has done a tremendously good job in destroying what Biblical manhood is about! Well, us as well. Even adding chemicals to our bodies to do so! Ex… BPA that lines cans mimics estrogen. Add radical feminists, removal of Bibles from schools and stir! You can see the decline of our nation starting at that time. Those are just a few examples in a long list. I’m preaching to the choir.
Joey, it matters not who you are preaching to, but that what you say is true and you are correct in what you have delineated. Real men started disappearing in 1969 when slime minister turdo the senior legalized aborticide and homosexuality. He was not fooling some people...both these legalizations were calculated to reduce the gene pool. And worse, abortion was not only the torture and murder of an unborn baby but the desecration of a woman mentally, spiritually and physical. I watched as males started treating women as receptacles of their filthy plumbing and sending them to get an abortion if they became pregnant. The rad fem fools managed to get aborticide legalized and thus they helped irresponsible males to treat women like "meat" that they had railed against over and over. The radfem fools managed to aid the desecration of women by their program and for proof of my assertion check WEBA, Women Exploited by Abortion. In my eyes abortion hurt would be mothers. In my case we were engaged to be married and a pregnancy occurred, so we just moved the marriage up earlier. Neither of us even hinted at aborticide. Naughty thoughts overcome us both and to be honest, I told her we can expect a sure thing if we keep fooling around and her answer to my statement was , "I do not care." "Do you?" I answered not really and that came to pass.
The baby was a boy, the next three were bawling squalling girl brats!!! She originally wanted 8 but changed her mind and we are not even moslem or Roman Catholic. (I gotta be a smart ass from time to time to keep the readers interested.) Without being arrogant I expect you will still give me a pass!
I think you might well identify with my perspectives and evil in the real world is now so common it scares me. Illicit drugs, abortion, porn, rape, murder, sex trafficking, etc are common. You are the same "flavor" as most of the women are here and I adore you and them all for being who and what you/they are. What are you/they? God's most beautiful and precious creation. Now you know who and what I am. And you can take that to the bank.
Always Edward
10,000%. You’re spot on. Thank you for sharing that vulnerability. Absolutely, all relatable. We’re sinners. I so often find myself in anguished tears at the knowledge of what our Savior did for us! So undeserving we are. Takes my breath away sometimes. My husband and I fell into those same sinful traps before we were married. I fully understand although it didn’t result in a pregnancy beforehand. We were married a year before our one and only child, a now 24 year old son, entered our lives. Trying to navigate life with that young man is difficult at best. Grateful he’s not part of this culture permeating everything in his generation, but in his own sin. Raised knowing the Lord, but in rebellion right now. It’s more than painful, but trusting Him in all! He belongs to Him!
It was during my pregnancy that the Lord started waking me up to the war on our boys. Our children. The dumming down of our boys and men in all manner of speaking. It made me angry. That anger at injustices. Still does, though I understand the Lord’s Will for our world. I’m so grateful to be able to lift all to Him and not be in a state of anger continuously. It seems my constant “Vengeance is Mine!” Sayeth the Lord is said throughout the day, every day. I can only imagine having daughters! Quite honestly, I’m glad to not have them, though I’m sure you adore them? You say brats! I pray they’re walking with Him!
It’s important and good to try to keep a sense of humor, so no need for the pass! 😁 It’s needed! Feel free, please! We need to laugh more.
Thank you so much for sharing a part of your life with me. I find our Lord bringing more and more brothers and sisters into my life and I’m incredibly grateful! I know and believe it’s to encourage and support one another in this increasingly evil world, as we await His glorious return! He’s gathering His children.
"Anxiety and Depression" - that feeling you get when you trusted the authorities and took their shot and then found out it was neither safe or effective.
Tool - Descending
Patients described feelings of inner turmoil, fear, dread, and depression.
No doubt, but I have had at least feelings of fear and dread as an unjabbed. Who wouldn't?
Same, so true!
Psalm 46:10
King James Version
10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
Before mRNA injection: I love drugs and fully trust the medical mafia so I'll try it because I don't ever want to die from some scary virus.
After mRNA injections(s): I now have to keeping loving drugs even more because I need them to stay alive. That is if I am still alive.
Naay...now i think it is " just stay the hell away from it all ".
My sister-in-law has been researching this. You are right in saying to stay away from it all! All shots especially!! Even dental numbing agents contain the Mrna. I don't know about you, but I am not going to the dentist to have my DNA changed......especially when it is snuck into these shots, so that even most dentists do not know this shot has it in it. People are really going to be surprised when they tell them this is partly responsible for unvaxxed having the nanobots in their blood also. Many doctors "in the know" tell us not to trust ANY shots....every time we get a shot of any kind, we introduce toxins into our bodies, creating environment for sickness in the future.
Its called demonic posession/manifestation. Yes its a horror show. Not on the djoo tube. Nope. Up close and personal. Permanent. The juice-box suprise. How you like them now? Its overwelmingly a single race/Spirit, creation. Undeniable and very real. Its a war and most of the casualties remain clueless theyve been taken out.
While I don’t disagree with these points, it’s important for health freedom advocates to not pollute their honest messages with incorrect attributions . Mike Yeadon, while smart man , is not former vice president of Pfizer. Until 2011, he served as the chief scientist and vice-president of the allergy and respiratory research division of Pfizer, which is nowhere near the same position.
True. If Yeadon was VP of Pfizer he would be a high-ranking member of the Cabal, and would NEVER talk.
Minor hiccup. Still a VP.
“Long-acting”, eh? A bit like the self-amplifying Replicon variety, perhaps….
Nice article but note that the spike protein is benign..
It’s our response to it that causes harm.
Cytotoxic T cells killing cells expressing spike protein (which the mRNA programs them to do), simple as that.
The reason the mRNA program persists is because we can’t acknowledge the simple and proven (autopsies in 2021) mechanism of harm.
extremely rapid & superficial search turned up this paper:
Title: "Be aware of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein: There is more than meets the eye"
There are more papers attesting to the harm produced by the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, but I just have time to introduce one.
Thanks for the ‘gotcha’ academic link post.
While I don’t have time to waste on you either, I’m compelled to point out the lunacy.
Millions of people dead and dying from the injections, with a clear and simple mechanism of harm (killer T cells attacking cells expressing spike protein).
It is quite amazing that no one knows that after all these years, instead of focusing on the elephant in the room, which is the clear and concise vector to get the mRNA program shut down, we play gotcha on ‘rapid and superficial’ matters.
If we’re throwing around links, here’s one from 2021 outlining what the autopsies actually show:
Were you aware of this mechanism of harm? Isn’t arguing about whether spike is harmful trivial considering the elephant in the room?