This has been going on for three years, and now the science geniuses have discovered it.

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Jul 5Edited

I know amazing isn’t it! Scientists, politicians, presidents, GP’s, PM’s, doctors, surgeon general’s, etc didn’t know the jabs were poison! Now after all these people have jab injuries, stroking out, and dying, they’re all baffled at why! But a random dude with a tinfoil hat, internet connection, and a cell phone knew it before the rollout! Sure!

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It's so obvious that it's vaccines but this cause is never considered. So the children continue to die. Good one doctors!

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Gene therapy! (Not Vaccines)

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“Anything and almost everything can kill you these days but the vaccines.”

The sad part is no matter who is in “Devil’s House” in Wishington next, He/She/Them will keep supporting this narrative…

BTW: Drug overdose and suicide rates are high in the US but so are in other developed countries…

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..."Researchers are sounding the alarm"...the same retards who never questioned anything about experimental mRNA injections as if they had a 10 years history of safely and effectiveness. The same retards that were willing to murder humans in order to please gates, WHO, WEF, government and big pharma. The same retards who can never be trusted EVER if you want to go on living.

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Jul 5Edited

Weren’t experimental, deliberate. Sitting on the shelves ready to go before convid! They knew exactly the harms that would happen!

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One can never find what one doesn't look for.

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The synchrony between SIDS age peaks and the childhood vaccination schedule is the most damning evidence of which I am aware against the vaccines. But aside from that, if parents were simply aware of the awful ingredients in these things, and how they are made, at least some parents would turn away from vaccinating their children, whatever hardships it might create.

It might help if they weren't lied to so much.

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Pandemic lies and poison vaxcines will do that

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My children are not. No GENE THERAPY needed here

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Its the fake jab stupid.

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The childhood vaccine schedule in the US is criminal.

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Have been on duty as a nurse since 1975, and have witnessed the consistent gradual decline in overall health for all ages, but particularly our school age children. The increased use of medications, vaccines and other 'biologics' is destroying our species; no question.

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Huh? Puzzling.

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Now we are hearing the injection is derived from snake venom and not from bats. WTF!! Cobra venom… look it up.

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At this point in time.. any parent who keeps their child on the CDC's vaccine schedule should be incarcerated and lose custody.. [ I wish ]

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This is concurrent with an epidemic of Baffled Doctor Syndrome.

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