It has boiled down to us against them, and if you do not wake up to that fact real soon, you will either become heavily controlled, injured, dead, or some combination of all three.

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Worldwide at least 20 million have died & over 1 billion have been vaccine injured, some severely disabled & suffering. Every government has been bought from the colossal pool of wealth available to the globalists & pharma from those who control all the central banks of the world. You can see this with the 650 british MP's where only Andrew Bridgen stood alone in defence of the people. The other 649 walked out of parliament rather than discuss it as they had orders from their paymasters.

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Dear Lord, deliver us from evil ...

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Dear Jamie Foxx,

If You Are Vaccine Injured:

Shut Up.

Don't You See That You Are Destroying Our Ability

To Inject Every Man, Woman, And Child

With The Same Poison That Is Destroying You ?

You Need To Go Quietly. Politely.

Why? Because It's Our Fault.

You Idiot.

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This is the lie that continues to be covered up. The non vaccines was not safe or effective. Yet, the vaccine did an interesting thing it has made people unwell. I understand that it is not appropriate to some for me to say this, yet I think the numbers speak for themselves. The excess deaths are a red flag, yet the governments, health officials and media would rather not talk about it. That is telling to me.

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Thank you again! For 26 studies of graphic, molecular-level damage to humans' blood by these murderous shots, please see the opening and closing sections. 26 studies in 16 Nations! All we need to know and show to compel public awareness and a strong fight-back. The piece also has much from Dr. Bhakdi. Keep up the great work! https://donpaul.substack.com/p/karina-and-sucharit-dr-bhakdi-and

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Lord have mercy. ..

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I have a job that requires me to be on the road every day, all over my local area. Before 2021 I saw maybe one or two ambulances a week. Since then, I generally run across two or three ambulances a day. I'm not the only person that has noticed this.

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It’s a shame the health industry is bought by big pharmaceuticals. The evidence to me is clear there is a correlation between mRNA shots and severe heart conditions.

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The vast majority are stuck on Stupid.

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Genocide sucks!

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I believe even these numbers are 100% understated. Most doctors and people never report the problem.

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These people want to provide good Heart Health Care, but deny the vaxxines direct devastating effects. Until the medical community can embrace the Truth this genocide will never be faced directly or resolved. Too late to resolve cats out of the bag.

You’re being fuxxk by your own medical pharmaceutical empire. Btw Britain “it’s the vax, stupid”

Yes we are so sophisticated but refuse to acknowledge the elephant sitting on top of us.

Medical community must be shaken into a harsh reality some of us have accepted...” they want you dead”

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Because they all got PAID OFF! Their pride and ego just couldn’t come to terms with doing what’s right and good.

Money and being accepted only go so far.

Once one isn’t scared of death and does God’s Will, it’s amazing how calm one is. It’s very powerful and lonely at times.

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Amen to all you said. Paid off. They will face their day of judgement, and IF the people truly understood just how their medical providers have become tools of a demonic state, they may face some very angry people. And would serve them right to be hunted by the public who has their families friends selves fuxxk by their own health care so called


And once death is embraced accepted

It provides great calm, which is great energy to be a warrior. Yes lonely at times, when people you live with don’t

Want to know, when old friends don’t want to talk about their vaxxines, my cats have been good companions.

I have a very small group I can open up to. Hoping you have that too. If not write me I’ll write you.

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I’ll be moving, hopefully. I need to be near like minded people. God is guiding me.

Bless you James!✝️💕

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Lol 😻. Moving is BIG Deal. Not bigger than GOD tho!!

Bless you too Renee Marie💕✝️

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I subscribed to your newsletter! Thank you, and God be with you James! ✝️💥

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Thanks I have been working more than writing. ✝️💥

Keep in touch 🌻

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You dang right they should stop them. They should have never started them.

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