No vaccinated blood, at all, ever, should be accepted.

Are they serious stating that the vaccine 'does not enter the blood stream''.

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They know, and have always known, the LNP wrapped mRNA molecules will flood the body like garlic. There is nowhere they cannot reach, by design.

The fact they are having to admit it now, even in a half-assed sort of way, is still progress.

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At least until it has been OPENLY PROVEN to be free of the spike protein and that’s at a minimum.

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So does that mean that they might try to force the unvaxxed to give blood?! 👹

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there are at least 3 companies that take only unvaxxed blood "Ironheart Bloodworks," "blessedbyhisblood" and www.safeblood.com (a startup). Plus Jehovah Witnesses have a protocol

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I worked with a Jehovah Witness back in the 70's and he had said they do not give blood. This particular man said he would not even give it to his brother. Then aids happened. With all going on he still crosses my mind from time to time, especially in recent years.

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I think their protocol is about plasma only. Not sure of the details. Thanks for info

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Why not, they have tried to force them to do all kinds of things.

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Shouldn’t they just be able to manufacture some fake blood kinda like all the fake stuff that’s already in the world. Why stop at blood?

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They are doing this to identify the pure bloods for persecution

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Black becomes white. Up becomes down. And we smile and chuckle knowingly...

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Sheldon at YakkStack is, and has, been amazing covering Canadian madness - he’s a good good man 😊🙏

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How many people can you fool? Especially when it's stated that the vax doesn't get into the blood or it stays in the arm? Too bad a snake bite only stays in one spot says no one.

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Fantastic news. That make mine worth a lot more.

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I would not willingly accept blood contaminated with mRNA "vaccine" but according to the Red Cross' web site the Red Cross will accept blood from vaccinated people.

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I guess this will be a means of ensuring the spread of their collective toxic chemical pathogen bioweapon snake oil unless collective good guy experts start work on a means to destroy their bioweapons and their nano cyberborg dehumanisation tech. Once one has taken their snake oil and become one of their GM cyberclones I guess thence forth they will immediately cease to be protected by any human rights legislation.......not that any legislation, laws or agreements have any meaning any more since the Coup d'Etat of every democracy by internal Globalist traitors all now pretending to be tax paid members of democratic political parties.

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Is this true?

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I went to the website, they have deferral times based on the vaccine type. It's two weeks for some vaccines, and none for the rest. I don't think this is real... Sorry.

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A two-week waiting period is arbitrary and mind-bogglingly inadequate.

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An extremely corrupt organisation trying to make people feel safe. Jabbed blood should never be taken...and a year doesn't guarantee anything. This organisation does not care about people, has withheld all donated goods in times of crises, has links with child trafficking and is now rejecting jabbed blood for year...to look good!

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It is about damn time. But it should be more than a year...if you ever had a jab, no donation.

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Good! Cause snake,spider,lizard venom or any kind of venom does NOT belong in the body … all ACE INHIBITORS also have one or another venoms … take a look at OZEMPIC … GILA MONSTER VENOM!

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They don’t want to get sued for giving people VAIDs! Makes sense, that’s what my dad has now. Order a lymphocyte test for your loved ones if you want to know.

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Sadly, my dad had a brain aneurysm on February 29th, and passed away. I requested his medical records, and those monsters gave him 6 Covid shots. I told them no more after the VA gave him 2 without my knowledge 💔

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Looks like this is going to lead further down the hole with passports to prove that too. Finding their manipulative ways to harness more power.

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If you haven't started laughing and ridiculing tyranny yet, now would be a late but nonetheless good time to start.

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I started in March 2020 and still going strong.

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