Republican Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) has dropped the hammer on “globalists” trying to “control our lives” by creating a “state of fear” over Covid and the so-called “climate crisis.”
To actually help us. People dropping dead left and right but this stuff is still approved for 6mo kids. Let me know when someone actually gets arrested.
Acts of war, biological and have been happening a long time, but being ramped up. This no diffdrent than the Mongols catapulting dead bodies over a wall during war, distributing smallpox infested blankets for Native Americans, etc. It's an act of war.
Yes, the Pauls (Rand and wife) invested in remdesivir Feb 2020. Almost as if they knew it was going to be flying off the shelves?! The guy grilling fauci is just like the guy he's grilling. I suspect like most of them were taking ivermectin preventatively, also have cashed in somehow. They're all traitors and war criminals.
Oh! he did reach this conclusion following the Cov hearings... That's where he stands now: amazing! Some people stop at a certain comfort zone of the narrative, but Senator Johnson went all the way up? thumbs up! I can't wait to hear a politician aknowledging the nano technology and poisons in the shots, our air, our water and food and drugs. I can't wait to see politicians looking into chemtrails and other technologies that are actually creating these climate disasters and changes... To Klaus: Bugs be gone, let us eat real food!!
I didn't hear him call out the WHO as one of those un-elected NGO groups. Nor did he call out GAVI, Bank Of International Settlements or the Rockefeller run United Nations nor the overall pharmaceutical industrial complex.
I'm pretty sure he still stands with Israel (like all Neocons & Neoliberals) and the Zionist puppet's funded by the Rothschild Banking dynasty who all worship Lucifer/Satan. Rothschild family also bought the state of Israel to set up their Zionist homeland through the Balfour Declaration.
So while I guess he addressed a truth or two, he treads lightly as all these controlled puppets do.
Senator Johnson is correct. A great majority of Congress are compromised by the Globalists so, Congress will never indict themselves. But, increasing public awareness of the Globalists plot and its multiple fronts, is a start.
THE POLITICIANS MUST change one portion of the message
based in 'common sense truth'
and that is the fact of the
motivation being CORRUPTION and a part of a larger
The City of London in conspiracy with the newest (It's actually old) Axis of Evil;
China, Russia, Iran and North Korea.
The Hierarchy of Evil certainly based out of
The City of London
KNOWS exactly what they are doing and the
population has grown to resent the Politicians and Deep State Minions to
LIE by attributing all they do to
IGNORANCE as the motivation behind the deliberate treason.
Past time to translate words into action.
Yup. Exactly what i came here to write. Its been almost 4 years of abuse we’ve been taking and nobody has actually done anything
To actually help us. People dropping dead left and right but this stuff is still approved for 6mo kids. Let me know when someone actually gets arrested.
Acts of war, biological and have been happening a long time, but being ramped up. This no diffdrent than the Mongols catapulting dead bodies over a wall during war, distributing smallpox infested blankets for Native Americans, etc. It's an act of war.
Not only dropping dead left and right, but also in front and in back. And even diagonally.
Where are the other 500 or more spineless cowards of congress? Fighting Johnson all the way.
Yes, the Pauls (Rand and wife) invested in remdesivir Feb 2020. Almost as if they knew it was going to be flying off the shelves?! The guy grilling fauci is just like the guy he's grilling. I suspect like most of them were taking ivermectin preventatively, also have cashed in somehow. They're all traitors and war criminals.
GOD bless Senator Johnson for speaking TRUTH to tyranny ...
Havana Syndrome, this was news to me. Thanks for sharing this information and I am not surprised because humanity is being attacked from all sides.
“Let’s roll!”
Agreed, I hope our Canadian politicians get the message, we are on to you..
He still supports UKRAINE! This guy is something else!
Stephanie - Say it's not so! I thought that he had come to his senses.
The first picture made me ill. 🤮
Oh! he did reach this conclusion following the Cov hearings... That's where he stands now: amazing! Some people stop at a certain comfort zone of the narrative, but Senator Johnson went all the way up? thumbs up! I can't wait to hear a politician aknowledging the nano technology and poisons in the shots, our air, our water and food and drugs. I can't wait to see politicians looking into chemtrails and other technologies that are actually creating these climate disasters and changes... To Klaus: Bugs be gone, let us eat real food!!
I am insulted by these leftists . . . "reaching goals"
Most of us are not interested in reaching this hideous goal, or any of their other bone headed goals
Finally, I 'm not that politically bright, able see this coming like a train from a tunnel! 😒
I didn't hear him call out the WHO as one of those un-elected NGO groups. Nor did he call out GAVI, Bank Of International Settlements or the Rockefeller run United Nations nor the overall pharmaceutical industrial complex.
I'm pretty sure he still stands with Israel (like all Neocons & Neoliberals) and the Zionist puppet's funded by the Rothschild Banking dynasty who all worship Lucifer/Satan. Rothschild family also bought the state of Israel to set up their Zionist homeland through the Balfour Declaration.
So while I guess he addressed a truth or two, he treads lightly as all these controlled puppets do.
If he even gets close to naming names, he's going to end up on the lawn of the capital, a victim of suicide by two bullets to the back of the head.
/let me be the first to say Ron Johnson did not commit suicide.
Mark - Good points. He also didn't call out PAWHO, OAS, the UN. ASEAN, the Germans/BioNTech, USPTO and trans/groomers.
But better than nothing...
"Seize totalitarian control" should be how to keep such control, how to expand such control.
Senator Johnson won't help us here, really, he's just "controlled" opposition.
Johnson is the good guy... trolls and shills would have us believe otherwise.
Senator Johnson is correct. A great majority of Congress are compromised by the Globalists so, Congress will never indict themselves. But, increasing public awareness of the Globalists plot and its multiple fronts, is a start.
RonJohn - At lease he's consistent.