Couldn't get vid to play. I am a paid subscriber. :(

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It's because the video was removed. I replaced the link, try it now.

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I wish to be the first to disclose what they're spraying on us

I have it on good authority that the stuff is called "none of your business"

Good to finally know


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I had a bite that looked very similar to the tick bite. No drs wanted to hear about it in Nebraska. Said it was all political and not a disease. Even though my legs felt tired and like lead for 2 years. I got no help, they refused any antibiotics and refused to order a test. So my sis purchased a test. I took it to their lab. After no reply a few days later, they said "we lost it". And still tried to charge me for the visit where we did nothing. Part of my long journey of not trusting medical "professionals" today.

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And the tide turns..the hunted becomes the hunter..isn't that how it always goes in a great mystery novel?

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About right..If that's an honest quote from Warren buffet, slowly drifting out of popularity, then may many people finally know him for who he is.

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That Secret History Military Spraying the Flu video doesn’t work.

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Bitchute video link dead, many pics in this article also not appearing

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Cen spr bots out heavy. A couole week s aho, whe jobs searching on Indeed, I saw a 3 letter agency j something...sorry I don't remember the rest, but a little digging may show the, what looked like, new agency.

The job posting was for Data Specialist". There would be working with this company, for the federal government, on immigration law and "redaction of documents"....among so much more. So who were they contracting with to hide what they were doing? Is this all the missing documents and links we see today? I don't know. Get everything important in print, cause they aren't planning to have their previously well-hid dox of their funny business out in public.

I'm only speculating, but looks kinda weird. Also, that "agency. Working w the federal government had hundreds, if not more, jobs listed, top down, which is why I believe it was a new one created. Just b4 we see the work of usaid...I hope they are looked at too.

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I am up against this aspect of it - like you wouldn't believe. I put my energy into collating sound evidence based health research - with bigger picture historic, political and religious/spiritual aspects "together" in a thoughtful file of information - for them to come to-it.. if they will... without any pressure .

I'm attacked, stonewalled, silence treatment (just their fear) almost an admission they do know things are bad (but just don't tell me it is) but I'm a person of conscience and could not ever leave ppl in the dark if I know of something that could harm them.

the rest is up to them....

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WOW lioness, this is an interesting topic and comments !

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Yes. We are "UnderAttack"

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I think ticks are being sprayed. I walk with my dog on a sidewalk not near any grass. I feel things drop in my hair. At first I thought they were a scabs . I found another 2 today. They are huge. I could see them on my blue carpet after I picked them off. I read about weaponized Lyme before. No, not crazy! Nothing would surprise me.

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RFKJr just interviewed a woman who wrote “Bitten”. Topic of discussion is Bioweapons: Ticks, Fleas and mosquitos.

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Ticks do drop from trees. But I hear you! Do you happen to live in PA?

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Yes I’ve heard of this, will try to find the info and come back to share. Also 100% believe ticks were weaponized, there’s a book called “Bitten” which I’ve been meaning to read on this subject, I believe written by someone whom worked on Plum Island.. where they were at least gain of functioned..

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Kim, I just posted prior to you. RFKJr just interviewed this author on his podcast.

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That sounds terrible! I know that ticks do fall out of trees. I do hope infecting them intentionally is not true. Please get regularly tested for lyme as well as rocky mountain spotted fever and whatever else ticks can carry!

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I mean infecting us. I was not near any trees. It's mot that far fetched cosidering everything else going on. Thank you for your advice.

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You cannot "spray the flu" but you can certainly spray hazardous, toxic chemicals.

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Then can pretty much aerosolize just about any pathogen.

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...whatever "the flu" means/is. Medicines and the 'diseases' invented as excuses to use them are never named randomly and 'Influenza' was an interesting choice, n'est-ce pas?

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in "YOU" (in-flu-enza)

i take it that what we see called a flu...is what manifests "IN" you...when your body is dealing with an imbalance incl. a pathogen, a poisoning, or, an internal battle unique to your microbiome; or, an outside/inside impact wearing on our system = emf's

where overall there is a cross-over of all these symptoms we all can have, no two experiences of the "In-you-enza" is ever exactly the same.

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I've heard that posited b4 too.

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Even on NEW YEAR’s Day the same plane that flies around our area (weather permitting) spews the chemicals!

Our skies used to be normal looking a few years back

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you know the other day I was watching an old movie as I momentarily walked by a tv.. have a guess what I saw in the sky?....no joke, criss-crossed chemtrails (all those many years ago) it was a real oldie too. hidden in plain sight, still today. Rarely a clear normal sky now

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Here in Texas we have noticed more Chem trails in the last few weeks than ever before. Saw them again today. There are never just one. It’s always at least 5 or 6 crisscrossing. We’ve talked about it this week a couple of times already. The kids keep asking questions that I don’t have many answers to. This is why we are praying more and more, “Come Lord Jesus” and are reminded of Psalm 127

“Unless the Lord builds the house,

They labor in vain who build it;

Unless the Lord guards the city,

The watchman stays awake in vain.”

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This is December 2023. As soon as we have one clear day they start spraying.

And then have a terrible next few days. THEY JUST NEED TO STOP!

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Only this this case the watchman is asleep because the greater % of humanity is out like a light and it'll be 'goodnight Irene' to humanity. If that's going to be the case I just it'd hurry up and arrive because I have NO joy in waking up, anymore.

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look forward to where we hope to be going - and why.

make a difference while you are still here, it feels good to do this.

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"make a difference while you are still here, it feels good to do this"

Agreed but that can be done in any number of ways which aren't relevant to the issues we face. I have often pondered my end coming as a result of all of this evil.

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it's all a choice buddy, the greatest gift of all we were given is freewill

I understand where you are, we can see the insurmountable evil .

I prefer to put my energies into providing ppl with information - not just for their health - but more to give them a chance to see this bigger picture so that they don't lose their chance to exercise "their" free will

"I" choose to pay it forward, I hope you will too..because I know its the remedy to our reality

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Agreed. The difficulty with providing people info is their willingness to hear and/or accept it. So many have bought narratives force fed to them and question nothing they hear on MSM.

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My pastor when I was 12, gave us kids a chart showing Israel's and Judah's kings and how most were wicked. As a kid, you're desperately searching for the good kings, but as today with government servants, they are few and far between.

KINGS OF ISRAEL: Jeroboam I, rebellious, 931—910 BC

Nadab, bad, 910—909 BC

Baasha, wicked, 909—886 BC

Elah, evil, 886—885 BC

Zimri, sinful, 885 BC

Tibni, iniquitous, 885—880 BC

Omri (overlap), extra bad, 885—874 BC

Ahab, the worst to that point, 874—853 BC

Ahaziah, disobedient, 853—852 BC

Joram/Jehoram, mostly rotten, 852—841 BC

Jehu, not good but better than the rest, 841—814 BC

Jehoahaz, noncompliant, 814—798 BC

Joash, wayward, 798—782 BC

Jeroboam II (overlap), badly behaved, 793—753 BC

Zechariah, abysmal, 753 BC

Shallum, full of vice, 752 BC

Menahem, horrible, 752—742 BC

Pekahiah, idolatrous, 742—740 BC

Pekah (overlap), awful, 752—732 BC

Hoshea, appalling, 732—722 BC


Rehoboam, mostly bad, 931—913 BC

Abijah, mostly perverted, 913—911 BC

Asa, good, 911—870 BC

Jehoshaphat (overlap), righteous, 873—848 BC

Jehoram/Joram (overlap), terrible, 853—841 BC

Ahaziah, bad, 841 BC

Athaliah (queen), devilish, 841—835 BC

Joash/Jehoash, mostly virtuous, 835—796 BC

Amaziah, mostly wholesome, 796—767 BC

Uzziah/Azariah (overlap), mostly respectable, 790—739 BC

Jotham (overlap), worthy, 750—731 BC

Ahaz, heinous, 735—715 BC

Hezekiah, the best, 715—686 BC

Manasseh, depraved until he repented at the end, 695—642 BC

Amon, treacherous, 642—640 BC

Josiah, great, 640—609 BC

Jehoahaz, dreadful, 609 BC

Jehoiakim, degenerate, 609—597 BC

Jehoiachin, frightful, 597 BC

Zedekiah, foolish, 597—586 BC


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God will be our only answer. Pray from the heart this stops

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We must repent and cry out. Like Judas Maccabeus in the great battle. The larger army came and tried to take over the smaller mation and people. Judas, leader of t he small nation, gathered his men, they fell to their knees, repented of their sins, cried out to the Lord. The Lord delivered them! "Not by strong armies or elephants are battles won, but by the Lord's decision for those who deserve it!"

Like the people of Ninevah- they repented when Noah warned them, and we're delivered from their destruction. How many other great battles?

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At the end and if it's coming I wish it'd hurry up and arrive. I wouldn't blame Him if He let it go because this is a sick and depraved world. Sodom and Gomorrah on steroids.

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Heartbreaking. Here's the explanation, my new book censored by Amazon but available to your readers here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/t2feeen29q. Cassandra's Memo: COVID and the Global Psychopaths.

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Thankyou Dr Yoho, what a precious gift I look forward to reading and sharing it too !

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THANK YOU Dr. Yoho. I just downloaded your book and started reading it now. Thank you for the link. 😎

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So the WWII captured Nazi scientists brought to America (in lieu of justified life in prison or death) were put to good use and their information built upon here and put on steroids by our government agencies? Hmmm

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Looking stranger every day. How was that a good idea, for us?

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