Hmmm. The name of the virus in question is SARS-CoV-2. The name of the illness caused by this virus is Coronavirus Disease 2019, better known as COVID-19. Both my Mother and I recently had it, and yes we live in the same household. COVID-19 is classified as a communicable disease for good reason. I could go on but what’s the point. All precision and rational thought seems to have gone out the window for many intelligent people. I suspect this was also part of the plan. Don’t let them do that to you.

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Did you really have a virus, did you use a PCR test, as we know that test does not never will detect anything. How wired are you in your house, 5G maybe, I would suggest this is why you both got sick.

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SARS-CoV-2 is from 2003…it’s been around quite awhile. CONvid doesn’t exist.

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Of course you had that imaginary virus. Sure, you did. If you ran out and got the clotshot, you'll have "it" for life, as long as that lasts, of course.

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Viruses do exist but why it doesn't matter. Because they (government leadership) are going to do whatever they want, under the cover of 'science.' They don't even care that evidence came out proving Barack Obama ordered the 5 eyes nations to spy on Donald Trump.

If this continues, well I expect those predictions of the West's decline (Deagel) to be placed spot on before 2025 is up.

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I have No idea if viruses exist or not.

My persistent question is what made me terribly sick? I nearly died with most Covid symptoms but mainly gastro and neurological effects out of control.

What made me sick?

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People get sick. It’s your body’s way of healing you.

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At exactly the time when they talk about these exact symptoms never heard of before in written history? That would be 1 to billion of billions chance. That’s just childish. Sorry… Like a tornado in a junkyard assembling a jet.

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As someone who has taken a long time to come to the conclusion that viruses do not exist, I understand your argument. But the truth is that the syptoms given for covid were generic, the virus was NEVER isolated but computer modelled (if this seems hard to undertsand there are many films explaiing this fraud). Bu the main thing that peopel say is, I got ill, and my partner got i'll at the same time. I too have witnessed this phenomenon. But the facts remain that they have NEVER isolated a virus from all other matter. this means that they could never have tested to see if this "virus" when released in the air, can cause the symptoms that the virus caused in the originally "infected" person. They have also tried many many times to prove contagion in scientifically controlled experiments and failed every time. What this means is that there may be some form of communication between humans that we don't understand. It could be that there is a shared toxity from god only knows what, there's certainly enough toxins in all areas of life to choose from, so take your pick. But what you can't do is blame it on the imagined unicorn in the corner of the room, because that unicorn, until proven to exist, is just a figment of your imagination.

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Early on I understood that whatever it was, was no more a threat than the flu, from which 25-45K died each year, with no lockdowns called for. I also knew early on that the "test" was worthless. Then we soon learned that deaths from the flu in 2020 were NON-EXISTENT.

Clearly, they padded the "covid deaths" by using all the flu deaths. And many were saying back then that "covid" was just another form of flu.

All this fear mongering was for population control, and to get the masses to accept the injections in 2021. I knew this was not right, and knew not to take the deadly vaxx.

However, in Spring 2021, after close exposure to recently vaxxed people, I had a sudden onset of extreme respiratory distress, unlike anything I had ever had, and no flu symptoms. No fever, but inability to breathe to the point I had to go to the ER.

I am convinced this was from spike protein shedding. The injection was far more harmful.

Now, whether viruses exist or not, I am on the fence. Jon Rappoport has studied epidemics and virology for decades, and says there is NO proof viruses exist.

But what about the 38 bioweapons labs in Ukraine that were conjuring up lethal pathogens to use on Russia and other countries? Some say that they had many different strains of covid that were geared toward certain populations and types of ethnicities.

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The bioweapons labs is a fair question, the the truth is that I just don't know what, if anything, they actually do in thise places. But just because the are "bio" doesnt mean they are playing with "viruses". I guess we can never know everything. I just know they have never proven the existence of a virus. But im fine with your open position, or in fact anyones position, i jest get annoyed when people refuse to look at the arguments but still say "but Igor Chudov said!"

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How about a bioweapon? That’s what I think they spread.

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

There is viruses…

1/Chicken pox spreads to vulnerable children when circulating. Children are infected at the same time in different households.

2/ in long term care facilities many seniors become sick in a short time frame with influenza which was tested/swabbed for by health units. Influenza would circulate in the community and spread to other long term care facilities to repeat the same effects.

Dr McCullough has recently called Covid synthetic. Covid is a different kind of garbage. Who knows wtf it is.

This no virus narrative has become large recently and I wonder if it’s done intentionally to confuse people or to embarrass the anti vaxxers as fools.

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Feel free to prove it and be the very first one. Follow McCullough if you really want to. Keep taking all that crap he wants you swallow to protect yourself from all those nasty bioweapons. YAWN. Come on man, free yourself from all that shit and realise that we just don't catch disease. Its inside you already and caused by a whole plethora of stuff that we still don't, and probably wont ever fully understand. Its reductive in the extreme. But hey, i'm all for a free world and freedom of thought, so you be wary of the 100 nonometer, never isolated dead blob if you wish. If you really think that this can make a healthy person sick, your choice.

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Feb 14·edited Feb 15

Another emotional liberal with poor reading comprehension. Or paid asset for someone.

Lots of gibberish replying to something I never said. Now go away.

You kinda prove my point with your comment. Thank you.

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Ok, thats fine, go ad hominem, I was just trying to help a fellow human see throught this bullshit. "Liberal" fuck me, nice label to use for me. Oooh I suppose you're a "MAGA Trump Guy", or a "Alt Right Facist", seriously is this where were at. I'll tell you what, you go on shitting your pants over disease X, which is already being injected in to people l, and I'll sit here with a beer and watch the world go fucking mental.

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I'm glad to see that at least some of the world is debating medical and health issues again. Although we never really had free and open discussions with accurate data about safety or efficacy, at least most people were free to debate most issues and media was free to cover most of them. Slowly but surely, though, vaccines went from taboo to where doctors would get wakefielded for telling the truth. Hopefully we are past the tipping point and more and more doctors and other experts will speak up. The race is on, though, before they can throw their next PHEIC pandemic. They have no idea what it is, but they already know it will be 20 times as deadly.

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Oh please Eddy...Igor fookin Chudov zzzzzzzzz

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Feel free to demonstrate how that article is wrong... otherwise you are just another dunce on the web.

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Feel free to demonstrate how it is correct. Oh I love this game, we could play it all day, then you could call me psyop and we could go backwards and forwards all night until we have eyes like piss holes in the snow. Seriously, gongive McCullough a big squeeze and kiss (with a mask on, got to watch those viruses) and run off to fight the next bioweapon with your horse paste.

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There's seemingly compelling evidence for both sides. I haven't taken a position either way yet. Lot's of people I respect take the no virus position but it does seem more nuanced. It would appear there is more complexity than we're told and further understanding to probe either way and communicate it to the masses to understand.

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The complexity is key, to blame anyting on a hyperthetical virus is reductionism at its finest. It assumes sooooooo much it beggars belief. Our very existence and the workings of the human body, and how we communicate is so absurdly complex that anyone who pretends to have slightenst understanding is a complete charlatan.

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Wow, the volume of people who will argue that viruses exist till they are blue in the face, that have clearly never seriously studied the arguments against viral existence is astonishing. I get that its a tough one to accept, but if you haven't looked at the argument just SHUT THE FUCK UP OR READ IT AND WATCH IT AND LISTEN THEN ARGUE FROM AN EDUCATED PERSPECTIVE....FOR FUCK SAKE.

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This reminds me of the Flat Earth debates.

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Now with flat earth, which is a facinating debate, i generally lean towrds the truth being somewhere in the middle. Im really not sure. But i try to start from a position of everything I have ever been been told is untrustworthy. So I trust my own eyes and then listen to what they have to say.

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Whether viruses exist or not, the "controllers" used the virus narrative and the Covid claims to further their agenda of population control and mass murder. First with the UNNECESSARY and HARMFUL lockdowns and mask mandates, then in 2021 with the mandatory deadly injections which they LIED about. They were NOT a "vaccine", and were NOT effective in "protecting a vaxxed person from getting covid".

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I am asking a real question. According to ICAN there are several companies who will be doing away with the Nuremberg Code and killing/tracking human beings through: "A new class of “encrypted RNA” vaccines are being developed where the RNA would piggyback onto an existing wild virus and spread from person to person without any person’s knowledge or consent. Although this may sound like science fiction, it is far from it. Two companies involved in this research have received millions of dollars from the federal government. A study using this technology on hamsters and the SARS-Cov-2 virus has already been completed and a Phase I trial on humans is in the works. ICAN’s attorneys have already sent legal demands to all government agencies involved....This so-called “therapy” uses a technology called TIPs (Therapeutic Interfering Particles), which are described as “engineered molecular parasites” that piggyback on a wild virus. If you get the virus, you also get these parasites. Once inside an infected person, the TIPs are supposed to rapidly multiply, hijacking the resources the wild virus needs to multiply and therefore stopping the virus.

Supporters of this technology claim it will “solve” several problems with traditional vaccine delivery, including “behavior barriers” like noncompliance. Meaning everyone gets vaccinated—whether they like it or not." https://icandecide.org

When these psychopaths speak about wild virus, what do they mean? What do you think this actually refers to. Remember, I am not asking a trick question. My question is sincere! I would like to hear actual analysis

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Try this https://drkevinstillwagon.substack.com/p/do-viruses-exist

Also try explaining while an entire civilization in the Americas was wiped out by... you got it .. a virus...

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Eddy....Eddy....Eddy...i dont need to explain how a whole civilisation wiped out as many people have already provided very good theories for that that dont include the virus hypotheis. Have you ever bothered to listen to these being explained? If so, I'd be interested in your take. Im serious, i would be interested.

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We get seasonal influenza when our cells build up too many environmental toxins from what we ingest or inject. We cyclically create exosomes (we don’t “catch” viruses), to purge these toxins from our body, which brings the electromagnetic frequency (EMF) of our cells into balance with the changing EMF patterns in our environment. The catalysts are: 1) Seasonal earth tilt 2) EMF tech 3) Ingested/injected toxins https://talknet.substack.com/p/vaxx-to-killdisable-billions-over

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