Yes thank you Lioness. I wonder if all these 'slips' and predictive programming are a distorted and twisted reflection of prophecy. These evil people take everything God does beautifully and try to ruin it. I know God uses even wicked usurpers for His purposes, just odd how often they 'tattle' on themselves.
Yes thank you Lioness. I wonder if all these 'slips' and predictive programming are a distorted and twisted reflection of prophecy. These evil people take everything God does beautifully and try to ruin it. I know God uses even wicked usurpers for His purposes, just odd how often they 'tattle' on themselves.
Yes thank you Lioness. I wonder if all these 'slips' and predictive programming are a distorted and twisted reflection of prophecy. These evil people take everything God does beautifully and try to ruin it. I know God uses even wicked usurpers for His purposes, just odd how often they 'tattle' on themselves.
their egos are so bloated, they can’t help themselves boasting about their evil deeds... how pathetic that the audience at Stanford sucks up to him.