"So they rigged the trial just like an election"

Just like an election! Exactly like an election!

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That is why they always walk around with that sickening smug grin on their faces because they believe 'we the people' do not stand any chance of getting our way.

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From my reading, traditional "vaccine" trials use a previous vaccine against the new one being tested or use a different one with similar adjuvants, never an inert substance like saline. When both have similar adverse reactions they can say it is as safe as previous one. These gene therapies falsely were classed as vaccines and are not compelled to do full toxicity, cancer and other tests as are other pharmaceutical product tests. These gene based injections previously never progressed further than animal studies because they all died. Even without injuries, a product has to be at least 50% efficacy to get full approval, which none of these do!

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Yes you are correct. Turtles all the way Down.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Thank you! The publication of facts, revealing the truth is invaluable and will help prevent suffering and save lives.

Journalist and the media should be ashamed of themselves for not doing the same. They're co-conspirators in the crimes against humanity that have been committed not just since the beginning of 2020, but leading up to the Plandemic. A few honest, determined investigative journalists and one upstanding media outlet could have exposed it all long ago.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

And if all Doctors in one hospital on one day walked out, that would have encouraged multitudes to do so as well.

First Do No Harm, gone with the wind.

Shame on them all.

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You are absolutely right, Wendy. I am ashamed of my profession. I am ashamed to say that I drank the kool aid initially and have been jabbed 3 times (Moderna even), but went to the first FLCCC symposium , learned of the lack of effectiveness and developing evidence of harms (and read Turtles All the Way Down).

Though it might have taken more than one hospital medical staff to go on strike (for all we know, they had a cadre of mercenary locum tennens on deck and ready to go should any organized resistance develop).

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry



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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

There is no level of fraud and deceit that big pharma will not stoop down to in order to push their worthless and fake drugs, vaccines and mRNA poisons. By the way, around round of poison, deadly and worthless mRNA substances is on tap. Like the mafia, big pharma is untouchable.

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I couldn't access the preprint. At what point are you saying that the placebo was Moderna? Do you mean from the get-go? Or when all control group was offered the read shot?

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

If this doesn’t wake people up, I don’t know what will. Our federal government has reached and exceeded every level of corruption and have violated our constitution purposely to destroy America and Americans. If we don’t realize that it will take “we the people” to stand up and take back our country, I don’t know what will. Every single agency is complicit in crimes against humanity, plus the complete weaponization of the weather by chemical spraying to poison us, manipulate our weather and kill us. Maui was no wildfire, California did not have natural wildfires, Canada hasn’t had natural wild fires and it is affecting the U.S. , etc. etc. The FDA and CDC has always been on very thin ice iMO just because of the toxic drugs that they’ve approved that caused more harm than good. It’s all about the money and nothing more. Then enter the covid hoax to kill millions of Americans! And of course to sneak in something like this in a placebo group. And many of our local doctors, nurses and hospitals were very easily convinced to commit murder for those Covid for $$ scams to kill patients. I wonder how much they personally received to do this!!!!! Now is the time to get a back bone! We need to organize in every state and take back our country! Just look at want they are doing to President Trump and all his former cabinet and other supporters that were front and center. If this hasn’t caused you to wake up, then nothing will. They are making up lies and false charges to stop him. Even the J6 prisoners have been murdered and intentionally violated and held for no reason. The prison sentences many of them have gotten are outrageous. It was NOT an insurrection. The FBI, Capital Police, Pelosi and others were the criminals in this! How much more do people need to see the level of corruption and evil that our Founding Fathers warned us about!!!!!!!!

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Exactly!!! Does anyone really think all these military age men being allowed to come in illegally and being brought in by our federal government is for our safety……..NOT!!!! They will be used against us! Did you know that the Obiden/Obama administration are actually housing them in camps in other countries to bring into the U.S.??? They will use them to destabilize us and to attack us. Also, don’t think for a second they won’t arm them to come after law abiding Americans!

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The Bush family is also involved in gathering immigrants and getting them into Mexico so they can cross into America. A few others are doing it too. I think the Clintons are included in the list which shouldn’t surprise anyone.. remember it was Clinton who got NAFTA passed that saw our factories and jobs shipped overseas.

The NY governor told the nurses who refused to get jabbed that she would replace them with foreign nurses. Kamala has a history of expanding the HB- visas to allow 300,000 foreign workers to come in to take American jobs. Republicans of course have done everything in their power to stop this….lol I crack myself up sometimes.


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I completely agree! Do you remember during Trump’s inauguration when the Bushes/Clinton/Ovomit all stood together in unison!!!! I knew then there was never any separation from the rhino’s/dems! They were all in it together, except for a handful.

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This is standard practice. Read Dissolving Illusions or Turtles All The Way Down. Seemingly zero vaccine trials have used true inert placebos. It’s written into law, they’re protected. It’s what RFK Jr was referring to on Rogan about the official line being that they are “unavoidably unsafe”. Almost always another pharmaceutical product, usually an antecedent of the product being trialled, is used. Double blind, randomised placebo-controlled trials are unheard of in the vaccine racket. Until we accept it’s a criminal enterprise run by pathocrats profiting hugely from mass harm and murder masquerading as benign medical science, and arrest the criminals accordingly, the sheeple will continue to be lambs to the slaughter. As erstwhile pro-jabber Steve Kirsch said recently: there has never been a safe vaccine.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I remember Dr. Jesicca Rose commenting a while back wondering what the placebo group was receiving, noticing the high side effects. She gotta see this!!!

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One of the big lies in medical school was that all vaccines were tested against a placebo control group.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Wow. Just wow.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

So is this pre-print data accurate? These are not mRNA injections.  BAIT AND SWITCH: Pfizer docs show its COVID-19 injections contain MODIFIED RNA instead of messenger RNA


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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Please pass on this great resource to your loved ones.. https://howbadismybatch.com/index.html

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

So the next time your doctor prompts you to get a covid shot, you can say "no thanks, that's just a placebo shot." Oh the fun you will have schooling your doctor!

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

No surprise to me. I had so many questions after reading the 140 page Pfizer application for EUA to the European Union. I noticed in some of the tables that more subjects died after “placebo” than with the subjects who received the Pfizer. It made me wonder if they chose really sick subjects or what was in the placebo.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

That explains why the deaths in the placebo group was higher than the general population, I noted...

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