2 of our abortionist ob residents can’t wait to move there. Btw a dean from a medical school here in Michigan told a whole medical class to “ vote for a bill that allows abortions and if you don’t you don’t deserve to be a doctor “. Nobody no way should be doing this .
I left in June of this year. People don't believe you when you tell them it's being destroyed on purpose, by design. They insist it's just a pocket here or there but on the whole, nothing has changed and life is back to normal.
The contagions (social/psychological) are strong there. Brains and behavior malleable. Was visiting family and saw it first hand about the time you left in June.
One of the most beautiful states and places on earth, became a magnet for satanic evil 20 years ago. About the time I left and never went back.
2 of our abortionist ob residents can’t wait to move there. Btw a dean from a medical school here in Michigan told a whole medical class to “ vote for a bill that allows abortions and if you don’t you don’t deserve to be a doctor “. Nobody no way should be doing this .
They also probably have two hands in Pharmas pockets, and gates giving them a reach around. Demonic.
So true
I left in June of this year. People don't believe you when you tell them it's being destroyed on purpose, by design. They insist it's just a pocket here or there but on the whole, nothing has changed and life is back to normal.
The contagions (social/psychological) are strong there. Brains and behavior malleable. Was visiting family and saw it first hand about the time you left in June.