Infinitely sad. Definitely a cause worthy of becoming warriors . The WYSIWYG kind of natural human warriors.

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Sad. Brainwashed. And, sad.

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What is to the sides of the baphomet? Are these children? Bound and on a stick to be cooked with the head in a bag? I never noticed it before but now I do. Also the drag queen baphomet has a beard and the penis is a medical staff meaning? 'Their' DNA injected through medicine?

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The two sword clad figures bowing to their respective sides of baphomet are Templar Knights bowing to their god. They were ‘allegedly’ dissolved as a ROMAN CATHOLIC order when their leader deMolay and several other top Knignts were put to death on 13 October, 1307. However appearing to be officially condemned, they are alive and well through the Jesuit order and their Knights of Malta front organization. Similar to how the Jesuits control masonry as well as every other secret order. When one learns this fact things become much more clear.

To my dismay, current Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito is a member of the Knights of Malta. High profile businessmen, politicians and religious leaders of ALL political stripes belong to this order.

Eliphas Levi, occultist and ‘expelled’ Jesuit is credited with designing this particular image of baphomet appearing in this article.

Hope this helps.

“And the dragon (Satan/Lucifer) was wroth with the woman (Protestant Christianity) and went to make war with the remnant of her seed which keep the Commandments of God and have the Testimony of Jesus Christ.”

-Revelation 12:17

“To the Law and to the Testimony, if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them.”

-Isaiah 8:20

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If you think this stuff is not real then you’re part of the problem.

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