What also rattles me are the long term impacts. I -- like others here-- have many loved ones who took 2 ( or more!) of these. . And this demonic poison could well be inflicted on us all if we don't push back.

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DISINFORMATION 101: The disinformation usually comes from the government and its cronies.


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I personally have seen many of these symptoms in my family, friends and former work mates.

The concerning part is every single one of them deny that the shot’s or shot was the cause of their symptoms.

Why? Their Doctors told them so even after showing them documented evidence to the contrary.

I really believe people don’t want to admit what they have done to themselves and their children.

It may be as simple as that.

Just my take on it.

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I don't think you are wrong. I see it in my close family and friends. They make NO

connection between the jab and their now new symptoms.

Jesus wept.

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It’s all garbage! No thanks. Never took a clot shot or a flu shot 💉! Never been sick. Build your immunity naturally! Retired from Pharmacy~ I’ve seen too much!

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“we believe that their benefits outweigh their risks," Johns Hopkins Medicine said. Well imagine that! And at what point do they say the risks outweigh the benefits? There seems to be no stopping point, no matter how much risk is (slowly) being disclosed. And why is it so difficult or impossible for people receiving these never-ending shots to find out what the risks really are? Why are the risks being broadcast to everyone? Why such secrecy and censorship?

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I'll tell you why. First, there would be so many class action suits, one might break the Prep act liabilty. And then you have a government that has spent us into bankruptcy (coming for Christmas) and given so mucb printed fiat currenc to Ukraine, there is none left for the US citizen injured under cover of law.

And then you will really have a problem...a bunch of angry and hopeless people who probably

would uprise against thier govt and elected reps.

One can only hope.

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Our risk, their benefit. From their perspective it always pencils out. Add in that they get paid to treat the damaged and that there is a bounty on the (covid) dead and there is no risk they would not accept. It is all up side for them. If everyone who got the shot got cancer then they would be in hog heaven as cancer treatment is a cash cow.

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So 1 in 3 have problems, and are likely facing a very early grave. But this number doesn't include the ones who were simply murdered, almost on the spot. So maybe it should read, "of those who survived 1 in 3..."

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There is actually no such thing as mental illness. That’s just the term they give to symptoms of neurological injury. From depression and anxiety, to bipolar to schizophrenia to dementia and more. It’s all caused by vaccines, and implants like dental work. Metals are the biggest culprit

I’ve just cured 4 years of dementia symptoms by replacing all my standard white composite dental fillings with metal free ceramics then drinking silica water for a few months.

Mental illness isn’t real and is only used in allopathic medicine because they aren’t allowed to investigate the cause of disease.

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If by now you are not questioning ALL big pharma drugs, vaccines and m/RNA injections, you deserve the death that the medical system will inflict upon you as they push towards gates's demands that 7 billion humans be disintegrated.

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Just look at their hands. So many now have noticeable hand tremors!

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Frightened to death and coerced into accepting a rape of the bodyly autonomy. That's what they did. They did it for NO medical reasons. There is no virus. There never was a virus. The memory of the plandemic times still breaks my heart. Especially for the kids, the teens, the school infants, the kindergarten toddlers. They had no life experience to distinguish whether this all was real, good, necessary or the biggest fraud of mankind in history. The elderly, even though they, too, have suffered a lot during the convid show, they had the life experience. Many of them ignored the signs. And most of the middle aged ones. One can choose the practical "solution" of taking the jab for the job but STILL articulate resistence against it. This could have saved the lifes of others who would not have taken the jab.

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So! They don't admit the worst side effects like DEATH, heart attack, turbo cancer, etc., but a wide variety of neurological effect! Many mild! Apparently, they are following the John Hopkins SPARS REPORT (tabletop exercise) SCRIPT in which neurological damage is admitted. In the SPARS REPORT, the President congratulates and THANKS the victims and vaxxxees for their contribution toward ending the pandemic in spite of substantial risks!

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