The vaccine is a weapon. I have seen what it can do.

In 2022, after 4 Pfizer injections, my very healthy mom was suddenly diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in her left inguinal groin lymph node, b-cell lymphoma and melanoma. Her immune system had failed completely. She lived, suffering, until December 13. I was her full time caretaker.

In 2023, day by day, using memories, photos, text conversations, medical records, my journal, and my mom’s journal, I chronicled the story of her disease on Facebook. I told about her illness, the failed medical response, her experience, my experience and how a community and faith in God got us through.

I have started the process of editing and rewriting on Substack. I think my mom’s story is important and I want it to be told.


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Kristi - My sincerest condolences in the passing of your mom. 💔

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🙏 My condolences Kristi

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Sorry for the loss of your mother. May your story reach the sleepers.

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Nothing about myocarditis is “mild”🙄

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Correct. A newly diagnosed patient will need to see a cardiologist every 6 months indefinitely.

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So the "side effects" are worth it for a jab for which they had to re-define "vaccine", given for a cold with an extremely negligible death rate for those under 65 - even for those over 65 as I am. How can anyone still doubt that this is meant to harm and kill? I believe the killing is the purpose and not a side effect. How can anyone still believe there's any positive for this shot for anyone - unless they're suicidal? And how can anyone continue to trust their Rockefeller-trained doctor?

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It is a weapon. It was an attack.

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It’s a Bioweapon

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Mild myocarditis is BS and we all know it! 🤬 Treating the general public as if they are idiots seems to be the norm.

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Myocytes can not repair.. heart cells die forever…the heart adapts but the length of life shortens in comparison to how many cells get damaged… and pharmaceuticals pushing executives are NOT cardiologists.. they are clueless about such things.. stupid idea to let fresh out of university dedicated idiots usurp a consultant cardiologist with decades of experience.. and then shout safe and effective like some demented parrot.. there is a new culling about to happen.. educated idiots are gonna fall.

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I studied exercise physiology in college. I'm not the brightest bulb but I know anything disease related to the heart isn't mild. It's a death sentence. They're even downplaying heart failure and conduction defects like ppl can live with it for decades...

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It won’t count as a Covid vaccine death.. you gotta live 14 days and die after the fifteenth day in order to qualify as part of the cull.. funny how many do die within the first three days.. this is totally ridiculous.. we have vaccine companies who knew the timeframe of deaths occurred with the first week.. it showed in the early phase trials so they took the 1200 and ballooned up the numbers to 44,000 to dilute the devastating results..in order to cling on to the same badge safe and effective.. which they have used for decades to pass through the criteria to push forward with a badly designed toxic poison..so they get to make a rule to cover their crimes… every time..this has to stop..sickening.. truly sickening.

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🙏 🙏 🙏

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I think there are now some 150,000 medical codes that the medical system uses to classify everything from an over-picked nose to ingrown toenails. The code for safe and effective is extrapolated to mean...extremely hostile to your body. Keep out.

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ICD-10-CM > Z20-Z29 > "Persons with potential health hazards related to communicable disease" > "Immunization not carried out and underimmunization status" = ☣ ∴ ⤵️


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There's even codes for our psychological profiles!! I had a client who saw her chart and the codes used were defined as “Oppositional Defiant Behaviour” because shebdared to question the proposed treatment meds!

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So what intelligent Japanese dude is getting jabbed in 2024??? Seriously 😒 why?

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Thanks for sharing. Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/ with a shout out to you!!

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"Where is Tiffany Dover?"

– Gonzalo Lira (RIP)

Seems to me The Lethal Injection killed her in less than 20 minutes; we got to watch her die on North American television!

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"Billion of lives could be at stake"

You think? They deployed a bioweapon, disguised as vaccine, and billion of lives are ENDING.

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It is called a torture stake

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ICD-10-CM Codes

Z28.310; Z28.311; and Z28.29.

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H-H-O aka Hydrogen Gas Therapy is very effective for myocarditis, cancers, inflammation and much more! Research it yourself and invest in a hydrogen gas generator. https://drsircus.com/general/hydrogen-rescues-covid-vaccine-vascular-damage-and-inflammation/

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