We do not know the full list of ingredients and we do not know how many “variants “ these vaccine mafia produce ... but what seems to be a common factor is that they do not keep everything the same by design... that way only a small group will have serious issues.. and the rest will say.. I took it and I am fine...we are being played by the most devious and evil humans on earth.

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That’s weird. Alpha-gal found in red meat but not fish, reptiles or poultry. And not found in humans. That’s very odd. I’m in disbelief.

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Here's the little man explaining the allergic to meat plan:


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It should scare the soul out of anyone considering any vaccine or mRNA injection since big pharma never has to disclose ALL the ingredients claiming it is proprietary information. We are running across research that claims many vaccines contain nano-particles or gel substances that are nowhere near normal.

Even more disgusting is the inclusion of aborted baby fetal cells in vaccines. I wish that everyone making vaccines could be aborted and experience this first hand for themselves. What anti-human these parasites all are.

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