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No, Evil! This baby suffocated to death on his own snot. With a wet “rag” tied to his face. In another place and time this would have been considered an act of child abuse.

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That is basically waterboarding.

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so sad....

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I would get so angry when I saw children being forced to wear face diapers here, I wanted to scream at the parent and rip that thing of the child's face. To this day I cannot wrap my head around how easy it was to deceive people into being so compliant. I refused to wear those idiotic things from day one, my doctor wrote me a letter in case I was asked in any store to put one on, I also disregarded the 6 ft thing, and don't get me started on the hand sanitizer which was so bad for you, I guess God gave me the knowledge to know the truth and boy am I glad He did.

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Some of us (but not enough of us) pushed back fiercely!

Losing my job over it was despicable, and my trust in healthcare professionals is forever gone.

Now, Off to discoveries while my child is healthy, happy, and protected no matter what.

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...and increase carbon dioxide levels in the blood of wearers...

In the context of long term mask wearing this is not good. However, raising our CO2 levels in controlled circumstances may be very beneficial. They will never tell you this, because according to them CO2 is a deadly poison.


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Simply horrific. Ideas, including BAD IDEAS, have consequences. I am keeping this little boy's family in my prayers.

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Plenty of deaths have been caused by the muzzle, albeit not in such a spectacular manner.

In 2008, the victims of the 1918 "flu pandemic" were exhumed and a study co-authored by the Evil Dwarf and published by the NIH determined that about 95% of deaths were due to bacterial pneumonia caused by the muzzles (and, of course, the Rockefellers' "meningitis" injection) that were enforced just as cruelly as during the recent plandemic.

Death can come from surprising directions. For one, beware of gifting flowers for Valentine's Day:


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Reading this article and thinking of the stupidity and ugliness I've experienced over the last 4 years of The Fraudemic... and I'm instantly transported into a psychotic rage. What happened to this little boy was scarcely singular. But they get away with it, and get away with it, and get away with it and God Help You -- except he won't -- if you try to resist it.

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Masking is out of hand. I see ppl wearing masks in cars alone, bicycling, walking alone... Children should be exempt from this type of mask sickness. Its so sad, these ppl have been fearmongered. Its in every country. I have seen videos from China. Everyone is wearing a mask. Our government, this administration at least, want to be dictators. If there were places of freedom id be there. Elites are sufficating ppl. Babies wearing masks, its training to comply. Its evil.

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This is enraging. During covid, which is still going on, adults sacrificed children for their own "safety". This is the opposite of what should happen in life. Adults should protect children. Instead: 1. many adults in authority took a lot of money to harm children 2. parents and others who were supposed to be teachers/caretakers of children never once bothered to examine what they were being told to do, whether it made sense, whether it was destructive of children, nothing. Adults too often have completely abdicated their duty to be protective, nurturing, informed human beings who would stand up for children in the face of whatever evil authorities they encounter. It's called courage and honestly, I am fed up with the lack of it which I see among so called "adults".

Even just a few days ago I spoke with a woman who is looking for a "special" school to send her kids to. It only takes a quick internet search to find out that these schools forced social distancing, masks, tests and injections on their students. At that point, who would even think of sending their child to such an institution? Well, it's prestigious so that is what counts. Sure, they damage your child for life and maybe sterilize or end their life, but what the heck, it's so prestigious. It doesn't worry her that this school never looked into facts and utterly failed to protect the children under their care. And why think, even though they stopped it now, when disease X comes along, they won't do the same thing again?

I cannot respect this woman. I most certainly do not respect any school that did these things, let alone for a moment think such ignorant and cruel places were "prestigious". I don't really understand how it came to be that so many adults utterly have abandoned children to the wolves. Yes I understand the propaganda is very strong and that this has been years of training people to be stupid and evil, but at what point will adults shake off their cowardice and stupidity for doing right by children?

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Kids are and were at zero risk of death from the 'pandemic', except those who listened to media and government. Our media and government have been taken over by dual citizens who seem to care very little for truth and justice. Time to wake everyone up.

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terribly sad and revolting... there is no longer any doubt that wickedness and barbarism are among humans and not in the wild among animals.

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Poor kid!

I lost my 12+ years tenure healthcare job while gaslighted and harassed for speaking on behalf of my 2-year-old toddler when I refused to ‘make’ him wear a mask while at the childcare center managed by my employer.

Children are losing their lives due to regulatory incompetence and morally bankrupt financial incentives, topped by spineless and mentally absent parents.

Such a lame society! Thank you for setting the level of insanity brought via independent writting.

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Thank you for your courage and stepping up to protect your child. 🙏 So sorry you lost your job and the ramifications of that loss.

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There are no words for this stupidity and negligence. My heart aches for the suffering and loss of this innocent little boy and for his family. What’s it going to take for parents to protect their children? There is no excuse. None.

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How propaganda maintains cognitive dissonance.

"‘Forcing people to wear masks has been a failure of public health’ and ‘the reason we are still having the mask debate is because authorities relied on trash studies to justify their use, and wanted to appear as if they were doing something. In a crisis, it is always more difficult to do nothing.’"

Lie 1: "authorities relied on trash studies to justify their use"

Nope. Authorities imposed masking and clung to masking irrespective of studies. A review of the literature in 2020 would have illustrated an absence of utility.

Lie 2: "appearing to do something" ... authorities were in full tyranny and were far beyond bothering with appearance. Look at the policies and behaviour of the medical authorities, co-opted business corporates, the police and municipal authorities across the West....complete uniformity... focused only on useless negative-benefit shot adherence.

Lie 3: "Crisis" ... there was no crisis other than the manufactured one. Analysis of death data shows no excess death pre- unpredictably lethal shots (Rancourt et al.; Fenton et al). No evidence of a "virus" other than the circular logic of in silico computer generated sequencing; a manufactured plandemic based on "cases" and coupled to the ascientific non-specificity (WHO definition) of a purported and preposterous novel COVID clinical condition dependent on the afore mentioned RAT/RT_PCR "cases."

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Exodus 20-13

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