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Jan 22
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WHY? Depopulation. That's why.

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Karma and schadenfreude in a nice tidy package.

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Novak is the GOAT of tennis and bodily autonomy. He was gracious for offering condolences to Dicksons family. Highly recommend reading his only autobiography about why he is so mentally and physically strong: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/novak-djokovic-servetowin-devotion

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Just another coincidence. So many coincidences. The ironic coincidence in this case is when and where he kicked the bucket. God has a sense of humor.

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Talking about coincidences: we now have three members of the U.K. royal family all with serious health issues, two of them in hospital already and the third one visiting regularly the hospital for her second cancer treatment that came out of the blue. How is that for a coincidence? Now we have strong evidence that even the royalty got the toxic shots. I wonder if they all did it for the " greater good", you know like the rest of us who have been fooled by the clever mainstream media propaganda. Now, it's their turn to find out that the risk was absolutely not worth it. I truly wonder who's going to be the first royal who will start a rebellion against the shots. You know, for the "greater good". Isn't about time to do something for their people? Is it too much to ask, or is it fair?

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I think they probably believe the BS too, maybe more so living in a bubble. I think we'll see a lot of insiders we figured should have known better get sick or croak.

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File under: "Karma before our very eyes."

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I see I was not alone in that assessment.

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I very much admired Djokovic for refusing to take the injection. He was not allowed to play in THAT Australian Open, and was quarantined by the tyrannical government, and suffered the wrath of irresponsible journalists. Now..........


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In the end, it's the reporter who chose the wrong hill.

And Djokovic, who deserves an apology from many people, will never get one.

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Cheerleading for serial felons aka Big Harma is a strange hill to die on. But millions are doing it Mike.

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Kelce will get his unless d course he got a fake vax card from the doctor but he doesn’t seem smart enough for that! We wait and see how this plays out. Maybe Taylor took the eight shots too!!

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He who vax last. laughs best

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Karma, it can be a real bitch

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Let’s get this story over to Larry Murphy, the Detroit Red Wings commentator and ex NHL player who consistently blasted Tyler Bertuzzi for not getting the jab. It made me sick hearing this sh$t for brains analyst harping on how Tyler was hurting his team by not getting the mystery injections and so couldn’t play in the games in Canada during the scamdemic

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Looks like he has a Facebook thing for Bally Sports called, Murph’s Minute. I don’t have a Facebook, otherwise I’d rub his face in this article.

Looks like there is a place to leave a comment.

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Awesome idea. I don’t have fb as I know it’s intelligence connections. But if it gets to that blowhard through the fb then I like it.

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As they say "Karma is a bitch."

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When Each One Dies

So Too Does A Piece Of The Bullshit

They All Believed.


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Well I guess Mike died on his hill of choice

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There may be a new virus -- an anti-Leftist virus we could christen "KARMA-24"

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THE SUMMER OF DIED SUDDENLY. A man reluctantly takes the jab in order to see his mother in a nursing home. Share Turfseer’s new song far and wide. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-summer-of-died-suddenly

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