As a King County inhabitant, I would agree with you! (About them being the stupidest people I mean!) Personally, I know of only half a dozen here (including myself) who didn't have the vax.
Despite this dire situation, our newly elected AG is bringing in a bill to establish a "domestic violent extremism commission" to pursue " a community-based means of identifying individuals who might be spreading 'misinformation,' consider data-tracking methods, suggest new legislation and regulations, collect and report data on incidents. A presentation before a committee by an organization supporting the bill specifically named "antivaxxers" and "anti-maskers" as dangerous extremists spreading misinformation.""
So it looks as if those rejecting the vax may soon be viewed as dangerous extremists.
Despite America now turning the page, there unfortunately remain too many powerful people with Stalinesque aspirations.
It's good that people have time to continue highlighting the horrors of the jabs, the deliberately engineered killing devices that were forced on everyone without mercy. But I have zero confidence that anything will ever be done about what has occurred, the deliberate culling of Americans (and other peoples worldwide). It's part of "their" plan. They--our wonderful Satanically-possessed controllers--are well on their way to the next culling show. Fuck justice for those killed and injured by the jabs, we are now onto "WWIII," pandemic 2.0, climate change lockdowns, FEMA camps, deliberately engineered food shortages, deliberately engineered civil unrest, deliberately engineered economic collapse; there are so many beauties to choose from. I am fairly certain that the whole idea of human-centered Enlightenment "justice" will be done away with soon. I pray for God's strength and wisdom if this occurs.
Another county where this link depiction will never happen and older couples will not have the enjoyment of each the other alone stolen by murderers and criminals pushing the fake jab.
147 excess heart attack deaths, a 1,236% increase compared to 2020?
Remember, "That means it's working." The ends might not justify the means, but they sure can point to what was intended.
This calls for change, and I do NOT mean "regime change". The people themselves are called upon to change, and to seek how they can do that. I know that some are beginning to rethink how they live their lives as they become aware what is taking place. That is a good first step.
There is an old joke about someone noticing something on the sidewalk and investigating.
LOOKS like it… SMELLS like it…Sure am glad I didn’t STEP in it! In this case it “looked like it” right away and some experts immediately warned the people what it was, a kill shot with a guaranteed result after a 2-5 year incubation period …FLAT. What good does it do now to stand there with your clipboard and check off the deaths as though it is some kind of a surprise that we need to research how to fix it NOW!?!?!? It is TOO LATE NOW.
These people got the jab because they feared they would die of covid (which was highly unlikely). Stories like this now have them fearing that they will die of a heart attack (which is also highly unlikely).
This was a GLOBAL effort.
And still the experts will cover for big pharma.
They're calling a certain part of the country "the Parkinson's belt". I'm sure they'll come up with something snappy for King County too. 😞 🤬
Ninety eight per cent of the population, was it willingly taken, or was there deception in giving the shots (tetanus, flu, etc).
Either way, I vote for the stupidest people at least in the US.
As a King County inhabitant, I would agree with you! (About them being the stupidest people I mean!) Personally, I know of only half a dozen here (including myself) who didn't have the vax.
Despite this dire situation, our newly elected AG is bringing in a bill to establish a "domestic violent extremism commission" to pursue " a community-based means of identifying individuals who might be spreading 'misinformation,' consider data-tracking methods, suggest new legislation and regulations, collect and report data on incidents. A presentation before a committee by an organization supporting the bill specifically named "antivaxxers" and "anti-maskers" as dangerous extremists spreading misinformation.""
So it looks as if those rejecting the vax may soon be viewed as dangerous extremists.
Despite America now turning the page, there unfortunately remain too many powerful people with Stalinesque aspirations.
Stalineque, a good way to put it.
That's horrible. It saddens me to see what Washington State has become.
Yes, pray, for the IQ to go back up a bit.
It attacks brain mitochondria too☹️
Of course!
And meanwhile the governments and Pharma keep pushing the vax.
And people are willingly getting them 🫤
And the ACOG
😡 We truly do not hate them enough!
And providing free education credits to docs for hemlock hesitancy oops i mean jab hesitancy.
Anyone with eyes to see! Maybe we should list vaccines as the new religion.
Agree. It was absolute insanity
I think the Covid "vaccine" is the most dangerous biologic ever devised.
Everyone should read today’s Coffee and Covid from Jeff Childers… It had a lot about the vaccines.
You mean the Bioweapon 🤬
It's good that people have time to continue highlighting the horrors of the jabs, the deliberately engineered killing devices that were forced on everyone without mercy. But I have zero confidence that anything will ever be done about what has occurred, the deliberate culling of Americans (and other peoples worldwide). It's part of "their" plan. They--our wonderful Satanically-possessed controllers--are well on their way to the next culling show. Fuck justice for those killed and injured by the jabs, we are now onto "WWIII," pandemic 2.0, climate change lockdowns, FEMA camps, deliberately engineered food shortages, deliberately engineered civil unrest, deliberately engineered economic collapse; there are so many beauties to choose from. I am fairly certain that the whole idea of human-centered Enlightenment "justice" will be done away with soon. I pray for God's strength and wisdom if this occurs.
Another county where this link depiction will never happen and older couples will not have the enjoyment of each the other alone stolen by murderers and criminals pushing the fake jab.
Should be: "REPORT: One of the Most Heavily Vaxxed Counties in America is Now Facing a Cardiac Arrest Crisis"
147 excess heart attack deaths, a 1,236% increase compared to 2020?
Remember, "That means it's working." The ends might not justify the means, but they sure can point to what was intended.
This calls for change, and I do NOT mean "regime change". The people themselves are called upon to change, and to seek how they can do that. I know that some are beginning to rethink how they live their lives as they become aware what is taking place. That is a good first step.
There is an old joke about someone noticing something on the sidewalk and investigating.
LOOKS like it… SMELLS like it…Sure am glad I didn’t STEP in it! In this case it “looked like it” right away and some experts immediately warned the people what it was, a kill shot with a guaranteed result after a 2-5 year incubation period …FLAT. What good does it do now to stand there with your clipboard and check off the deaths as though it is some kind of a surprise that we need to research how to fix it NOW!?!?!? It is TOO LATE NOW.
Not that I am questioning the cause but really --
Is it worth getting all that excited about 147 more dying in a year in a place with 2.2 million people?
It is hardly a significant number.
the significance lies in the fact that the 147 people were deliberately murdered.
These people got the jab because they feared they would die of covid (which was highly unlikely). Stories like this now have them fearing that they will die of a heart attack (which is also highly unlikely).