We are going to see articles on the internet (unless the Left shuts down free speech) for these Clot Shots for the next 10 years.

And until those responsible for the lie called Covid and the Clots Shots are arrested, tried and hung.......NOTHING CHANGES!!!

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We the awake are changing, in our knowledge and in our (removed) trust of the medical industry, it's out the window. I feel your frustration, as well. One thing I heard is that even if we remove the top evildoers, we haven't changed the system and new ones will take their place, unless we can change the underlying motivator, the money in the medical system. Hard one to change, yes. But necessary. Cutting the ties from the petrochemical to the pharma requires some bigass scissors.

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As FL-based attorney Jeff Childers proposed in his recent article:

“We need a federal law removing vaccine injury liability shields.

If we do that, if we reverse the state and federal protections for vaccine makers, our long national nightmare will be over. It would instantly kill every single mandate. One tiny federal law would do it. “

Let’s do it! How can I help?

Let's get Children’s Health Defense & others like them involved and pull our intelligence, passion, and tools together.


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"...for your merchants were the great ones of the earth (Gates, etc?), and all nations were deceived by your sorcery (greek pharmakeia - pharmaceuticals, jabs?). -Rev 18:23

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I wonder what other countries think of this data and of our decision to add this junk to the VSF?

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Great post. I hadn't seen these numbers before "for every one hospitalization avoided, there are 4.3 serious adverse events"

I wonder if that correlates with NNTV.

"The Number Needed To Vaccinate (NNTV) = 256 (1/0.0039), which means that to prevent just 1 Covid-19 case 256 individuals must get the vaccine"


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But it doesn't prevent Covid-19 cases.

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